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Trump Got The 'Rona

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by wufan View Post

    Lol. Talk about self-owning. You obviously don’t even know what myocarditis is. You don’t even know what you’re disagreeing with. Everything you just posted is 100% in alignment with what I said, and not only do you think you contradicted me, but you used this affirmation as part of your assertion that you’re not an incredible idiot!

    So, yes cold, in this instance you are 100% correct on the facts of myocarditis, but as per usual, have no idea what conclusions can be drawn.
    Originally posted by wufan View Post

    The myocarditis is a normal post viral infection symptom. It is common with most viruses and is undetectable after 3-9 months.

    You need to re-read your post again and then ponder the potential implications of it. If after a certain amount of time has passed and you still don't understand the errors of your ways (hint: in particular the inferences), then I cannot help you sir and deem your brain as broke.

    Stick to air cleaners.

    P.S. Here's some light reading for ya: https://www.myocarditisfoundation.or...t-myocarditis/

    CB OUT!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Shockm
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
    Listen to the CDC and not a single word that comes out of the White House (with regards to the pandemic).
    You’re proving your ignorance again. The CDC is a part of Trump’s administration. Alex Azar is Secretary (Trump’s Cabinet) of the HHS who coordinates the Scientists of the CDC.

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    So wufan's comment is exactly why malpractice insurance was invented. Of course since he's a no-nothing civilian, he can spout whatever pops into his indoctrinated little mind and bear none of the consequences... similar to Trump. I wonder if tort law could be interpreted to cover the dissemination of inaccurate healthcare advice that leads to another person's injury. If so I think Trump should be facing a class action lawsuit of... ummm... around 3 billion dollars.

    So here's the information you're looking for revenge_of_shocka_khan

    So of course wufan didn't ask what KIND of heart damage your relative was afflicted with, he just ASSumed it was a benign form of myocarditis and then used his crystal ball to give him the A-OK! He did this because he is a non-paid, propaganda-spewing tool of the Trump administration.

    What he couldn't possibly know is that acute myocarditis can cause structural changes in the heart which are associated with a poor prognosis. It also happens to be the leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young adults.

    So here's the proper advice:

    That is all. Now I'd rather not post on here for a while if that's okay with you guys. So stop calling me out and PLEASE stop posting bastardized health advice.

    Wear your masks!
    Listen to the CDC and not a single word that comes out of the White House (with regards to the pandemic).
    Limit your exposure to strangers if you can for a few more months.
    Stay out of indoor buildings with large groups of people.
    Be active and exercise outdoors.
    Keep thinking positive (that doesn't mean denial) and don't hesitate to talk to others if you're down.

    CB OUT!
    Lol. Talk about self-owning. You obviously don’t even know what myocarditis is. You don’t even know what you’re disagreeing with. Everything you just posted is 100% in alignment with what I said, and not only do you think you contradicted me, but you used this affirmation as part of your assertion that you’re not an incredible idiot!

    So, yes cold, in this instance you are 100% correct on the facts of myocarditis, but as per usual, have no idea what conclusions can be drawn.

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
    Ya'll need to stop trying to dox me. There are likely active contracts on my life to this day. I had mild-mannered dentists (blueblood) wishing out loud how they'd love to meet me in a dark alley. And all because of a little comment about them being the NCAA king of one-and-done's (seconds) after their 87th consecutive one-and-done... just between you and me though, had a genie granted them their wish of a tête-à-tête with the cold one, they would have been sorely surprised. You see, CB is not just some legendary keyboard warrior persona wrapped around a shriveled up, pencil-neck geek; he is a very rare blend of brains AND brawn. Frightening thought isn't it?

    Do you moonlight as Shaka Kahn’s body guard?

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post
    BTW, my sis who was an AF Surgical Nurse is reporting to me her second youngest's husband got heart damage from this exact complication. He's probably in his early 40's and got 'rona and recovered quickly, except for the heart damage.

