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Trump Got The 'Rona

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by Shockm View Post

    I would like to see a picture of CB, the nurse. LOL
    I wish I still had the pic of him from 15 years ago. Surely someone on this forum still has it.

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  • wichshock65

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  • wichshock65
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post
    BTW, my sis who was an AF Surgical Nurse is reporting to me her second youngest's husband got heart damage from this exact complication. He's probably in his early 40's and got 'rona and recovered quickly, except for the heart damage.

    Expert question, what do the numbers tell us about this complication?
    Cool your jets there Khan. Trump' s not going anywhere so don't get your hopes up. Better than 99% chance he whips this "Devil virus's" ass. Hell, ventilator Trump will still beat Hiden on election day. We'll have Trump steering the ship another 4 years...... bank on it!
    Last edited by wichshock65; October 2, 2020, 10:46 PM.

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post
    BTW, my sis who was an AF Surgical Nurse is reporting to me her second youngest's husband got heart damage from this exact complication. He's probably in his early 40's and got 'rona and recovered quickly, except for the heart damage.

    Expert question, what do the numbers tell us about this complication?
    The myocarditis is a normal post viral infection symptom. It is common with most viruses and is undetectable after 3-9 months.

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

    I didn't say I was Karnak, dummy. I know he has something to do with medicine. I probably aimed low. Makes no diffeerence, the dude does his research. That's how you get to be a thought leader, you do your research.
    Cold is in retail sales, and you mistake him for an educated medical professional?

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

    Yup, nice response. I think he's very much at risk because the way this thing presented himself, too. We've had people here who died fast. I've seen people his age go in a day, no more than two. Normally they are latin, but I'm sure it's happened to anglos, just not as frequently. That means the symptoms manifested quickly ane escalated quickly. I'm not saying they had no underlying conditions, but I will say their loved ones said they were walking around, talking normally, enjoying life and then, boom!
    You’ve seen them? Where did you see them? Do you just make **** up all the time?

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by MoValley John View Post

    I'm waiting for the legalization of aborting 200 month embryos. I have a son I'm not too happy with. Little sh!t does nothing but play Xbox, Playstation, and lip off to me.
    Pre-term elective abortion should be illegal. Post-term abortion makes much more sense. Give the kid a tryout for the team before you cut him/her.

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  • SB Shock
    Trump is experiencing fatigue, fever and shortness of breath according to sources.

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  • revenge_of_shocka_khan
    BTW, my sis who was an AF Surgical Nurse is reporting to me her second youngest's husband got heart damage from this exact complication. He's probably in his early 40's and got 'rona and recovered quickly, except for the heart damage.

    Expert question, what do the numbers tell us about this complication?
    Last edited by revenge_of_shocka_khan; October 2, 2020, 07:57 PM.

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  • revenge_of_shocka_khan
    Originally posted by Shockm View Post

    I would like to see a picture of CB, the nurse. LOL
    I didn't say I was Karnak, dummy. I know he has something to do with medicine. I probably aimed low. Makes no diffeerence, the dude does his research. That's how you get to be a thought leader, you do your research.

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  • Shockm
    Originally posted by wufan View Post
    rockymountainshock, please correct me if I am wrong, but you are not an epidemiologist.

    cold is not a nurse.
    I would like to see a picture of CB, the nurse. LOL

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  • MoValley John
    And once you lose your sense of smell and taste, you can eat the hottest hot sauce without breaking a sweat. I'm talking the hottest wings in town are no big deal. If I were Trump, I'd change the format of the next debate to a hot wing contest.

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  • MoValley John
    Based on my covid experience, if he has a fever and still was able to put a suit on and make the video, he's in great shape. I thought the whole sickness was easy until the fever. The fever is the straw that broke tha camel's back. The cough, no big deal, the headache, manageable. I got the rate, but irritating bltches and itchy rash, easy peasy. But the three day fever, FTW! The fever sucks. The fever saps your energy. I couldn't have done that 10 second photo op while I had the fever.

    Did I mention the fever sucks?

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

    He looks pale and gaunt. You can't project much of a tough guy image when you look like he did

    One of the things I hope comes out of this is an increased awareness of how dangerous this virus is. It seems like that is what is happening, if that's the lesson some people take from this, then it definitely accomplished something.
    You know what I would like? Just a little ****ing humility for once.

    Let's see what happens...

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    The only thing we needed to do was lock down nursing homes ... and if Joe gets elected, let's just consider the White House the First Nursing Home.
    Sounds easy doesn't it? So no healthcare workers allowed in either? That would violate a few state regulations I think......... Pretty much all nursing home infections came by way of nursing home employees... employees who are quite young, low pay, and in America-The-Land-Of-The-Free, are allowed to rock out with their cocks out at the local bars and clubs - in the middle of an out-of-control pandemic.

    And many of those that survive Covid have gone on to suffer chronic complications.

    By some estimates, as many as one in three Covid-19 patients will develop symptoms that linger. The symptoms can span a wide range — piercing chest pain, deep exhaustion, a racing heart. Those affected include young and otherwise healthy people. One theory is that an overzealous immune system plays a role.
    But by all means, let's infect as many people as we can as fast as we can and lock the nursing homes..... what could possibly go wrong?

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