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  • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

    President Biden is briefly transferring the power of the presidency to Vice President Kamala Harris as he undergoes a routine physical.

    The White House announced that Biden would be going under anesthesia to receive a colonoscopy at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, making Harris the first woman to hold powers of the presidency. The colonoscopy is only expected to take a few days.
    A few days???? How dig of an ass hole is he?
    Livin the dream


    • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
      I had a colonoscopy in September at age 71. I asked my gastroenterologist when I should have my next one. He said I may or may not need another one. They generally stop doing routine colonoscopies at around age 75 as the risk of injury from the procedure elevates quite a bit at around that age. Why is Joe having one at age 79? Of course, his docs may have a different opinion than my doc. Perhaps looking for a reason for his performance while visiting the Pope.
      Which tells me it's probably not actually routine. I would bet he had some bleeding and an examination showed it wasn't hemorrhoids.


      • corrupt


        • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
          For those who don't have access to the NY Times


          • Plus:

            Biden Family Business Tied to $Trillions in Lithium Acquired by China through U.S. Afghanistan Withdrawal

            Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan left the county's $3 trillion in lithium reserves to China and its state-controlled equity firms like Hunter Biden's Bohai, which owns the world's largest lithium-ion battery maker.

            QUICK FACTS:
            • Hunter Biden owns 10% of Chinese state-owned private equity firm Bohai Harvest RST.
            • Bohai Harvest owns Contemporary Amprex Technology Co. Limited, the world’s largest lithium-ion battery maker.
            • Days before Biden’s Afghan withdrawal, Contemporary Amprex Technology announced it was soon to raise $9 billion to fund six projects aimed at boosting its production capacity of lithium-ion batteries.
            • Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan left the country’s $3 trillion in lithium reserves to Taliban-friendly China and its state-controlled equity firms like Hunter Biden’s Bohai, which owns the world’s largest lithium-ion battery maker.

            But, never mind that, let's make sure we spend all out time focusing on the real threat to our country - American parents.


            • There's a Bigger Problem With Joe Biden’s Rittenhouse Statements That Needs to Be Addressed


              As we previously reported, when President Joe Biden was asked about the verdict on Friday shortly after receiving his colonoscopy, he simply stated that we should respect the jury’s verdict.

              “The jury system works and we have to abide by it,” he told reporters in his initial response after noting he had not watched trial and while also refraining from apologizing for past smears where he’d suggested, without evidence, that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist and murderer.

              But in a formal statement issued by the White House later, Biden tried to appear more “woke,” stating in part that, “While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken.”

              How can you be “angry and concerned” about a verdict from a trial you admit you haven’t even watched? I mean shouldn’t you watch it or the highlight reels at the very least before drawing conclusions one way or the other?

              This tendency of Biden and his team to weigh in on hot-button issues without much if any knowledge of the facts behind thems is indicative of a larger problem we have in our society. Though it’s not just confined to Democrats, by and large, they engage in the “leap before you look” mentality far more often than I’ve seen Republicans do – perhaps because Republicans are more often than not the primary victims of people judging them and what they say without knowing the facts and context.

              It would do America as a country a world of good if people – politicians especially – stopped commenting on things they’re asked about if they don’t know anything about the subject matter.

              Passionate disagreements will be had, but that’s the way this country is supposed to work. But those disagreements should not be so toxic that they lead to violence and chaos in the streets, nor should they lead to the targeting of concerned citizens by a vengeful Dept. of Justice colluding with political donors.


              • You know the Democrats have gone off the rails when they find themselves at odds with Bill Maher:


                • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                  • There is a group that believes that JFK is still alive. They also believe that even at 104 years of age, and with half his brain missing, he still has more on the ball than Joe Biden.........


                    • The BBBBB legislation -- that would be Biden's Build Back Broke Boondoggle:

                      An updated analysis from the Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) of the House reconciliation bill from last week estimates that, if all of the temporary provisions are made permanent (which is the Dems plan), spending would instead total $4.6 trillion over the 10-year budget window.

                      Senator Joe Manchin (D -WV) has previously criticized this strategy, calling it a "shell game."


                      • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                        • The Biden Administration’s Lunatic DOJ Action Against Airlines


                          • We're the reason Biden was sent here (wherever that is) - to look out for us.

                            Who is he talking to?

                            Let's Go Brandon!


                            • Biden’s Energy Secretary Has No Idea How Much Oil Americans Need

                              Speaking to reporters at the White House Tuesday afternoon, Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was asked how many barrels of oil Americans consume and need each day. She claimed she didn't have the answer.

                              The answer is 18 million barrels, which exposes President Biden's move to release 50 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as a futile, political move.

                              (Less than 3 days worth and that was based on 2020 numbers - oil demand and consumption is up in 2021).

