I think this author probably is on target regarding the Texas Supreme Court filing:
If this does, in fact, happen that would pretty much take the air out of Trump's election challenges.
The difficulty for the Supreme Court is the remedy. If this involved an election to a minor local office, the Court would do its constitutional duty to set aside the election.
The Texas suit requests an injunction to stop certification and that the vote of the electors not be counted, or that electors be appointed in a constitutional manner.
But since the Court denied Kelly's request for an injunction, it appears that the Court does not want to decide who won the election.
The Court cannot just set aside the election in the four states — Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin — to resolve the issue of the proper electors for the presidential race because the elections involved many local races, state races, and House and Senate congressional races.
The Court will most likely rule that this is a political question that should be decided by the legislatures of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin because the Constitution states that each state Legislature shall select the electors. The Court will pass the buck back to the politicians in the four states. This means that the Legislature of each state should investigate the election and make the decision.
The Texas suit requests an injunction to stop certification and that the vote of the electors not be counted, or that electors be appointed in a constitutional manner.
But since the Court denied Kelly's request for an injunction, it appears that the Court does not want to decide who won the election.
The Court cannot just set aside the election in the four states — Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin — to resolve the issue of the proper electors for the presidential race because the elections involved many local races, state races, and House and Senate congressional races.
The Court will most likely rule that this is a political question that should be decided by the legislatures of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin because the Constitution states that each state Legislature shall select the electors. The Court will pass the buck back to the politicians in the four states. This means that the Legislature of each state should investigate the election and make the decision.