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Coy drops Basketball for Baseball

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  • #76
    The AD and coaching staffs should have been more involved before Coy felt he had to make a decision. Everyone knew this was going to be difficult for JC to do two sports.

    If Coy felt the need to pick one sport over the other, it should have been under better circumstances, with the opportunity to consult family and both coaches calmly and quietly.


    • #77
      Originally posted by wsu789
      The media has great power to shape opinion, for good or bad. The tone of this story seemed rushed and overly negative to the athletic department. Certainly, the Eagle has no obligation to be a promotional arm of WSU, but this could have been handled differently by all involved, including Sullentrop. I doubt his approach to this story raised anyone at WSU's opinion of him. If that doesn't bother Sullentrop, so be it. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he gets less access to key personnel, or a less than friendly greeting from them the next time he needs a quote.
      This is total BS. As a fan I want my beat writer to report the truth - both good and bad. Who wants sugar coated write-ups? Just give it to me straight. Kudos to Sully. :good:


      • #78
        That's why I said before that agreements should have been made, and priorities established. Quite frankly, in the fall, basketball should take precendence over baseball, and Marshall should have had access to Coy before Gene does.

        The coaches have to do a little give and take, and it sure did not sound like they were doing that. The AD should have stepped in and resolved the issues at hand before it got to the point it did.

        I wish Johnny the best, but basketball is much more exciting than baseball.


        • #79
          I don't think Sully did any painting in his piece. He told the story he was given. It just happened to be one side's version because Marshall declined to comment and Stephenson didn't return calls. Should he have just sat on the story? Maybe, maybe not. But I don't blame him for going with what he had.


          • #80
            What is really overblown is Johnny going pro in baseball after only 1 year. Maybe, maybe not but we will have to see quite a bit on the field next year before that occurs and, if we do, it may take us to Omaha.


            • #81
              Paul is a good writer and a a supporter of the Shocks. He reported the information he could gather. It is not his fault others declined to comment.
              I appreciate what he does.
              Rip em up, Tear em up, Give em HELL Shockers!


              • #82
                Originally posted by Ashockalypse
                What is really overblown is Johnny going pro in baseball after only 1 year. Maybe, maybe not but we will have to see quite a bit on the field next year before that occurs and, if we do, it may take us to Omaha.
                Since he lost his basketball scholarship, he's having to pay out of state tuition and school all by himself. Another reason to not stick around for the long haul. Not predicting, just sayin'.


                • #83
                  This doesn't mean there wouldn't be a partial baseball schollie after this year.


                  • #84
                    Johnny Coy

                    Marshall even took Johnny's books in the middle of the semester. Johnny had a college statistics class with homework to be finished over the holiday weekend and the guy took his damn books. Johnny is hoping to buy his own books on Tuesday, but I still can't believe he took his books. There was a meeting at 9:45 AM yesterday in which Johnny asked Gene and JT to attend which they agreed upon. Johnny went to meet Gene at 9:30 AM for the meeting and Gene told Johnny they had been banned from the meeting. Not a happy situation to say the least. The Asst. AD was at the meeting and just listened. He knows everything that happened as Johnny told his side with Marshall (sitting in his suit) sat listening. Marshall was putting on a show telling Johnny he would be his biggest supporter for baseball. He even said he would buy a Coy jersey and wear it to the games. Johnny said he just looked at the Asst. AD and almost started laughing at how ridiculous he was being after the way he acted just a day before. Shockernet was also brought up in the meeting. Marshall tried to tell Johnny that some of what I wrote on Shockernet was not true. Johnny had no idea about what was written on Shockernet so he couldn't really comment to Marshall what or what was not true. All I have done was state the basic facts. If I wanted to make Marshall look extremely bad all I'd have to do is write the things that were discussed with the Asst. AD (with Marshall sitting there) at the meeting. Johnny did say the Asst. AD was extremly understanding and was extremely supportive during and after the meeting.

                    As for Suellentrop, he is doing his best to write a story without making Marshall look bad. He has to deal with him everyday. Paul used to cover the sports in St. Joseph when I played in high school and we have a good relationship. I have told Paul every detail of what has happened. He could annhiliate Marshall if he chose to do so, but he is a professional and I respect him for that. Gene is extremely proud of Johnny for taking the high road in the newspaper. Gene said he couldn't have done it. As for the scholarship, Gene thought in the worst case Johnny should have been able to keep his scholarship for the rest of the semester and should not have had to pay back last months money either. This is all according to Johnny.

