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Trump Got The 'Rona

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  • Shockm
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post
    BTW, Cold, thanks for the information. I looked it up, I get what that is. I know because one year in Italy and France (the year we went to Lyon and hit Paul Bocuse), I got a blood infection that could only be controlled by putting me on a anabolic steroid long-term, which precipitated my diabetic ketoacidosis. Seems like this virus has a complication that manifests itself which is a lot like a blood infection.

    I still have blotches on my skin from the capilaries that burst. This stuff must do the same thing in your cardio muscles? I thought I read something on that, and you're post made me remember.
    Why don’t you just ask him to kiss your “ASS”. A new relationship has begun here on Shockernet, even if it is a tad incestuous. LOL

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

    Yup, nice response. I think he's very much at risk because the way this thing presented himself, too. We've had people here who died fast. I've seen people his age go in a day, no more than two. Normally they are latin, but I'm sure it's happened to anglos, just not as frequently. That means the symptoms manifested quickly ane escalated quickly. I'm not saying they had no underlying conditions, but I will say their loved ones said they were walking around, talking normally, enjoying life and then, boom!
    He's had a fever since this morning so he passed asymptomatic about 100 miles back.

    He'll be getting the finest and most attentive care found anywhere in the world. There's literally zero chance he will die. If he goes it will be via brain death from swelling after inducing a coma in a last ditch effort. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine will be standing by.

    It's cool how Trump knew Hope was ill and still went to the fundraiser yesterday evening not wearing a mask. Now I hear the affluent attendees have been calling the White House like crazy in a state of panic. They've been advised to watch for symptoms and seek medical care if necessary. They won't be going to the Walter Reed Presidential Suite tho...

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  • Kung Wu
    The only thing we needed to do was lock down nursing homes ... and if Joe gets elected, let's just consider the White House the First Nursing Home.

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  • revenge_of_shocka_khan
    Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post

    Leadership!! Be well Mr. President!
    He looks pale and gaunt. You can't project much of a tough guy image when you look like he did

    One of the things I hope comes out of this is an increased awareness of how dangerous this virus is. It seems like that is what is happening, if that's the lesson some people take from this, then it definitely accomplished something.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    I'm perfectly fine with Covid taking Trump within' an inch of his life before making a full recovery. It's never too late to build some character - even at 74...

    P.S. This is how a president speaks about life or death matters to the populace. Clear, concise direction based ONLY on the experts.

    P.P.S. National mask mandate! Now you're talkin'... that'll work even better than a vaccine.

    P.P.P.S. Still not votin' for him but... I really like the sane words rolling out of his mouth. Who knows... maybe I'll get drunk on election day and do something I'll regret.

    P.P.P.P.S. FU Trump you incompetent fool! Your words have come back to bite you in the ass... literally.
    Is karma a scientific term?

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  • revenge_of_shocka_khan
    BTW, Cold, thanks for the information. I looked it up, I get what that is. I know because one year in Italy and France (the year we went to Lyon and hit Paul Bocuse), I got a blood infection that could only be controlled by putting me on a anabolic steroid long-term, which precipitated my diabetic ketoacidosis. Seems like this virus has a complication that manifests itself which is a lot like a blood infection.

    I still have blotches on my skin from the capilaries that burst. This stuff must do the same thing in your cardio muscles? I thought I read something on that, and you're post made me remember.

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    Originally posted by WstateU View Post
    Leadership!! Be well Mr. President!

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    Now Con is an expert... LOL!

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    Anyone notice that Cold and Con came on and posted roughly around the same time and that it tends to happen quite often that way...? Hmmm.

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  • revenge_of_shocka_khan
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    He's going to Walter Reed so they can run continual tests on the fat man. They'll certainly be watching closely for any signs of coagulopathy - particularly, disseminated intravascular coagulation, which is common in Covid victims who do not make it.

    Trump is taking Regeneron, zinc, vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin.
    Yup, nice response. I think he's very much at risk because the way this thing presented himself, too. We've had people here who died fast. I've seen people his age go in a day, no more than two. Normally they are latin, but I'm sure it's happened to anglos, just not as frequently. That means the symptoms manifested quickly ane escalated quickly. I'm not saying they had no underlying conditions, but I will say their loved ones said they were walking around, talking normally, enjoying life and then, boom!

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  • WstateU

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by swellafelon View Post

    Talk about Full Term!

    lol oops

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

    Doctors would not put him under observation if they weren't concerned about a significant risk the virus ould potentially get worse. Perhaps it is his underlying conditions, perhaps there's something none of us know.
    He's going to Walter Reed so they can run continual tests on the fat man. They'll certainly be watching closely for any signs of coagulopathy - particularly, disseminated intravascular coagulation, which is common in Covid victims who do not make it.

    Trump is taking Regeneron, zinc, vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin.

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  • revenge_of_shocka_khan
    I need to go open a bottle of wine. Hope the media doesn't cover this to death. I like to keep up, but hate to hear a out incessently.

    P.S. Hope Hicks went to SMU, since it very strongly appears that she probably infected him, I would like to know if this makes you like the ponies more or less?

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Uncle Joe pulling all negative Trump ads. That's campaigning like a boss right there. Warms the heart too!

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