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WSU vs. Rambler Game Thread

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  • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
    That they did. Fortunately, the Shocks had the possession arrow and there were no further jump balls in the game so it turned out to be irrelevant. But if Loyola had the possession arrow in their favor or if there had been another tie up with the game still in doubt it had the potential to being big.

    One thing I noticed about this officiating crew is that quite a few calls were made by the official who was the furthest from the action. Whether that official actually had the best view is hard to say, although on the Reaves time-out no call the baseline official was right there looking right at Austin but the official on the wing outside of the 3 point line made the call.
    There was one call where there was a baseline drive (Smith Maybe) and the guy directly in front of the play tried to call a charge, even started to signal it to the scorers table. There was ZERO possibility it was a charge. They weren't in front of him, let alone set. Another ref on the other side had to overrule him and tell him to change it to a block. I was amazed he could even THINK that it was a charge with how good of view he had of it.


    • Originally posted by ShoxRoxMySox View Post
      The announcers acted like as soon as the opponent thrust one hand into the mix it was a tie ball. I don't know the letter of the law, but I expect two hands and a 50/50 ownership for a tie ball, and in this case AR's timeout beat that stipulation.
      It was either a timeout or a foul on Loyola. They weren't even close to tieing it up. Austin had the ball with 100% possession and was a calling a timeout for about 3 seconds before the Loyola player reached in.


      • Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
        I can see from your post total that you're new around here, Walker, so let me be the first to tell you: I don't care what they call the town, there's nothing Normal about the Jailbirds.

        Meanwhile, back on topic, this game really highlighted that the Shocks need to tighten up some defensively. Their KenPom defensive rating keeps sliding, and it's not hard to see why.
        Oh no doubt that the name "Abnormal" would be a more appropriate name for that town. I agree though, defense has been slacking a bit lately and better tighten up if we want to come out with a win on Saturday. It'll be interesting to see of the refs will allow an MMA match like years past or actually stay consistent with the current emphasis of rules.


        • Originally posted by Walker View Post
          Oh no doubt that the name "Abnormal" would be a more appropriate name for that town. I agree though, defense has been slacking a bit lately and better tighten up if we want to come out with a win on Saturday. It'll be interesting to see of the refs will allow an MMA match like years past or actually stay consistent with the current emphasis of rules.
          I don't mind if they let the boys play, as long as its the same in both directions. Of course a big time foul fest probably favors our depth.
          Its a good landing if you can walk away, its a great landing if the plane can be reused the next day.


          • Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post
            There was one call where there was a baseline drive (Smith Maybe) and the guy directly in front of the play tried to call a charge, even started to signal it to the scorers table. There was ZERO possibility it was a charge. They weren't in front of him, let alone set. Another ref on the other side had to overrule him and tell him to change it to a block. I was amazed he could even THINK that it was a charge with how good of view he had of it.
            That ref knew the foul was on #24. He did not know if #24 was on offense or defense. Yes, that might actually make it worse, not better.

            My favorite was the first half foul called on the floor. The ref pointed to the floor, said "on the floor" called it to the scorer's table as on the floor, and the the ref under the basket said 2 FTs. Marshall about blew a gasket.


            • Changed Call

              Stickboy46, your comment about the ref's changing the call is of interest to me. As soon as the one ref made a charge call, I yelled something like "have you lost your mind". The people in front of me had a good laugh about it. What I didn't realize later is that the other ref changed the call to a block call against Loyola.


              • Rashard Kelly is really helping us win right now. Best guy at pursuing the basketball we have right now. And his defense on Doyle there with a minute left was just perfect.

                Frankamp had a great first half. Probably his best half since the Seton Hall game.

                Reaves sure seems to have a Baker/Wessel-esque ability to end up around the ball.

                I love the 1-1-3, and contrary to popular opinion on this thread it has helped us out tremendously during Marshall's tenure. But there's little doubt we stayed in it too long last night. On the other hand, it did stop the FT-parade that happened the last 8 minutes of the first half. And it helped hide Shaq's apparent lack of desire to play any defense at all last night.

                Smith will need to be much, much better on Saturday. He has shown that he can be.

