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**Wichita State @ Northern Iowa Game Thread**

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  • Ref, did you think the refs were out of position last night when they made a lot of their calls? Just curious
    Last edited by shoxlax; February 9, 2014, 11:28 AM.


    • I have'nt really seen too many games this year where teams play perfectly from start to finish. Basketball is a game of runs, great teams seem to have longer runs and shorter periods where they don't score. Which is what we are able to do, therefor we are 25-0. Teams that play great defense can survive those droughts better than teams that don't play great defense...therefor we are 25-0. Teams that rebound and get second and third chance opportunities survive bad shooting nights, therefor we are 25-0....and lastly we tend to not turn the ball over and get to the line alot, and shoot about 74% from the line....thats right, thats why we are 25-0...this team isn't perfect (no team is) but we do so many things well that we don't have to be perfect....


      • Originally posted by The 'hut View Post
        I don't know what is more distrubing, this thread and all of it's horrific sexual innuendo, or Mark Adams.
        I had to scroll back up high enough to see if JH4P wrote this statement.
        "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
        Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
        "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

        A physician called into a radio show and said:
        "That's the definition of a stool sample."


        • I can't believe anyone would think that sexual innuendo could be horrific unless that person was PC or a HR rep.


          • 15 Turnovers = too many. It has been a trend lately 13 - 14 - 16 - 11 - 10 - 15. The 10 and 11 aren't bad,but ...
            "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
            Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
            "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

            A physician called into a radio show and said:
            "That's the definition of a stool sample."


            • Originally posted by Shox21 View Post
              The only thing I heard about was something to do with a defunct basket goal we were supposed to use in shoot around and Marshall wasn't too happy about the situation. Don't know the facts, don't know how much of a delay there was in our shoot around or if we had to cut it short. Didn't hear anything about the players being involved with each other.
              same thing i heard from the announcers.
              Wichita state either didn't have a basket to shoot on or it came late.

              Sounds like b.s. coming from a college university not being ready for a superbowl at their house.


              • Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
                We're 25 games into the season, how long are we going to continue to say 'wait til we start clickin'. What's wrong with this team that it's taking them so long?
                I think what you're saying and what others are missing is that we aren't clicking on all cylinders. There are some that aren't doing what we'd like offensively (Wiggins, Coleby, and Wessel). You get Wiggins to at least hit 3's as consistently as Cotton, have Coleby start making offensive plays inside, and have Wessel at least start making one 3 every 5 attempts, then we're clicking.


                • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                  Typical refusal to be honest with your argument.
                  Anybody have some gnat spray?
                  Deuces Valley.
                  ... No really, deuces.
                  "Enjoy the ride."

                  - a smart man


                  • Originally posted by WillieJeffJeffries View Post
                    I luv reading these in game comments, its comedy gold. Personally I never do it cuz I want to have a beer and watch the game while playing poker with the guys but some you guys crack me up. There is "Shocker Fever" running hot and cold with every poss, the overall negitivity of KC Shox and of course we have several sunshine pumpers and ref haters no matter what the situation. Reading this game thread I thought for sure the Shox got out rebounded...nope, Shox rebound margin was 16 (40-24), Shocker Fever told us several times during the game that our offense sux.....nope, 82 points, 53% from the field, 40% from 3, 80% from the line and 15 assits on 24 baskets (to be fair he also said offense was great to but we dont pass the eye test against poor teams). UNI got every call and was not whistled for any fouls......nope, UNI 25 fouls WSU 19. I dont know whats going to happen from here on out, I just want to enjoy the season and hope the wins keep coming, but not live and die with every bounce of the ball. And of course enjoy the comedy from this board.
                    Probably better to be here during the course of the game, if you're gonna pick out posts to read post-game. Nobody was harping on my posts at the time they were posted, because they were all legitimate. Think in context next time.

                    What is a poss?
                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • Another nice road win. Go Shocks!
                      I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                      • I wasn't able to watch the game live as it happened and had to watch the replay on ESPN3. I didn't see any disparaging calls that favored one team over another. On the charge call on Washpun in the first half where they gave him the basket, that could have easily been called a blocking foul. We should be glad they don't review every blocking/charge foul to make sure they got it right. If you watch the replay, Early is starting to fall backwards even before contact is made. I believe the rule says that you're supposed to take the full contact for it to be called a charge.

                        If Early would have done that, it would have been a charge and I don't think the basket would have counted. As it is, it was the right call by the referee and the right call when viewed live. It's only when you see the replay that you see other things.


                        • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                          Probably better to be here during the course of the game, if you're gonna pick out posts to read post-game. Nobody was harping on my posts at the time they were posted, because they were all legitimate. Think in context next time.

                          What is a poss?
                          I read many of your complaints (as well as those of other posters) in real time during the game last night. I thought the complaining about the refs was out of hand, but I was too busy following the game to care to "harp" on the complainers at the time. I assume many other posters felt the same way. Don't assume silence means everyone agrees with you.


                          • Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
                            I had to scroll back up high enough to see if JH4P wrote this statement.
                            What? Why?


                            • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                              Probably better to be here during the course of the game, if you're gonna pick out posts to read post-game. Nobody was harping on my posts at the time they were posted, because they were all legitimate. Think in context next time.
                              I could tell a lot of your posts had a little sarcasm in them. For instance, the start of the second half where you said, "Great start to the 2nd".


                              • Originally posted by SHOXMVC View Post
                                ...or is it possible that we play down to the competition. It happened all the time last year. We won most of them, but slipped up and lost some we SHOULD HAVE WON. I want to believe we will seize the opportunity each game and continue to play "Winning Angry."
                                I'm totally on the "I hope the ugliness recently is WSU playing down to its completion and they will play better in March" train.

