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2024 Presidential Election

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  • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post


    1. Strong economy
    2. Strong military
    3. Border security
    4. Energy self-sufficient
    5. Term limits and tort reform
    Pretty radical thinking there.


    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

      WHAT I WANT:

      1. Strong economy
      2. Strong military
      3. Border security
      4. Energy self-sufficient
      5. Term limits and tort reform
      MAGA republican.


      • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

        WHAT I WANT:

        1. Strong economy
        2. Strong military
        3. Border security
        4. Energy self-sufficient
        5. Term limits and tort reform
        60's Democrat! You're what's wrong with this country, because you would vote for the only guy that actually achieved and/or worked toward nearly all of that ('cept term limits?) ... Trump! He's a fornicator with a fiery tongue!!! How could you!??
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

          60's Democrat! You're what's wrong with this country, because you would vote for the only guy that actually achieved and/or worked toward nearly all of that ('cept term limits?) ... Trump! He's a fornicator with a fiery tongue!!! How could you!??
          to be honest, the first time, I didn't vote for Trump as much as I voted against Hillary, who I believed (still do) was as evil as Stalin


          • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

            to be honest, the first time, I didn't vote for Trump as much as I voted against Hillary, who I believed (still do) was as evil as Stalin
            I don't think Hillary would have killed 5+ million people. Intentionally.
            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


            • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

              I don't think Hillary would have killed 5+ million people. Intentionally.
              We'll never know for sure, now.


              • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

                WHAT I WANT:

                1. Strong economy
                2. Strong military
                3. Border security
                4. Energy self-sufficient
                5. Term limits and tort reform
                Hmmmm, if I were to run this through a leftist brain, I would see this come out as fascism.
                "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

                  I don't think Hillary would have killed 5+ million people. Intentionally.
                  Just biggie.


                  • RNC Passes Powerful 'Return to Excellence in American Voting' Resolution, Demands Election Security

                    I am far from a big fan of the RNC, especially under the leadership of Ronna McDaniel, but applaud them for adopting this resolution. However, at this point it is just words and unless actual remedial actions followed then it amounts to nothing of significance.


                    • Byron York @ByronYork

                      national poll of GOP voters last April, Trump led DeSantis 48-24. In new poll, Trump leads DeSantis 59-13. In April, Haley was 19 points behind DeSantis. Now, it's 5 points.


                      • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                        • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                          Do I think Trump is actually winning over minorities in huge #s? I have my doubts. However, I think the biggest problem the left has, and how Trump is just unbelievably porking this thing when he could make inroads is this:

                          For 3 years, under Trump's presidency, America was fantastic!! Things were cheap, no new wars, jobs were good interest rates low, etc.

                          Sell that ****, Trump, you idiot!! Sell your record, stop being a dumbass (maybe a big ask).

                          The left cannot win if Trump just compares his presidency to Biden. And reminds people how great it was for everyone.
                          "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                          • Comment

                            • Polling with no Trump

                              Niki Haley 49, Biden 43
                              DeSantis 47, Biden 47
                              Pence 46, Biden 44
                              Scott 46, Biden 44
                              Biden 46, Ramawamy 45
                              Christie 44, Biden 42

                              Biden trails Haley, polling neck-and-neck with other Republicans | The Hill


                              • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                                Polling with no Trump

                                Niki Haley 49, Biden 43
                                DeSantis 47, Biden 47
                                Pence 46, Biden 44
                                Scott 46, Biden 44
                                Biden 46, Ramawamy 45
                                Christie 44, Biden 42

                                Biden trails Haley, polling neck-and-neck with other Republicans | The Hill
                                Meanwhile Democrats would like an alternative

                                A broad 67% majority of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters now say it’s very or extremely likely that Biden will again be the party’s presidential nominee, up from 55% who felt that way in May. But 67% also say the party should nominate someone other than Biden – up from 54% in March, though still below the high of 75% who said they were seeking an alternative last summer.

                                That remains largely a show of discontent with Biden rather than support for any particular rival, with an 82% majority of those who’d prefer to see someone different saying that they don’t have any specific alternative in mind. Just 1%, respectively, name either of his two most prominent declared challengers, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. or Marianne Williamson.
                                CNN Poll: Biden faces negative job ratings and concerns about his age as he gears up for 2024 | CNN Politics

                                My gut feeling is that the Democratic party will late in the game will have a candidate emerge and Biden drop out.