    Expert question, what do the numbers tell us about this complication?
    Originally posted by wufan View Post

    The myocarditis is a normal post viral infection symptom. It is common with most viruses and is undetectable after 3-9 months.
    So wufan's comment is exactly why malpractice insurance was invented. Of course since he's a no-nothing civilian, he can spout whatever pops into his indoctrinated little mind and bear none of the consequences... similar to Trump. I wonder if tort law could be interpreted to cover the dissemination of inaccurate healthcare advice that leads to another person's injury. If so I think Trump should be facing a class action lawsuit of... ummm... around 3 billion dollars.

    So here's the information you're looking for revenge_of_shocka_khan

    Looks like containment has been lost. Significant cases (and deaths) are being reported in Italy, South Korea, and Iran with no patient zero being able to be identified. At least 6 deaths in Iran have been reported today. John Hopkins has a dashboard that is tracking the outbreak. Focus on the reports outside of China

    "Two new studies from Germany paint a sobering picture of the toll that Covid-19 takes on the heart, raising the specter of long-term damage after people recover, even if their illness was not severe enough to require hospitalization," reports Stat News. "One study examined the cardiac MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 and compared them to heart images from 100 people who were similar but not infected with the virus. Their average age was 49 and two-thirds of the patients had recovered at home. More than two months later, infected patients were more likely to have troubling cardiac signs than people in the control group: 78 patients showed structural changes to their hearts, 76 had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60 had signs of inflammation. These were relatively young, healthy patients who fell ill in the spring…"
    So of course wufan didn't ask what KIND of heart damage your relative was afflicted with, he just ASSumed it was a benign form of myocarditis and then used his crystal ball to give him the A-OK! He did this because he is a non-paid, propaganda-spewing tool of the Trump administration.

    What he couldn't possibly know is that acute myocarditis can cause structural changes in the heart which are associated with a poor prognosis. It also happens to be the leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young adults.

    So here's the proper advice:

    Cardiac patients who experience a change in their condition or pattern of their symptoms, or who develop new symptoms should contact their physician. If such change is concerning for a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the emergency room. Know if you have risk factors for a heart attack or stroke: Hypertension, Diabetes, Smoking, High Cholesterol, Obesity, or a Family History of Heart Disease or Stroke. Know the typical warning signs of a Heart Attack: Chest discomfort, especially radiating to the neck or arm(s), often associated with shortness of breath, sudden nausea, sweating, or dizziness. For possible stroke, remember F.A.S.T.: Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, and Time -get to the Emergency Room quickly for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

    Other potential cardiac symptoms that you should contact your doctor about include:
    • An increase in your weight of more than 3 pounds in a day or 5 pounds in a week
    • An increase in swelling, especially of your legs or abdomen
    • Heart palpitations or an irregular heartbeat
    • A shock if you have an implantable defibrillator (ICD).
    That is all. Now I'd rather not post on here for a while if that's okay with you guys. So stop calling me out and PLEASE stop posting bastardized health advice.

    Wear your masks!
    Listen to the CDC and not a single word that comes out of the White House (with regards to the pandemic).
    Limit your exposure to strangers if you can for a few more months.
    Stay out of indoor buildings with large groups of people.
    Be active and exercise outdoors.
    Keep thinking positive (that doesn't mean denial) and don't hesitate to talk to others if you're down.

    CB OUT!

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Ya'll need to stop trying to dox me. There are likely active contracts on my life to this day. I had mild-mannered dentists (blueblood) wishing out loud how they'd love to meet me in a dark alley. And all because of a little comment about them being the NCAA king of one-and-done's (seconds) after their 87th consecutive one-and-done... just between you and me though, had a genie granted them their wish of a tête-à-tête with the cold one, they would have been sorely surprised. You see, CB is not just some legendary keyboard warrior persona wrapped around a shriveled up, pencil-neck geek; he is a very rare blend of brains AND brawn. Frightening thought isn't it?

