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2014-15 Games of Interest

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  • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
    Blowjay RPI 138, SOS 122: Hello irrelevance.
    We had a few pretty lively discussions with their fans on the Valley board last year where they INSISTED the abyss would never happen, remember those? Media and fans in general would continue to place them in the highest regard following Doug's graduation, and they might see a brief, fluke NIT appearance or two during the reload phase. Then right back to the top. Check back in a year so they could rub our noses in it, they said.

    LOLOLOLOL *crickets*

    Pity that MVC Priss locked the better ones to guard against a timely bump or two.


    • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
      We had a few pretty lively discussions with their fans on the Valley board last year where they INSISTED the abyss would never happen, remember those? Media and fans in general would continue to place them in the highest regard following Doug's graduation, and they might see a brief, fluke NIT appearance or two during the reload phase. Then right back to the top. Check back in a year so they could rub our noses in it, they said.

      LOLOLOLOL *crickets*
      This has to be really, really tough on those Creighton fans with their over-inflated opinions of themselves. This past summer they were referring to themselves as "The Duke of the Midwest."

      ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


      • In so many ways it is a great day!


        • Watching the replay of EU LOYOLA. Really good back and forth finish. Reg season and St Louis should be much more interesting this year. I feel like the Valley is headed towards a renaissance in the next few years.


          • Good trade - Loyola for Creighton. Very timely.

            Pomeroy ranking:
            Loyola - 86
            Creighton - 118

            Loyola - 53
            Creighton - 137
            Last edited by Shocker-maniac; January 8, 2015, 12:04 AM.
            ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


            • Originally posted by pie n eye View Post
              Watching the replay of EU LOYOLA. Really good back and forth finish. Reg season and St Louis should be much more interesting this year. I feel like the Valley is headed towards a renaissance in the next few years.
              YES PLEASE.

              No, don't tell me that. I, the sentimental MVC optimist, had been making progress in distancing myself from it, and then the conference goes and hints towards maybe improving. Now I'm just gonna come crawling back into this abusive relationship again.


              • Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
                Good trade -- Loyola for Creighton. Very timely.
                Yes, who'd have thunk it? Timing really is everything. The Valley ended up with the good Jesuits, while the Big Priest fell for one year of the Dougmeister's PR machine, forgetting that "past performance does not guarantee future results." There's still plenty of season left, but if Warren Nolan's guesses are anywhere close -- he projects the Jayboys to finish at 2-16 (!) in the league -- that isn't necessarily good news for them.

                Maybe Creighton should have joined the WAC instead. I hadn't really looked at the WAC's standings -- or teams, for that matter -- until tonight, and goodness: what a rogues gallery that is. How have they NOT added NJIT (which is west of the Atlantic Ocean, after all)?


                • Patience, I see this league getting back to a two to three NCAA bid league in our near future. ISUr, NIU, WSU. If the league can keep the good coaches, and the Schools keep improving there facilities and PAY their coaches what their worth then who knows...


                  • Uh-oh, Blackmag. Grammar Police!

                    Spellcheck doesn't help when you don't know the difference between "there", "their," and "they're" (hint: "they're" = "they are"). You can spell whichever ones you use correctly and still go just 1-for-3. By the way, NIU is also Northern Illinois.

                    Enough nitpicking for now... Go Shocks! That much we agree on.


                    • Not sure where to put this, but it's regarding a game of interest so I'll stick it here.

                      Even though ISUr crushed Drake, provided some quality reading.

                      @Pg_Benson: ISU coach Dan Muller said Deontae Hawkins, who is injured, missed a meeting and was told to stay home tonight. "No big deal," said Muller. [I know, I know glass houses blah blah blah, it's still interesting]

                      ISUr fans get free wings if their team scores 83. ISUr had the ball with no shot clock at the end of game, 81 points on the board and let the clock run out. The fans booed (sarcastically of course, just having some fun in a 36 point blowout) and Muller turned around and yelled at them to shut up. He also went after the fans on the post-game presser. One fan posted this gem:

                      Where I have the problem with what Dan Muller dide (might I add that I've defended him throughout his first 3 years and am still a big supporter), is where he turns around to the fans, and waves his arms in a "shut up" like way. He showed zero poise there. Also, when the game was over, and his team is walking towards the Drake bench to shake hands, he raises his arms up like, "come on, we just won...make some noise". Again, he has a lot to learn, and he didn't have to make those gestures and certainly shouldn't have been so demonstrative. His non-verbal communication basically stated, "listen to me...I'm the boss here". It was uncalled for at best, and arrogant and somewhat demeaning at worst. His players are his pupils, and signed up for his life lessons. But nobody else in that arena signed up to listen to his rules as if he is some sort of dictator.
                      What a hilarious program.


                      • Considering the constant flaming they do on Marshall, I find that pretty freaking humorous.

                        It wouldn't surprise me that 3 free wings is more important to most Redturd fans than the actual basketball program.
                        Deuces Valley.
                        ... No really, deuces.
                        "Enjoy the ride."

                        - a smart man


                        • Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
                          This has to be really, really tough on those Creighton fans with their over-inflated opinions of themselves. This past summer they were referring to themselves as "The Duke of the Midwest."

                          Well, Duke does have a lot of inexplicable early round NCAA losses. Maybe that's what they mean?
                          Originally posted by BleacherReport
                          Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


                          • Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
                            Where do you think Creighton would finish in MVC standings?
                            They'd still have a decent chance to avoid Thursday night. Bradley, SIU, and Drake are truly awful teams. 6-12 or 7-11, probably. They'd be in the Indiana State/Missouri State/Illinois State race to avoid Thursday. Which, with a 3-0 ISUb team, would probably come down to MoSt/Creighton.
                            Originally posted by BleacherReport
                            Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


                            • Originally posted by wusphlash View Post
                              DePaul leading the mighty Big East at 3-0.
                              What is funny is Depaul finished dead last in the Rainbow Classic, losing the 7-8th place game to Loyola Marymount.
                              Shocker Nation, NYC


                              • Man KU fans are so fickle. I hear a lot of them bitching about Perry Ellis and his play yesterday and he "almost lost the game for them". I flat out said Perry Ellis has saved you a million times already and carried the team in games. If he wants to leave we will welcome him back home with open arms at WSU.