                    I know one Shocker fan that was extremely close to Marshall before this happened that says he will never speak to him again. It should have never come to this. My dad said he has called Mr. Sexton 7 times and still hasn't received a call back from him to explain what is going on. If he had known Gene was going to be banned from the meeting then my dad should have been able to attend, but no one ever returned his calls. I would have never posted a single thing about this situation until people started saying bad things about Johnny. After reading how the situation "reaked" because of Johnny's doings I just had to stick up for my brother. He did nothing wrong. He tried to do something special by playing two sports at a DI college. He was promised he would be given a chance to successfully do so, but promises by both staffs were not kept and he was not allowed to do so. It's hard to have two staffs communicate to work out a practice schedule when they can't even be in a meeting together. Too bad for Johnny that he has to go 20K in debt because his college coaches couldn't communicate.


                    • #85
                      In my opinion (Only mine) I think RC20 should take a hike. This is not doing us or the programs any good.


                      • #86
                        Delete the entire post

                        I say delete the entire thread. Don't mention the situation again and I will be extremely happy. When people continue to post both positively and negatively about the situation I will continue to post. I have no allegience to Marshall after the way he treated Johnny. I say delete the thread and ban anyone from the site who mentions this topic.

                        Johnny hopes to play pro baseball someday and his reputation is on the line. If a scout or anyone read the earlier negative stuff about Johnny without anyone setting the record straight I feel it could hurt him. It could be a friend of a scout who tells a scout. If someone googled his name this stuff would probably come up. Please just delete the post and we will all be happy!


                        • #87
                          I feel bad for Johnny and the Coy family, but what Marshall is doing is most likely in keeping with the good ol boys guidelines and regulations of the NCAA. A coat cost a WSU team that was 18 and 0 in the Valley and 3 losses on the year from having any post-season. What Marshall is doing is protecting his team, you don't like it, I don't like it, but the vultures at KU and KSU and other BCS schools would see that it wouldn't result in a hand-slap penalty, like KU got when they were actually paying players, we would get the death penalty.


                          • #88
                            My dad said he has called Mr. Sexton 7 times and still hasn't received a call back from him to explain what is going on.
                            If this is true, then it is pretty pissy on AD Sexton's part. Pretty damn pissy.

                            I had an encounter with AD Sexton. I will not go into details, but I was not impressed. He showed a phoney side, which I did not admire.
                            "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                            --Niels Bohr


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Ricardo del Rio
                              My dad said he has called Mr. Sexton 7 times and still hasn't received a call back from him to explain what is going on.
                              If this is true, then it is pretty pissy on AD Sexton's part. Pretty damn pissy.

                              I had an encounter with AD Sexton. I will not go into details, but I was not impressed. He showed a phoney side, which I did not admire.
                              Agree. This is not so much a Coy, Gregg, or Gene issue. It's an Athletic Director issue. Both Gregg and Gene are winners. Both are trying to do what they can to protect, enhance, and win while following NCAA rules.
                              Sexton should have known about the situation, should have brought all parties together to evaluate the situation and endeavor to broker a win/win situation for Coy and Wichita State. All options should have been brought to the table, and all options should have been evaluated. Sexton failed, failed, failed!!! He does not appear to be a "leader", but rather a figure head or politican. If Sexton does not lead, the coaches will fill that vacuum and go into survival mode to protect their program.
                              It appears as if this is now taking place. Additionally, no top notch coach wants to work with or for someone that does not show strength in leadership, fairness, and integrity. They will leave.

                              I'm deeply concerned that we are seeing the "tip of the iceberg" with regards to the lack of control and communication in which the athletic department is run by our AD. Coaches and programs are now taking a negative publicity hit (Adams, Gene, Gregg) because of Sexton's failures.


                              • #90
                                I would agree with deleting the thread. This is hurting the programs. I don't know how much information some of you have, but, I hope it is enough to fairly and decently do all of the headhunting that you are doing against Eric Sexton.

