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2024 Presidential Election

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  • Originally posted by Shockm View Post
    Vivek Ramaswamy is a good candidate. He is smart and thinks quickly on his feet. I'm not saying I like him better than others for President, but his views are very good. Most people don't know him, so he needs to get known quickly.

    Here is his 10 Commandments that he builds upon for the 2024 Presidential election. He is definitely a Conservative, and is interesting.

    1. God is real.

    2. There are two genders.

    3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.

    4. Reverse racism is racism.

    5. An open border is no border.

    6. Parents determine the education of their children.

    7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.

    8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.

    9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.

    10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.
    I also am intrigued by Vivek.

    He's completely correct with his 10, but unfortunately, in 2023, numbers 1 and 2 turn off an awful lot of people, especially religion.


    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
      I believe that 90% of all Americans believe that Biden is both incompetent AND corrupt. He'll probably still beat Trump.
      You maybe right because of all the idiots in America who believe the narrative that Trump can't win. Even when they have a clear picture of contrast of great leadership by Trump and $hit leadership by Biden.
      Take the names off and let the voters vote based on the success of the candidates under their presidency and trump wins in a landslide.

      But the media is working hard to convince folks that Trump is a criminal for doing the same things, to a lesser degree, that others have done.

      Last edited by Atxshoxfan; August 19, 2023, 09:54 AM.


      • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

        I also am intrigued by Vivek.

        He's completely correct with his 10, but unfortunately, in 2023, numbers 1 and 2 turn off an awful lot of people, especially religion.
        Your right about 1 and 2, but 3-10 are also debated by the left. There has never been a time in US history where So many Americans hate America and work to change our country from the USA into the USSA.


        • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

          I also am intrigued by Vivek.

          He's completely correct with his 10, but unfortunately, in 2023, numbers 1 and 2 turn off an awful lot of people, especially religion.
          1 and 2 are necessary to break through as a name candidate running as a Republican. He doesn’t have the benefit of years in the Senate.
          Livin the dream


          • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

            I also am intrigued by Vivek.

            He's completely correct with his 10, but unfortunately, in 2023, numbers 1 and 2 turn off an awful lot of people, especially religion.
            If he can strike a chord with the Republicans, and get his name out there, 1-10 will work with Independents. They will move to the Conservative side if the person they vote for is reasonable. I thought Trump might moderate his message this time, but he continues to just preach to his "base".

            Largely, Republicans and Democrats that vote by party (there are 15-20% who just won't vote in each party because they just don't like their candidate or they aren't enthused by their parties candidate), cancel each other out, The Independents are what Trump struggles to attract because they don't like him and won't vote for him. It's interesting you mention #1 because Ramaswamy was raised by Hindu's.


            • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

              50% don't think Hunter has broken any law. If they don't think Hunter has broken a law, I am fearful your number is off, by a huge margin.
              50% say that, I don't think they believe that.


              • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

                50% say that, I don't think they believe that.
                Fair point.


                • Here is another example of a confrontation this week of Vivek Ramaswamy by a LGBT who identifies as a Pansexual. Notice his “smart” response to a person who wanted to cause a problem for him. Watch. Vivek may be someone to pay attention to.

                  Author Douglas Murray speaks on Vivek Ramaswamy’s “fascinating” encounter with a pansexual reporter where he expertly avoided being taken hostage. “This per...


                  • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                    The reason the GOP won't win anything is because the American public is ignorant and stupid. Both by design, created by Democrat held institutions, implemented over decades. Primarily education, media and pop culture. Education, teaching garbage, media, transcribing a garbage narrative, and pop culture, making garbage hip. This has rigged every election for the forseeable future in the Dems favor. It is patently obvious at this point. The average voter, given a choice between a criminal corrupt geriatric asshole dumb**** and a pompous ass who proved he is 1000% better at the job will take the former. Why? In a sane world, this would not make any sense, but here we are. They have no problem believing Trump is a criminal, just because, yet have no interest in holding Biden to the same standard because of their sub-conscious bias against anything right-leaning. This is a mental state that cannot be overcome. Add in the ever increasing welfare state and just the general belief that the government is supposed to solve all your problems and there's just no way. No way in hell.
                    You are a reasonable person and we agree on most issues. But I think you are selling conservative women short. My wife and I rarely talk politics but yesterday she told me she would never vote for Trump. She is as conservative as me (or more) and while she won’t vote for Biden, I can see her not voting before she votes for Trump. She is a knowledgeable person and I don’t think among conservative women, nationwide, she is alone, and most independents agree too. I think that Trump voters are the ones who have their heads in the sand.


                    • I don't like Trump, but I certainly did like peace in the world, a secure border, plus cheap food and fuel. Folks who voted against that are not reasonable, sorry.


                      • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                        I don't like Trump, but I certainly did like peace in the world, a secure border, plus cheap food and fuel. Folks who voted against that are not reasonable, sorry.
                        You are naive. Women see politics differently than you or I. Men and some women will vote for him, but most of the registered Independent and some Republican women won’t. My wife won’t vote against him. She won’t vote Democrat and just won’t vote. Maybe she will change her mind but right now, that’s the way she sees him. Unreasonable is in the eye of the beholder.


                        • Originally posted by Shockm View Post

                          You are a reasonable person and we agree on most issues. But I think you are selling conservative women short. My wife and I rarely talk politics but yesterday she told me she would never vote for Trump. She is as conservative as me (or more) and while she won’t vote for Biden, I can see her not voting before she votes for Trump. She is a knowledgeable person and I don’t think among conservative women, nationwide, she is alone, and most independents agree too. I think that Trump voters are the ones who have their heads in the sand.
                          Conservative women who won't vote for Trump would help the GOP, but really, I meant that even if they did, it wouldn't matter because the dumbshits who don't even know how to tie their shoes will vote for the Dems anyway by the millions. The achillies heel for conservatives are their principles. That's why thet don't win. When it really comes down to it. Dems don't give a **** about principles. They give a **** about having Dems in power. Thats why they will always win. And the media, bureacrats and the swamp creatures know business is better with Dems. And ignorant fools vote for them because they want their crumbs.
                          "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                          • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post

                            Conservative women who won't vote for Trump would help the GOP, but really, I meant that even if they did, it wouldn't matter because the dumbshits who don't even know how to tie their shoes will vote for the Dems anyway by the millions. The achillies heel for conservatives are their principles. That's why thet don't win. When it really comes down to it. Dems don't give a **** about principles. They give a **** about having Dems in power. Thats why they will always win. And the media, bureacrats and the swamp creatures know business is better with Dems. And ignorant fools vote for them because they want their crumbs.
                            pretty good


                            • Stop being 60s Democrats. You two are the problem with conservatism.
                              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                              • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                                Stop being 60s Democrats. You two are the problem with conservatism.
                                WHAT I WANT:

                                1. Strong economy
                                2. Strong military
                                3. Border security
                                4. Energy self-sufficient
                                5. Term limits and tort reform

