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  • If he was all those things, then why did the Democrats shove him to the side?


    • Should not be insulting rocks like that


      • Special Counsel Confirms Hunter Biden Was Taking Bribes

        While President Joe Biden spends yet another weekend in Delaware after the collapse of his 2024 campaign his son, Hunter Biden, is facing new and damning facts from Special Counsel David Weiss.

        According to a new court filing, the younger Biden took millions of dollars from a Romanian real estate tycoon in exchange for U.S. policy changes toward corruption in the country. The exchange took place while President Joe Biden was the Vice President during President Barack Obama's administration.

        The central question regarding the shady, overseas Biden family business has always been whether Hunter -- who was business partners with his father and often flew on Air Force Two to make deals in foreign countries -- was influencing changes in U.S. government policy in exchange for payment. In other words, was the Biden family accepting bribes? According to new information unearthed by the Special Counsel, the answer is yes.

        A bit late to make much difference at this point. Perhaps the kid gloves have been tossed now the Joe has been effectively tossed.

        I doubt the Biden's are too worried. I suspect part of the price of Joe dropping out of the 2024 presidential election was an nice big basket of Biden Family Pardons wrapped up in pretty little bow.​


        • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
          I doubt the Biden's are too worried. I suspect part of the price of Joe dropping out of the 2024 presidential election was an nice big basket of Biden Family Pardons wrapped up in pretty little bow.​
          Doesn't this start pointing at least one finger at Obama?
          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


          • Cynical Publius @CynicalPublius

            So Joe Biden left the national stage the same way he has always stood on it: as a coward, as a bully, as a lying fabulist. His speech last night was one long paean to the aggressive, fist-shaking hate and vicious slander against his opponents that have been his trademark for the half a century he has been a giant boil on the political buttocks of the great American experiment. The man never created a penny of wealth in his life, but he did dedicate himself for 50 years to sucking at the teat of the wealth we taxpayers created. He wasted the lives of America’s service members in useless conflicts that he later claimed to oppose. He acted in the most un-American manner possible by using the courts to persecute his political opponents for the high crime of mere dissent. He made himself and his entire family wildly rich through graft and the sale of America’s foreign policy to the highest bidder. A low-IQ, ignorant​
            plagiarist whose entire life was recounted as one long distortion and made-up story, he succeeded through sheer animal cunning and a willingness to say or do anything to advance his narcissistic self-interest. He is immoral, he is a compulsive liar, and he is evil to his rotten core. At the very last, he had a chance to redeem himself and speak straight to America about how he was deposed in a Beltway coup, but he stayed true to his craven nature and capitulated in a shameful display of propaganda designed to appease his torturers. In a few years, Joe will be in the ground and Jill will write her tell-all book about what actually happened when Craven Joe was forced to step aside through blackmail and extortion. The media savants will all shake their heads as if “How could we have known?” You know now. We all know now. Joe knows now. And just like that, to the bitter end, we’re supposed to believe something about Joe Biden that is obviously untrue. Good riddance Joseph Robinette Biden, you political whore. You have damaged this country in profound and despicable ways from which we may never recover. Wherever it is you end up, I hope you suffer for your sins.


            • 100 %
              The "50 years of community service" is a big joke ! 50 years of enriching his family at the expense of our freedom and democracy is much more appropriate.

              Cry me a river Dems. Dude is and always has been trash.


              • Boys and girls, our president…

                "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                • REPORTER: "Any comment on the strikes in Yemen, Mr. President!?"

                  BIDEN : "I've spoken to both sides. They gotta settle the strike. I'm supporting the collective bargaining effort. I think they'll settle the strike."


                  • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                    REPORTER: "Any comment on the strikes in Yemen, Mr. President!?"

                    BIDEN : "I've spoken to both sides. They gotta settle the strike. I'm supporting the collective bargaining effort. I think they'll settle the strike."
                    For real?
                    "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                    • Sadly, yes.

                      I mean, I get that. Whatever, he thought he heard something he figured he'd be asked about, heard strike and what's left of his brain went into auto pilot.

                      The yelling "who's next" last week was far more troubling to me. But at this point, I think any of us with any kind of thoughtfulness realize that Biden hasn't been running the country for some time now. An actual coup.

                      Remember the whole thing about the Sec. of Defense around the end of '23? That just went away. Biden didn't know he was going into the hospital? I'm 100% certain now that "everyone" around the WH had things in place and the SD told "the right person" and that just wasn't Biden.

                      Democracy dies in darkness.


                      • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post

                        For real?


                        • This is impeachable.
                          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                          • "the storm zone, .........uh, they're gettin everything they need, and, uh, they are very happy. Across the board."
                            -------------------President Joe Biden​

                            yeah, he really said this yesterday


                            • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                              "the storm zone, .........uh, they're gettin everything they need, and, uh, they are very happy. Across the board."
                              -------------------President Joe Biden​

                              yeah, he really said this yesterday

