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The Annual HCGM's WSU Future

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  • Originally posted by WheatShock View Post
    He's been around here for a while but he's just another P5 lackey who would love to get rid of 3G
    Gotcha. KU fan? Screw those guys. #somethingwecanallagreeon


    • Originally posted by masterofmustaches View Post
      Gotcha. KU fan? Screw those guys. #somethingwecanallagreeon
      K-State if I recall correctly.
      Its a good landing if you can walk away, its a great landing if the plane can be reused the next day.


      • Originally posted by masterofmustaches View Post
        Gotcha. KU fan? Screw those guys. #somethingwecanallagreeon
        Syracuse alum i think
        Follow me on twitter:


        • Probably this guy. :joyous:


          • Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
            I do still think there's room for debate with UNLV though. It will take a solid effort to defeat their fans.

            The best thing anyone could do would be to somehow get the Memphis fans arguing with the UNLV fans that their vacated teams could beat the 91 Rebels.
            That would be fun for me. Grew up in Chicago, went to Memphis, and now I live in Las Vegas. Where's the popcorn?


            • Originally posted by masterofmustaches View Post
              Hey guys, Memphis fan here who came in peace earlier.

              I read this tweet a moment ago. Is this guy a legitimate reporter in Wichita as he claims to be on twitter? Honest question, curious if he's a reliable source. Thanks!
              Clickbait and promotion for the dying sports show they have on Sunday nights.

              Parsons contributed to the Wichita Eagle at some point (K-State beat writer maybe?) but I believe now works at a convenience store.
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • Originally posted by BasketballJones188 View Post
                Memphis AD, Fred Smith, Bill Laurie, and Brad Martin are in Wichita today. Marshall wants full control. No room for negotiation. I don't blame him for that. Not sure Tom Bowen (Memphis' AD) will concede. He's hard headed
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • I still don't understand how this debacle with Jeff Parsons and Will Kunkel started.. WSU gets some long awaited basketball success and those 2 do everything in their power to make sure everyone knows that their true loyalty rests with KU, KSU, P-5. And yet both of these garbage journalists continue to work in Wichita?
                  I mean seriously, both need to relocate to.. Topeka. KWCH needs to let WSU fans enjoy themselves, why they allow their status quo in the sports department to continue is baffling.


                  • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                    Clickbait and promotion for the dying sports show they have on Sunday nights.
                    Which is, by the way, an absolute waste of time.
                    "Long wave the Yellow and the Black..."


                    • Originally posted by bleed yellow View Post
                      I still don't understand how this debacle with Jeff Parsons and Will Kunkel started.. WSU gets some long awaited basketball success and those 2 do everything in their power to make sure everyone knows that their true loyalty rests with KU, KSU, P-5. And yet both of these garbage journalists continue to work in Wichita?
                      I mean seriously, both need to relocate to.. Topeka. KWCH needs to let WSU fans enjoy themselves, why they allow their status quo in the sports department to continue is baffling.
                      KWCH is sewer garbage now. In complete 100% honesty, I have not tuned into that station in well over 2 years.
                      Deuces Valley.
                      ... No really, deuces.
                      "Enjoy the ride."

                      - a smart man


                      • KWCH was the best Wichita newscast for years and years, but for some reason have turned into a TV tabloid - across nearly all facets. Who knows why, but their journalistic integrity is very low.

                        If I haven't fallen asleep, nor found myself highly interested in a late-night infomercial, then I might watch Sports Sunday. Maybe. Or I might trim my toenails.


                        • :heart-borken: Memphis is going to get Josh Jackson now! And Penny on staff!

                          Thanks so much guys! stay tuned :biggrin-new:


                          • Originally posted by SadFace View Post
                            :heart-borken: Memphis is going to get Josh Jackson now! And Penny on staff!

                            Thanks so much guys! stay tuned :biggrin-new:
                            Hey Royal, why didn't you permaban this ghettobro?
                            Deuces Valley.
                            ... No really, deuces.
                            "Enjoy the ride."

                            - a smart man


                            • We've now entered the "well he hasn't publicly shot it down yet, so serious negotiations HAVE to be going on" phase. Yet he has only once publicly turned down an offer. That was Bama, and that was only because Bama made a very public offer and WSU countered. So he didn't even "turn down" Bama, he accepted WSUs contract. The public decline statement actually came from Bamas AD, not Marshall.


                              • Memphis fans are hanging their hats on the fact that Marshall hasn't just come out and said he's not a candidate for the Memphis job. Little do they know that's not how Gregg operates. This has been the case with every courting that's ever gone on with him. He just flat out won't say anything. A couple days later, the courting schools come out with their No.2 choices inked to a deal. Marshall will still never come out and comment on anything. And once again, all is forgotten.

                                This thing continues to play out every freaking year the same way. It's just fascinating watching how other fanbases claim they know everything and seeing their reactions play out.
                                Deuces Valley.
                                ... No really, deuces.
                                "Enjoy the ride."

                                - a smart man

