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  • It's been amazing typing in Trump in Google the last couple of days. The Socialist media has been distracted with the Kavanaugh stuff so Trump's news feed has been absolutely glowing in comparison to the last couple years. I've been wondering when somebody "in charge" would notice and get the narrative back on track. Midterms are right around the corner!

    Ah yes. Immediately after the huge trade agreement announcement we have a "special investigative report" on the fraud that is... Donald Trump.

    I guess with the media swinging back to Trump they are finding out that the Kavanaugh Operation isn't going according to plan. RETREAT!!!!!!!





  • I'd speculate that confirming a "no" vote on Kavanaugh now seals Indiana's return to red status for the junior Senator position. Can't see the Hoosier state voting for a Dem that moved the goalposts like he just did. Maybe a 10-20% chance he stays if he can remind enough folks he voted for Gorsuch. Maybe.

    That would likely put the GOP at 48, needing just 2 more from the group of TX (Cruz seems to be widening his lead), ND (moderate Heidi in trouble here), MO (Claire in DEEP water here), TN (really good female candidate in Marsha Blackburn against old popular white Dem), AZ (Flake's seat might go DEM in a battle between 2 strong female candidates), NV (hmm...another old white DEM vs strong female conservative, but suspect Dems hold this seat), FL (battle royal in the sunshine state total tossup), WV (popular moderate Dem Manchun who's really pressing his luck in this deep red state against a relatively weak GOP option - only reason Joe isn't out imho), MT (again, moderate popular Dem in red state against weak GOP alternative) and NJ (inc. DEM hemorrhaging fast against strong GOP opposition - DEMs will have to spend money they didn't think they'd have to here) and I'm ignoring other states in play like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Minnesota. All likely DEM but all except MN went for Trump.



      Well Ted Koppel just cemented his status as a permanent boss among news broadcasters. Well done Ted!




      • A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds that amid the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation battle, the share of Republicans saying the 2018 midterms are "very important" has spiked.

        Just over a month away from critical elections across the country, the wide Democratic enthusiasm advantage that has defined the 2018 campaign up to this point has disappeared, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

        In July, there was a 10-point gap between the number of Democrats and Republicans saying the November elections were "very important." Now, that is down to 2 points, a statistical tie.
        LoL! Blue waves...

        Trump, Kavanaugh and Co. did an excellent job invigorating the Republican base.

        Oh... how could I forget? Libtard Nation and their continual messageless, shameless attacks played the biggest part of course. They never learn... I'm feeling all 2016 again!

        Vote early and often patriots!




        • 2016 was a great year:


          (that's for you-know-who)


          • Who knew a national emergency broadcast test could trigger the left. Good Lawd!
            "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


            • RoyalShock
              RoyalShock commented
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              I must have missed something. What happened after the alert?

            • ShockerPrez
              ShockerPrez commented
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              Most people got a test on their phone yesterday. I didnt get one either, but heard most people's phones buzzing the old EBS signal.

              I've read several stories regarding leftists bemoaning that Trump has usurped the EBS for political purposes and violation of privacy.

            • RoyalShock
              RoyalShock commented
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              Thanks. I got the alert, but didn't realize some leftists complained about it.

          • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
            Who knew a national emergency broadcast test could trigger the left. Good Lawd!
            Those of us who have devoted our careers to saving lives via the warning system  know that, if it were ever to become politicized, it would ...

            Came across this on Mike Smith's blog today. You have to watch the video excerpt from The View. What a bunch of ignorant hags (except the reasonable one, who actually knew this predates Trump's election). They would rather themselves or their loved ones not hear about an imminent terrorist attack than to hear it from "him".


            • C0|dB|00ded
              C0|dB|00ded commented
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              Whoopie used to be kind of a funny, happy person. She's all ate up with rage now. Sad.



            • ShockerPrez
              ShockerPrez commented
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              She makes a brilliant case. Let them opt out....

              Another way to 'cul the herd' so to speak. Those so caught in ignorant politics can just not get the warning of impending disaster.

              Similar to the meme, 'We're not saying, kill the stupid people, we're just saying, remove all the warning labels, and the problem can sort itself out.'

            • WstateU
              WstateU commented
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              Whoppie should join Rosie...

          • I'd like to submit the following Tweet to the Hall of Fame:

            The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it! Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love! #Troublemakers
            Trump once said it was a shame Twitter expanded to 280 characters because he was the Ernest Hemingway of 140. I dare say Mr. President, you are rounding into form.




            • lmao
              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


              • ..
                Last edited by C0|dB|00ded; October 5, 2018, 02:25 PM. Reason: ..


                • The President was in good spirits in Topeka tonight. Said he lies awake at night, and even sometimes dreams of who the Dems might put up against him in 2020. Cory Booker....Pocahontas…..will drop Biden like 3rd period French. Hilarious.


                  • pinstripers
                    pinstripers commented
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                    OMG !!!

                  • WstateU
                    WstateU commented
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                    Spotted a Flying “W” Shocker cap behind President Trump. Hmmmm...

                • The "Culture War" has taken a sharp turn to the right because the left doesn't know their enemy. They have too much hatred and intolerance on the brain, and probably in their heart's.

                  Just listen to the Senator from Hawaii. And Al Sharpton. Of course, then there's hillary. It's a good thing no one's correcting them. Let 'em be... "Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."

                  #ReapAWhirlwind- "For the first time in a long time I feel good about our Country."
                  Last edited by ShockingButTrue; October 7, 2018, 02:36 PM.


                  • Sorry guys, it wasn't me at the Topeka rally. After I got out of Shocker Madness I contacted a friend who was already in line for the event. This person told me not to bother coming down because the line was miles long. I had my MAGA hat, DJT button and Shocker pullover all ready to go. This person told me it was an event they will never forget. They also said it was louder than a Shocker game which really surprised me. It doesn't come across quite that loud on T.V. although Shocker fans know full well how a T.V. production crew can nerf the mics.

                    I really wish I would have gone. It was a wonderful and PEACEFUL event where thousands of patriots shared their stories and love for the country. What a movement we have going on in America right now. We are lucky to be living in this era.




                    • WstateU
                      WstateU commented
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                      Either yellow rain coats or a lot of Shocker fans. :)

                  • We're coming up on two years removed from the 2016 election, so I know this isn't timely, but I'd never seen this site before:

                    It lets you decide how to allocate state electoral votes. Many people know Nebraska and Maine split their votes based on the popular vote in the state, but the site covers a few other options as well. The most interesting part is selecting "optimal" maps for each party. You could theoretically have had a scenario where Dems got 358 electoral votes and another where the Republicans got 398. Pretty crazy to think that you could have a 200 point swing since it is just based on actual votes that came in and constitutionally allowed divisions of electoral votes.


                    • wufan
                      wufan commented
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                      The above scenerio seems akin to gerrymandering. Is that correct?

                    • jdshock
                      jdshock commented
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                      wufan - certainly in the sense that you're saying the same distribution of votes could result in an extreme republican majority or extreme democratic majority. If you want a republican president, you want your gerrymandered districts to be 51% republican/49% dem and the non-winning districts to be 100% democrat. Same concept here, if you're a republican, you want losing states to be proportionally shared and winning states to be winner-take-all.

                      I think the key takeaway is that no states have an incentive to do anything other than winner-take-all on a piecemeal basis. If you're the Kansas legislature, and you're primarily republican, why would you ever want your electoral votes to be proportionally allocated? If we want proportional electoral votes, it really would need to be from a constitutional amendment.


                    Incoherence (starting at :40)



