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  • Kung Wu
    I would love to see the number of signatories on a petition calling for the Chiefs to keep him. LMAO

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  • shock
    There’s a lot of people basing their opinion of his speech on how they are being told to react by social media. I would venture that a vast majority of people voicing their displeasure didn’t even listen to the whole speech and are parroting what other, popular people are saying in order to feel relevant.

    He said pride month was celebrating a deadly sin.
    He said there were some women in the crowd looking forward to careers, and probably even more women looking forward to starting families.
    He said being a good wife and mother is the most important thing a woman can do.
    He thanked his own wife for embracing her role as homemaker, allowing him to play a game he is good at.
    He called out the Catholic Church for caring more about selfish pride and image than actually teaching.
    He supported masculine men.
    He called out Biden for being fake.
    He supported traditional Catholic ideology.
    He decried abortion as killing innocent babies.
    He also questioned the use of birth control by Catholics.

    I did not hear any misogynistic rhetoric, nor did I hear homophobic remarks. He disagreed with choices people make in their lives but he never attacked people themselves.

    He was speaking to a Benedictine college. The Benedictine monks are some of the most zealous in the Catholic faith. Clearly, this wasn’t the same speech he gave at Georgia Tech. He knows his audience.

    I’m looking forward to another two easy wins against the broncos.

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  • pinstripers
    "you're free to speak your mind, my friend, as long as you agree with me."
    -----John Kay (Steppenwolf)​

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  • SubGod22
    I love how if you don't absolutely support something you're automatically a 'phobe' of some sort. Pretty sure like most Christians, Harrison isn't going around harassing or even treating gay people differently in ordinary life. You can disagree with a lifestyle of any kind and at the same time not fear or hate those people. A devoutly religious man seeing homosexuality as a sin is nothing new. And calling it a sin doesn't automatically mean one hates those that fall under that category. Harrison, like pretty much any other sane Christian know that we all fall short and we all sin in different ways. If you equate sin to despising anyone who does it then Christians in general would be a very hateful bunch that don't like anyone, including themselves and those around them.

    That's not the case. Hate the sin, not the sinner.

    And the misogyny crap is an even greater leap. He stated that most of the women there would go on to have successful careers. He didn't tell them not to or that they shouldn't. He did state what you hear a lot in that most women find motherhood more rewarding and fullfilling than climbing the corporate ladder. So they shouldn't fall into the lies they've been told that holding off on family and throwing yourself all in on career is what women should do. You can be have a career and still be a mother. And most of them will enjoy the motherhood part more. I think most women who have done both will agree that motherhood is more rewarding. That's all he said about it.

    Somehow, the keyboard warriors twisted that into him saying that women belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and shouldn't be in the workforce. He never said any of that.

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  • Kung Wu
    Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post
    Others also have a right to their opinion that he came across as a misogynist homophobe.
    But they're just a bunch of misandrist heterophobes.

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  • Kel Varnsen
    BREAKING: Devout Catholic holds traditional Catholic views on gender and marriage that have existed since the creation of the church itself.

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  • pinstripers
    Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post

    From the speech:

    “I am certain the reporters at the AP could not have imagined that their attempt to rebuke and embarrass places and people like those here at Benedictine wouldn't be met with anger, but instead met with excitement and pride. Not the deadly sin sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him.”
    oh. Biblical

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  • WuShock16
    Originally posted by pinstripers View Post

    From the speech:

    “I am certain the reporters at the AP could not have imagined that their attempt to rebuke and embarrass places and people like those here at Benedictine wouldn't be met with anger, but instead met with excitement and pride. Not the deadly sin sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him.”

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  • pinstripers
    Originally posted by WuShock16 View Post

    He has a right to his opinion. Others also have a right to their opinion that he came across as a misogynist homophobe.


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  • shock

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  • shock
    Butker has been a favorite of mine for a while. What he did took guts.

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  • WuShock16
    Cut the crap. There are people who actually die because of their faith (anyone paying to the Middle East these days?). A millionaire athlete who catches some criticism for ultra-conservative comments that he made isn’t persecution. The Chiefs are not going to release him (nor do I think they should), and because of the coverage of this, HB is actually gaining from it because his jersey sales have increased.

    Could his comments have been taken out of context? Perhaps. I’m just curious what “diabolical lies” he thinks have been told to women (his words, not mine).

    He has a right to his opinion. Others also have a right to their opinion that he came across as a misogynist homophobe.

    Let’s just say that I would take extra glee in him having Lin Elliott yips in Week 10 and 18 this upcoming season.

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  • Kel Varnsen
    I'm not Catholic. But I am a big fan of Benedictine (beautiful campus BTW) and a bigger fan of Harrison Butker now.

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  • SubGod22
    Two completely different things. Rice is a legal issue and they've stated they will wait for that to play out. Police can gather better information than the NFL can in regards to what happened.

    Butker said things that go against the leftist ideologies if you twist what he said and take it out of context like they have. The NFL doesn't have to wait for anything in regards to spoken words.

    I hate defending the NFL and such, but they're so completely different issues.

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  • WuDrWu
    Well, as expected, the "media" and now earlier today, the NFL, say NYET to Harrison.

    He's a homophobe, bigot, misogynist and overall backwards thinking creepy dude that should be cut.

    As far as I can tell though, they are taking no stance on Rashee Rice. Good dude.

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