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  • #31
    Originally posted by shock View Post

    It was better before Covid when he was always right and rubbed people’s faces in it.
    You're making me blush now.

    Translated: "It was better before Covid when he said things I agreed with..."

    I don't have the material I used to. Much more time and mental resources were spent on these boards back in the day. I don't watch sports much anymore either. I am a Shocker fan (and alum) balls to bones. When the Shockers aren't playing, I don't pay attention. It took the firing of Gregg Marshall (in the way it was done), to cause me to walk away almost entirely. I won't waste my time (any person's most valuable resource) on a program that isn't serious about achieving excellence. Once they prove they aren't incompetent amateurs, CB will return. I'm not big into welfare.

    I tolerated BeltTight because Marshall was the one calling the shots. I also warned that a new AD, cut from the same cloth as Schaus, needed to be sought out after the way the baseball situation with Mini-B was handled. But ****-canning our Hall of Fame coach over a few MINOR ****ING indiscretions? ***** incompetents. They can cover up sexual assault allegations during our Final Four, but they can't handle a few whiney kids? Jesus Christ... buy their mom a ***** car or something. BJ and K|Luck have had criminals on their teams and did what was necessary to keep the wheels on.


    • #32
      Originally posted by WstateU View Post
      He's as 'Cold' as ice...

      Thank you!

      One of the very few artifacts remaining from a truly magical time.

      I believe my final hurrah was the Shocker introduction to the AAC and the CSNBBS board. Pretty proud of that work.

      Still undefeated since... 95? 99?

      Still owned by moderators everywhere.


      • #33
        I think he's swinging it at the spearmint rhino.
        There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


        • #34
          Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
          Maybe BJ has a homosexual 2nd stringer with a big schlong that loves to show it off. He could certainly be earning millions. Maybe a decent amount of it coming from the local clergy!!
          Glad to have you posting in the MBB forum again, the comedic value of some of your posts are second to none.
          Shocker fan for life after witnessing my first game in person, the 80-74 win over the #12 Creighton Bluejays at the Kansas Coliseum.


          • #35
            I will say this. When the season ends I'd give players three days to declare their intentions re the portal so HCPM can quickly focus on the ones in it or entering. This aside from the ones coach doesn't want to retain himself, if any.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Ta Town Shocker View Post
              Glad to have you posting in the MBB forum again, the comedic value of some of your posts are second to none.
              I'll do what I can, but my leash is very short. I can't open up a can in this place. Everybody gets to beat me with a club while I just show them a mean face. That's kind of the deal. It's a small miracle I made it through Covid with my login still working.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Ta Town Shocker View Post
                Glad to have you posting in the MBB forum again, the comedic value of some of your posts are second to none.
                Normally I’d agree with you but I can’t shake his Covid garbage out from my brain which kinda ruined it.
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • #38
                  This place is a powder keg of frustration. High risk of devolving into cannibalism.

                  The problem with our "rebuild" is that the coach's personality doesn't convey a comparable sense of urgency that the typical Shocker fan feels. He needs to know his audience. We want plain talk with no sugar coating. We want the coach to raise his right hand when clear failures are demonstrated, stating in no uncertain terms that a team Shocker Nation can be proud of WILL be achieved - no ifs, ands, or buts. We recognize swagger, we recognize work ethic. We want both on the ****ing court, and we want it yesterday. If the offensive talent's not there yet, then get your ****ing hands on the floor and make a visitor's time at Koch Arena the worst they've ever experienced. And you have my word, if the players bring that kind of fire, the fans will fill that building to the top, creating the kind of legendary roar that can only be experienced to understand - and why the Roundhouse has the reputation of being one of the most intimidating places to play in the country.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Shocktoberfest View Post

                    Heck yes! At least there would be transparency. The way things work now nobody has a clue what is going on. It’s way weak.

                    “MTXE Club”

                    even if it got our guys a guaranteed $750-$1500 a month it would definitely be something, transparent, and legitimately helping them and their families out (especially the walkons) - not as the good Doc puts it fueling booze, weed, and bad decisions. Know exactly where your money is going down to the cent. Catered to the personal touch, correspondence etc from the collective and players to the donors as individuals. Make everyone feel appreciated.

                    Could offer exclusive Q&As, videos, behind the scenes and personal connections with players at a way higher scale than armchair since it would be bball only… maybe onto something here
                    Last edited by Onegreatracer; January 15, 2024, 09:00 PM.


                    • #40
                      Shocker fans want Play Angry. Money won't bring Play Angry, in fact, it probably brings just the opposite.

                      Play Angry comes from a hardened psychological state. You start with certain types of individuals who can be poked and prodded in a certain direction. Then you add a little je ne sais quoi and folks start running through walls.

                      Incentives matter. Results matter. Get us some warriors on the floor and they won't have to worry about earning.

                      We need a fleet of vehicles that represent the kind of team we are trying to build; guys that will bring their lunchbox to every game and not take a shift off. I'd start with black 'n gold Ford trucks.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                        Shocker fans want Play Angry. Money won't bring Play Angry, in fact, it probably brings just the opposite.

                        Play Angry comes from a hardened psychological state. You start with certain types of individuals who can be poked and prodded in a certain direction. Then you add a little je ne sais quoi and folks start running through walls.

                        Incentives matter. Results matter. Get us some warriors on the floor and they won't have to worry about earning.

                        We need a fleet of vehicles that represent the kind of team we are trying to build; guys that will bring their lunchbox to every game and not take a shift off. I'd start with black 'n gold Ford trucks.
                        Lisa Hambelton is a season ticket holder. I'd start there.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

                          Normally I’d agree with you but I can’t shake his Covid garbage out from my brain which kinda ruined it.
                          Now who's the one that's triggered?

                          Let it go. This country needs to learn how to respect the views of people they don't agree with.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                            Now who's the one that's triggered?

                            Let it go. This country needs to learn how to respect the views of people they don't agree with.
                            Noone has to respect other views, just respect the rights of others to voice their views, regardless of how moronic they are.

                            You need to find a girlfriend again.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post

                              Noone has to respect other views, just respect the rights of others to voice their views, regardless of how moronic they are.

                              You need to find a boyfriend again.


                              • #45
                                I'm pretty concerned we're putting all our NIL eggs in the Armchair basket. Not only is there no transparency but we really have no idea of the capabilities and competency of the individuals in charge. Seems like the big boys like our neighbors to the NE at least have a recognizable face to their collectives (usually a popular former athlete). Makes me wonder if anything has really changed since the billboard.