                Nurger seems very adept at passing out of double teams for someone who just started drawing double teams.

                That could have been a big shot not only for the Shockers season, but for Zach Brown's season as well.


                • Anybody see the KUnkel tweet where Nurger got called for an offensive fall while the guy had a forearm in his back and Rauno was moving away from him? I didn't see the play live, as I was watching someone else at the time, but that was pretty damn bad. I can kind of understand missing a call here and there, or making the wrong call, but making up calls is trash.
                  "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                  • Originally posted by ShockdaWorld View Post
                    Anybody see the KUnkel tweet where Nurger got called for an offensive fall while the guy had a forearm in his back and Rauno was moving away from him? I didn't see the play live, as I was watching someone else at the time, but that was pretty damn bad. I can kind of understand missing a call here and there, or making the wrong call, but making up calls is trash.
                    I saw it on TV. I replayed it several times and still couldn't figure out what it was about.

                    Markis, Shamet, and Kelly have been playing like studs lately.

                    I have really liked Willis' game up until the last two games. He has really looked like a juco player lately.

                    Shaq needs to get his defense in order or he will be watching a lot. I'm really disappointed in his performance since he returned.


                    • Originally posted by WheatShock View Post
                      I don't mind if they let the boys play, as long as its the same in both directions. Of course a big time foul fest probably favors our depth.
                      Same here, as long as it goes both ways but it never seems to though. But I think you're right, this is where are depth will really help.


                      • Originally posted by moshock View Post
                        I saw it on TV. I replayed it several times and still couldn't figure out what it was about.

                        Markis, Shamet, and Kelly have been playing like studs lately.

                        I have really liked Willis' game up until the last two games. He has really looked like a juco player lately.

                        Shaq needs to get his defense in order or he will be watching a lot. I'm really disappointed in his performance since he returned.
                        Nurger was called for using his right arm to create space with the defender. VERY ticky tack.

                        100% agree. I don't think Kelly has gotten enough credit for his play the last 2 games.

                        Willis will have ups and downs as he continues to adjust to both D1 and the increased attention teams are giving him. No surprise there, he will need to work hard at not getting frustrated and letting the game come to him.

                        I'm wondering if Shaq's thigh injury is still nagging him. Its either that or attitude, can't tell which.
                        Its a good landing if you can walk away, its a great landing if the plane can be reused the next day.


                        • I've felt like the last couple of games there have been multiple "even it up" foul calls. If one team fouls more, they SHOULD have more fouls called on them.
                          "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                          • Originally posted by WheatShock View Post
                            Nurger was called for using his right arm to create space with the defender. VERY ticky tack.

                            100% agree. I don't think Kelly has gotten enough credit for his play the last 2 games.

                            Willis will have ups and downs as he continues to adjust to both D1 and the increased attention teams are giving him. No surprise there, he will need to work hard at not getting frustrated and letting the game come to him.

                            I'm wondering if Shaq's thigh injury is still nagging him. Its either that or attitude, can't tell which.
                            The trouble is that's what he was called for, but it didn't happen. At least not in the video I was watching.
                            "You Don't Have to Play a Perfect Game. Your Best is Good Enough."


                            • His hand was on the defender and he may have used it a bit. It wasn't an obvious push off (if he did at all), and its a common move that is rarely called unless a player hooks the defender to hold him off. Like I said, very ticky tack.

                              Overall I thought Nurg played well last night, he defended, passed well, and got the rebounds he should get (including 1 bullcrap foul call late).
                              Its a good landing if you can walk away, its a great landing if the plane can be reused the next day.


                              • Shaq had to be frustrated in the second half. He got that "mystery foul" as Shane called around 13:30 where the team was running back with Morris out front starts to pull up around the FT line and gets a hard arm bar to the back from #31, then Shaq tries to regain position by going around 31 with him still pushing on his back and Morris got whistled.

                                Then late in the game, between 4:00-3:30 to go, Shaq was fed the ball down low. Jackson was guarding him and although he had his arms up straight, he was moving his feet constantly, bumping and moving Shaq to the point where Shaq went down on his shot (no flop), no call, but another mystery call (my words) on McDuffie who didn't bump anybody getting position.

