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Trump Got The 'Rona

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  • 1972Shocker
    Trump Cleared to Resume Public Engagements Starting Saturday

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  • jdmee

    Only need 2 negative tests a day apart.

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by BOBB View Post

    10 days after being symptom free and off medication according to CDC.
    If he has a negative test for the next 5 days, do you think she should remain quarantined?

    Besides, Trump has it on good authority That they are going to revise those guidelines soon.

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  • BOBB
    Originally posted by jdmee View Post

    He can be around people 10 days after positive test. So that would be on the 12th. This is a non (non political) issue. But nothing is non political these days.
    10 days after being symptom free and off medication according to CDC.

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  • jdmee

    He can be around people 10 days after positive test. So that would be on the 12th. This is a non (non political) issue. But nothing is non political these days.

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by BOBB View Post
    Back to the topic at hand, an infected Trump wants to debate in person...
    If he is actively infected, it shouldn’t happen. If he is cleared, then this is a non-issue.

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  • wichshock65
    Originally posted by BOBB View Post
    Back to the topic at hand, an infected Trump wants to debate in person...
    Only if he tests negative, brainiac. Only throwing out half truths, one might think your employed in the MSM.

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

    Won’t it be 14 days by then?
    Yes, and besides that, he has had several negative tests already. Hiden is jumping for joy I am sure. No way that senile old fart wanted any piece of Trump again, virtually or not.

    Plus, I don't blame Trump for not wanting a virtual debate. You think Hiden was able to cheat in the in-person debate? Just wait to see what he could do virtually.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by BOBB View Post
    Back to the topic at hand, an infected Trump wants to debate in person...
    Won’t it be 14 days by then?

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  • WstateU
    Originally posted by BOBB View Post
    Back to the topic at hand, an infected Trump wants to debate in person...
    I think he'd be past the "infected" stage on October 15?

    I was with a 'small' group of people last night (6). One of them had been "infected" about 10 days prior and was released by his doctor. We all stayed at least 6' 1" apart. Guess time will tell.

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  • BOBB
    Back to the topic at hand, an infected Trump wants to debate in person...

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  • jdmee
    While I agree with what you are saying, there is no incentive for politicians to save for a rainy day. Why save when I can spend it and help myself get reelected. The Social Security "lockbox" showed us that.

    That is why I think the best way to balance the budget is not to give politicians more things to spend money on but less.

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  • revenge_of_shocka_khan
    Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
    I don't really mind a tax increase, however, I would like for there to be some reasoning and legit mathematical research to go along with it, included in that a definite plan to balance the budget. My biggest problem with all of it, is that spending is never addressed. I understand that social security and medicare is a huge part of that and there is very little they say can be done to lower those costs. But it would be nice if someone would at least try. There is absolutely zero stomach to even broach that subject because the first one to do it, can just kiss their ass goodbye politically.

    The best cure for the deficit (assuming that spending could ever get reigned in) would be to just set the tax policy and let it be. The best cure for the deficit is a growing economy along with spending brakes. But the problem is that it constantly changes all the time and businesses can't adjust to the new rules every other year. If the rules don't change and we have stability, people will adjust accordingly and prosper, but policy needs to remain steady.
    So I'm going to go all Alan Colmes on everyone and say I believe in Keynses' concept of a cyclically balanced budget. Trump's tax cuts never should have happened, they were excessive and the timing was wrong.

    Then came the pandemic and now we are racking up huge budget deficits to try to stimulate the economy. That is exactly why there needs to be an adjustment. Our stimulus spending has hugely increased the deficit we have (and the tax cuts did not help either).

    In other words, we splurged when things were good, not realizing something bad could happen (and it did). Now we are stuck with the consequences. I'd like to see deficits cut. I'm not sure we can get rid of them, but they are way too high right now.

    We should have been saving for that rainy day and we did not.

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  • atlwsu
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

    Given Trump's track record, why would you think anything different would happen? 26 women have filed complaints against him. That's even more than Bill Clinton and that's a fact.

    Trump said horrible things about latin people (I would like to see what you think about this) "...some of them are rapists, some of them are murders.....", horrible things about people from Africa (the $h#thole comment), horrible things about white supremacists "...and some were very good people."

    So, Trump has made his own mess that he's lying in.

    By the way, and if you work for a fairly large company, what does your employer think about a 'typical' employee making these kinds of comments in exercising their official duties? Do you think they might be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination for making these comments? What do you think would happen to you if you did that (note, I had a co-worker about 15 years ago who asked a Vietnamese immigrant we worked with if she'd ever eaten cat. He got sent to sensitivity training for that stunt).

    Not only that, what your employer do if you started groping and making unwanted sexual advances to women on your staff? Again, I would be sympathetic if there were, say, the number of cases I could count on one hand. This is all your hands and toes with items left over.

    Note I got confronted by my g/f's relatives in Mexico about those comments because I was dumb enough to vote for Trump in 2016. I don't think most Latinx's did not appreciate those remarks.

    Complaining about MSM's treatment of Trump is akin to raising a red herring. If there wasn't so much evidence out there regards his boorish behavior, I might agree, but sinde the evidence is overwhelming, just about the only thing that would change the optics would be a brain transplant or a religious conversion (the third would be a firing). Guess what is about to happen?
    Thanks, I didn't know that MSM role was to point out boorish behavior. They sure passed over a lot from both Clintons. I am not a a Trump fan. But to ignore the bias is very telling. There is no news only commentary, I don't know where to go for news so I scan a out 5 or 6 different sources. Neither of these guys belong in the Oval Office.

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  • ShockingButTrue
    Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

    This is SO good. But the absolute BEST cure for the deficit is TERM LIMITS.
    I think that is the most common sense -ahem- re-imagining anyone, anywhere, could possibly hope for. It would eliminate pork and cut our nation's problems in half, at minimum, I'm convinced. Ain't. Gonna'. Happen.

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