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  • SubGod22
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    Hill was more than an ass, he was non-compliant.

    Be kind and compliant? You might get your 22mph over reduced to 10mph to keep the ticket off insurance and save lots of money over a lifetime of paying insurance.
    Be silent and compliant? You might get your 22mph over reduced to 15mph and save $50 to $100.
    Be an ass and compliant? You'll pay the full $$$ you owe because you will absolutely get charged with the full 22mph and every other rule you violated.
    Be an ass and non-compliant? Kiss pavement.
    "non-compliant" with an officer who never should have been involved in the interaction.

    "non-compliant" for rolling up the window after the officer who was involved said he'd be back after running his papers. Which is a completely acceptable action under pretty much every other circumstance.

    If military acted this way in a war zone they'd end up court-martialed. This cop gets praised by some of you.

    I still don't understand why it's so acceptable to many that police are allowed to be more aggressive towards citizens than military towards potential enemy combatants. But that's something nobody ever wants to address.

    If your ego is so damn fragile, don't be a police officer.

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  • Kung Wu
    Hill was more than an ass, he was non-compliant.

    Be kind and compliant? You might get your 22mph over reduced to 10mph to keep the ticket off insurance and save lots of money over a lifetime of paying insurance.
    Be silent and compliant? You might get your 22mph over reduced to 15mph and save $50 to $100.
    Be an ass and compliant? You'll pay the full $$$ you owe because you will absolutely get charged with the full 22mph and every other rule you violated.
    Be an ass and non-compliant? Kiss pavement.

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  • SubGod22
    Some of you have very low expectations for law enforcement. While there have been some instances of attacks on cops, the job isn't near as dangerous as some make it out to be. It's not one of the most dangerous jobs in the country. Very few cops, relatively speaking, are ever harmed or killed on duty. There are more instances of cops using excessive force and letting their ego dictate interactions than there are of cops being attacked.

    If a cop is afraid of every interaction with the public, they shouldn't be in law enforcement. Too many enforce their feelings over the law.

    Hill was an ass. That's not against the law. He gave his documentation to the cop who said he'd be back after he ran the data. There's no reason for Hill to have to keep his window down at that point other than the ego of another cop not actively involved with the stop. He's one of the bad cops that simply looks to show how big a man he is while wearing a badge. He is the type of cop that gives the vast majority a bad name and why so many don't trust law enforcement.

    Cops often times seem to be more like baseball umpires who seek confrontation when they need to be more like basketball officials who are trained to be diplomatic and not let things get personal.

    Police are supposed to be trained to deescalate situations but too often we see yahoos like this cop who are looking for reasons to go hands on when it's not actually necessary. These are the cops that shouldn't wear a badge. They're the reason there's hostility and distrust amongst many and law enforcement. And it doesn't matter you skin color to these bad apples, they just want to be the boss regardless of what the law or the Constitution say about a situation. I'm betting this guy has a number of complaints against him for unnecessarily going hands on and willingly violating the rights of others. He really had zero reason to get involved and should have remained a passive actor in the stop if he felt the need to be there to support the other officer.

    Again, it's not illegal to be an ass to a cop. But it's also not a good look when a cop goes out of his way to be an ass to a citizen and they should be held to higher standards as members of law enforcement. It's a shame that so many in this country are always willing to give them a pass because they buy into the propaganda that being a police officer is one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet. We hold our military to higher standards while in active war zones than we do our police officers dealing with ordinary American citizens. That's just shameful.

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  • shocktown
    Originally posted by Shockm View Post

    You are generalizing a lot. Tyreek isn’t under as much pressure when stopped for speeding. Policemen are under tremendous pressure. They aren’t all perfect but it seems you expect them to be. Lots of policemen have been assassinated on the past couple of years, but you expect perfection from ALL of them. Perhaps, you should have chosen police work instead of band teaching. I don’t mind that policeman (being Monday morning Quarterbacks) who have lives at risk are second guessed, but I think there are more nuances than you suggest.

    Roll down your damn window, Tyreek. There aren’t any lynchings in Florida for many years.
    Well said!

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  • SB Shock
    I watched the cop body cams. The police did nothing wrong. It's good that it was a Cuban descent cop, or they would have been screaming racism. The cops showed a lot of restraint.

    1. Hill broke the law.
    2. As the lawbreaker, he does not get to make the rules or determine what happens.
    3. Hill did not comply. So he gets to eat pavement. Just comply.

    On an editorial note, Hill is POS. He committed DV with his now wife, punching her in the stomach when pregnant. He has about 7 children from 5 different women and has a couple of maternity suits because he won't uphold his responsibilities as a father.