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  • shock
    Originally posted by wufan View Post

    I too wonder if he was thinking of OregonShocker. I know he’s a medical doctor. The funny thing about this disease is that the experts can’t even agree on much, and while there are many well informed folks on this fine forum, nobody is being paid for their opinion on the matter.
    this times 1000x. I’m in administration at an FQHC. Our focus has been to get life back to normal for our patients. We are remote enough that when it did hit, those people quarantined, they shut down the villages affected, and now it’s rare and usually someone passing through that was positive. I just got back from anchorage, and it’s weird. Life goes on as normal here. We are still waiting for a big break out but I’m not sure that’s going to happen. There’s only 2000 people here in an area the size of Ohio so it’s not like we congregate by the thousands in crowded city streets.

    Every situation is different. Everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do.

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by Rocky Mountain Shock View Post

    I’m not a doctor, and I didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. So, no I’m nothing resembling a medical professional. I do keep people from going to prison for not paying taxes, so that’s something.

    I think Oregon Shocker might be the smart guy among us with the fancy medical degree, if I’m not mistaken.
    I too wonder if he was thinking of OregonShocker. I know he’s a medical doctor. The funny thing about this disease is that the experts can’t even agree on much, and while there are many well informed folks on this fine forum, nobody is being paid for their opinion on the matter.

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  • ShockingButTrue
    Plenty of front line expert information and opinion available out there. No consensus either, but getting better.

    The elderly and those with co-morbidities are at higher risk and should therefore be given extra precaution.
    Last edited by ShockingButTrue; October 3, 2020, 04:33 AM.

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  • Rocky Mountain Shock
    Originally posted by wufan View Post
    rockymountainshock, please correct me if I am wrong, but you are not an epidemiologist.

    cold is not a nurse.
    I’m not a doctor, and I didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. So, no I’m nothing resembling a medical professional. I do keep people from going to prison for not paying taxes, so that’s something.

    I think Oregon Shocker might be the smart guy among us with the fancy medical degree, if I’m not mistaken.

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  • shock
    Originally posted by wufan View Post

    I wish I still had the pic of him from 15 years ago. Surely someone on this forum still has it.
    It’s on here somewhere. It was a Saluki fans Halloween costume iirc. ValleyTalk days.

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  • ShockingButTrue
    Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

    But by all means, let's infect as many people as we can as fast as we can and lock the nursing homes..... what could possibly go wrong?

    I'll ask you one last time (I don't venture over to the corona thread very often if I can help it); what is the median age of covid19 related deaths? Has it gone up again? Let's infect as many as possible? Funny ; D

    What next, if biden was President the virus would be gone?


    curated by Marilyn M. Singleton, M.D., J.D. – Updated September 26, 2020 Introduction COVID-19 is as politically-charged as it is infectious. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO, the CDC …

    Last edited by ShockingButTrue; October 2, 2020, 11:10 PM.

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  • Shockm
    Originally posted by wichshock65 View Post

    Cool your jets there Khan. Trump' s not going anywhere so don't get your hopes up. Better than 99% chance he whips this "Devil virus's" ass, probably more. Hell, ventilator Trump will still beat Hiden on election day. We'll have Trump steering the ship another 4 years...... bank on it!
    Yes. His former doctor tonight said that he has no comorbidities. In his age group, and the category of his past health, 99.5+% will not have major health issues. This will make some, maybe many media and others very unhappy.

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  • wufan
    Originally posted by shocktown View Post

    That was around the time he had a guy crush on Casey Crawfish and was regularly stalking him at CKA summer pickup games wasn’t it?

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  • shocktown
    Originally posted by wufan View Post

    I wish I still had the pic of him from 15 years ago. Surely someone on this forum still has it.
    That was around the time he had a guy crush on Casey Crawfish and was regularly stalking him at CKA summer pickup games wasn’t it?

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