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  • I see nothing wrong with that. 4 more years of Biden would certainly give me pause.


    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
      This is Jared Bernstein. Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. He advises Biden on economic policy.

      Peter Meijer @RepMeijer
      “Bernstein graduated with a bachelor's degree in music from Manhattan School of Music… he also earned a Master of Social Work from Hunter College as well as a DSW in social welfare from Columbia University's school of social work.” An ‘economist’ without an economics degree…​
      I think your being a little harsh. Seems to know what he is talking about inside and out:

      Then there is this statement from 2022 trying to explain the Biden Admsinstrations statements that inflation was transitory.

      Now Kamala Harris would have had a venn diagram served with that word salad.
      Last edited by 1972Shocker; May 5, 2024, 12:30 PM.


      • SCARY!!!


        • Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


          • He must be queer. That's about the only reason I can think of why he would be in that position. Older white guy, no education for his position. Just satisfying the Q in lgbtQ+.
            Maybe we could convince old Joe to start selling money presses and supplies, so everyone can just print their own money. Govt could pay down the debt with the revenue from the sales.
            This administration is so stupid, they would probably buy that idea.
            Last edited by Atxshoxfan; May 5, 2024, 01:05 PM.


            • No chance he's paid back that worthless loan he took out to attend Columbia.

              Sad to say, I visited Columbia on a senior trip to various campuses (campi?). I'm not saying I seriously considered that shithole of U, but I am glad I dodged that particular bullet.


              • Biden's Biased and Dangerous DHS 'Experts' Panel Goes Down in Flames Thanks to America First Legal

                ​America First Legal (AFL) scored a major victory against the Biden Administration as it successfully pressured Biden's DHS into dissolving the panel of "experts" that was ultimately a threat to American's free speech rights.

                As RedState previously reported, Alejandro Mayorkas brought on James Clapper and John Brennan to take part in a panel of national security "experts" to help with issues regarding “terrorism, fentanyl, transborder issues, and emerging technology,” at the DHS.

                Both men are credibly accused of lying to Congress and you'll know them as two of the men responsible for declaring the New York Post story about Hunter Biden's laptop being "Russian disinformation," a lie that ended up having positive effects for Biden during the 2020 election.

                It was clear that this panel was dangerous from the word "go," and as such, America First Legal decided to take action. Now, thanks to the threat of a lawsuit by the AFL, Mayorkas's panel of experts is no more.

                America First Legal, which filed the lawsuit, found that of all the political contributions of those named to the group, just 1% went to Republicans, while 98% went to Democrats.

                The lawsuit alleged that the alleged bias violated the Federal Advisory Committee Act, citing alleged lack of balance, a lack of public notice and inappropriate influence by the Biden administration.

                According to a joint notice and stipulation of dismissal, DHS "maintains its position that the establishment and operation of the Experts Group did not violate the FACA" but agreed to wind the group down.

                Nice job America First Legal. Hopefully, they and others on the right and in the right have resources to continue to battle.


                • Biden Admin Coordinating With Anti-Israel Group to Isolate West Bank Jews

                  Senior Biden administration officials have been coordinating since at least early 2022 with an outside anti-Israel group to isolate Jewish Israelis living in the West Bank, internal government emails show.

                  The previously unreported emails show top officials at both the State and Defense Departments fielding concerns from Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), a human rights group that is highly critical of the Israeli government and has lobbied the Biden administration to cut off military aid to the Jewish state.

                  It is ironic in the extreme that a group calling itself "Democracy for the Arab World Now" is campaigning against the only country in the region with a democratic government, a country whose Arab Muslim citizens have full civil rights, including being able to vote and serve in Israel's Parliament, the Knesset. And they are influencing the feckless Biden administration's policies in the Middle East.

                  DAWN and other anti-Israel advocacy groups recently provided the State Department with a list of Israelis they believe should be sanctioned for human rights abuses.

                  Reed Rubinstein, America First Legal's senior counselor and director of oversight and investigations, said the emails paint a disturbing picture about the Biden administration's coordination with outside groups that are highly critical of Israel.

                  ​DAWN is free to advocate for what they like, of course. But, interestingly, they point fingers at a "list of Israelis." Here are a few recent (post-Oct 7th) articles from their website:

                  It's Time to Scrap the Abraham Accords

                  The Question of Genocidal Intent in Gaza

                  Expert Panel Concludes Israel Committing Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza


                  • I figured the ASIAN DAWN group was defunct. Last I heard of them was around Christmas 1988.


                    • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                      I figured the ASIAN DAWN group was defunct. Last I heard of them was around Christmas 1988.
                      They had a great expose in Time magazine.
                      "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                      • My favorite DAWN:


                        • image.png


                          • The Babylon Bee @TheBabylonBee

                            Biden Strikes Deal Where Hamas Gets To Keep American Hostages In Exchange For Fifteen Votes In Michigan



                            • The Bee rarely fails.


                              • BOMBSHELL: Biden Administration Has Been Hiding Intel on Location of Hamas Leaders in Betrayal of Israel

                                The story first broke in The Washington Post, with the paper describing the offer as follows.​

                                The Biden administration, working urgently to stave off a full-scale Israeli invasion of Rafah, is offering Israel valuable assistance if it holds back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group’s hidden tunnels, according to four people familiar with the U.S. offers.
                                There's no other way to read this except that the Biden administration has been protecting Hamas. If intelligence exists that can help "pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders," it should have been given to Israel the moment it was produced. The same goes for any information about the terror tunnels.

                                Why was that information held back from Israel? Was the White House trying to appease Iran by ensuring Hamas' survival? Or was Biden concerned about the domestic backlash from the far left if he had a hand in eliminating Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar?

                                To only offer this intelligence after Israel called Biden's bluff on Rafah smacks of political gamesmanship, with the president's political fortunes being put over the lives of the hostages, including the several Americans still being held captive.

                                This seems like a meaningless promise from the White House. It's a desperate, pathetic attempt to get Israel to call off its final blow against Hamas. At this point, the Israelis don't need the intelligence because they will find the terror tunnels themselves once they take Rafah. They should tell Biden to go pound sand over this betrayal.