    His son came up with a broken arm. The police found bruises and welts across the boy's body.

    “In April Johnson County District Attorney Steve Howe held a press conference to announce criminal charges wouldn’t be brought against Hill or Espinal but stated he believed a crime was committed against the boy and it was believed the crime was about the broken arm. It was not. Howe’s team has halted working on the case as they still can’t bring charges for bruising and harming the boy.”

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  • jdmee
    When interacting with police you have one big advantage. You know who all has a weapon, he doesn't and if he makes an incorrect assumption he might not have the benefit of hindsight.

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  • RoyalShock
    I thought I also heard he was speeding in a construction zone? If true, it's worse than just 20 over (Big mistake number 1). I do think the one cop overreacted just a bit, as the other cop was the one dealing directly with Hill, and didn't really give him enough time to comply with the order to get out of the car. He probably needs some degree of department discipline. But Hill never should have rolled his window back up (mistake number 2). With those darkly tinted windows there's no telling what he might have been reaching for. Then he should have rolled it back down immediately upon request (mistake number 3). When he did roll it down, it should have been all the way (mistake number 4). Then he argued with the cops (mistake number 5).

    Discipline the cop. Hill pays the fines for whatever he was cited. Done. It shouldn't go any further than that.

    As for the other wreck WstateU quoted, the Cameron's were loved in the Buhler district. My wife worked at the middle school where Don was an assistant principal and said he had a gift of being able to discipline problem students and still make them feel cared for. Tragic. I hope the driver of the other car gets a lot of time in a small room to think about what he's done.
    Last edited by RoyalShock; September 10, 2024, 04:28 PM.

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  • Shockm
    Originally posted by ShockBand View Post
    Was Tyreek being a dick? Yes. Was the one officer being a dick? Yes. Two guys being dicks = dumb **** will happen.
    You are generalizing a lot. Tyreek isn’t under as much pressure when stopped for speeding. Policemen are under tremendous pressure. They aren’t all perfect but it seems you expect them to be. Lots of policemen have been assassinated on the past couple of years, but you expect perfection from ALL of them. Perhaps, you should have chosen police work instead of band teaching. I don’t mind that policeman (being Monday morning Quarterbacks) who have lives at risk are second guessed, but I think there are more nuances than you suggest.

    Roll down your damn window, Tyreek. There aren’t any lynchings in Florida for many years.

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  • ShockBand
    The officer who initially pursued Tyreek has stated an estimate of 60 mph in a 40 mph zone. Speeding? Yes. Excessive or reckless? Depends on traffic at that moment. How often do we see people driving 15-20 mph over the limit around here?

    Was Tyreek being a dick? Yes. Was the one officer being a dick? Yes. Two guys being dicks = dumb **** will happen.

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  • SubGod22
    That has more connection to Henry Ruggs than Tyreek Hill.

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  • WstateU
    Here's the aftermath of an accident in Overland Park on Saturday. A former Buhler grade schoolteacher and high school basketball coach were rear-ended by a car traveling 100+ mph on College Blvd near Metcalf Avenue. The schoolteacher (passenger in gray car) died at the scene and her husband (coach and driver) has serious injuries. The driver in the blue car (rice burner) that hit them has been arrested for second degree murder (DUI, with open container, etc.); obviously, these aren't similar circumstances, however 'excessive speed kills'. If you speed like that, endanger citizens and get caught, you should have your 'ass kicked' between your shoulder blades. This dude should spend the remainder of his life behind bars, but probably won't. Seriously, don't get me started...

    Long-time USD 313 educators in accident; one dies (

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  • Kung Wu
    If the first words out of your mouth as a policeman tries to open a conversation with you are:

    "Don't knock on my window. Don't knock on my window. Don't knock on my window. Don't knock on my window."

    How do you think this is going to go?

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  • pinstripers
    Driving over 100 mph in a 35, not good. You know they ran his plates, and knew the owner was on a suspended license. He rolled his tinted window up, IMO, they should hauled him downtown.

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  • Shockm
    Two observations regarding the tinted windows.
    1. The cops couldn't see inside, so it wasn't a racial oriented incident.
    2. Police stopping cars can end up being very dangerous (with the ambushes happening to police).

    With those tinted windows, a cop couldn't see if a gun was pulled inside, so when Hill refused to open up the window, tension and apprehension would be a part (I would think) of what the policeman is feeling. It would take a very disciplined cop (one of the cops did maintain his composure well) not to escalate with that tension.

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  • Ta Town Shocker
    After watching, I didn't think the cops were out of line in the least. The second he rolled up his window after being told not to was fair game for the cops to escalate.

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