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  • Maizerunner08
    Listened to HCPM’s post-game presser for the first time and I’m throughly impressed.

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  • Kung Wu
    I hope everything is okay!

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  • Shocker Mama
    Wonder what that is about. He looks healthy, and is a (relative) youngster.

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  • WstateU

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  • WstateU

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  • BostonWu
    Originally posted by WstateU View Post
    Thanks for returning this to the Paul Mills thread.

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  • WstateU

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  • ShockTalk
    Originally posted by Dan View Post

    that's true, same can be said for turning guys like JT Durley and Shaq Morris into 1st team All Conf players.
    True. However, I'm not sure that it would not have been wiser for HCGM (career wise and for the Shocks) to have cut ties early with Shaq. Talent and potential were never a question. Everything else was.

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  • Dan
    Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post

    And Marshall equally does not get enough credit for keeping Cle focused for two years.
    that's true, same can be said for turning guys like JT Durley and Shaq Morris into 1st team All Conf players.

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  • Stickboy46
    Originally posted by Dan View Post
    It’a no coincidence that Marshall’s best 2 years were the years we had Cleanthony Early. Cle does not get his dues around here.
    And Marshall equally does not get enough credit for keeping Cle focused for two years.

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  • Dan
    It’a no coincidence that Marshall’s best 2 years were the years we had Cleanthony Early. Cle does not get his dues around here.

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  • Woodrow
    Originally posted by ShockHat View Post

    I’m going to say something super controversial. Marshall’s best years were when we had Fred Van Vleet here, and I don’t think that’s by chance. I *think* (my opinion don’t blast me) that the height of his success was contributed in large part by how FVV owned that team and led it. Because when he was gone, we suddenly seemed subpar.

    either that or the success of the f4 and undefeated run truly got to Marshalls head and he thought he was smarter and better than he was.

    I thought he was a great coach, but it’s just a thought that lingers in my head from time to time.
    FVV was great during his 4 years and he became the team leader his sophomore year. He definitely was not the the reason for the successful final 4 year. He was a backup point guard who played well for a freshman. Give Marshall his due. He molded that team and gave them the confidence to believe they could win it all, and they very nearly did.

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  • AZ Shocker
    Originally posted by wheathead View Post

    AZ you're positivity is always awesome. You'll probably live to 105 because of it.
    Thank ya buddy! I can only hope...half way there!

    Go SHOCKS!!!

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  • wheathead
    Originally posted by AZ Shocker View Post
    I love me some Coach Marshall but he had a "dinasour" offense that only worked with unbelievable relentless precision and dedication within the system. You made a bad the bench. Very disciplined. No room for errors. We all liked the success it was.

    Then with success...recruiting a newer athlete was there for the taking. He got some. He did. Coach had it all right in front of him. But the newer athlete was a changing. Couldn't relate to the old school coaching and offensive philosophy.

    Those young dudes bitched and moaned for more playing time and silently fought amongst themselves leading to "I'm outta here".

    Unbelievable great Division I coach - major success!!!

    Times and things changed in that 10-12 year run.

    Era's come and go. It 100% sucked to see it slide away. BUT a new era has come around. Everything that transpired with ridding the old to the new is a positive!

    It ain't going away. This is SHOCKER basketball!!! Been a couple-few years....but watch and see. This new coach and these players will WIN!!!

    Perhaps not this particular year. But have faith young grasshoppers...this is a new beginning of a new ride!!!

    GO SHOCKS!!!
    AZ you're positivity is always awesome. You'll probably live to 105 because of it.

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post

    Oh, blow it out your a** Boleslaw. Reaves and Shamet couldn't get out of town any faster than they did. No one on here said that pointed to GGG being a 'bad coach.'

    And Shaq wasn't the reason 8, or was it 9, players transferred out before the end of the week a few years later. Can you say red flag Boleslaw?

    Guess the truth hurts SbT.

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