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NFL 2023/2024 and Beyond

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  • pinstripers
    Wanna know what kind of an impact a player can have on a franchise? Watch this. Aaron Jones, special human, special player. And watch until the end!

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  • WuDrWu
    Seeing Joe Burrow (and off topic, Bruce Springsteen) compared, visually, to Megan Rapinoe is the Twitter energy I was looking for this morning.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post

    I'd never get hired as I believe in Constitutional rights.

    It definitely doesn't pay more.

    I don't need a badge to make me feel big and important nor do I have a need to stroke my own ego at every opportunity.

    Cops don't get the respect you guys think they deserve because they have consistently hid behind the badge and protected really shitty cops from consequences. I've said many times that if they'd own up to having the bad apples and they fired and legally punished more of those bad cops relations would be a lot better and there's be more trust and respect.

    I know a number of cops who I have a great deal of respect for because I know they're good people and they actually uphold the rights of the people and have called out bad actors, even though they aren't in positions to have anything actually done. I know some cops who are complete shitheads and think because they have a badge they can do whatever the **** they want and piss on the Constitution any time it gets in the way of the power they think they hold over everyone simply because they have a badge. One of those cops I actually thought was a good guy until the actions he took last summer proved otherwise. And his Chief was right there supporting and encouraging his shitty actions. They're lucky that the person involved has been a back the blue supporter and didn't want to press charges and instead let the city they work for "handle it" internally. She was told by multiple organizations and lawyers that she had a guaranteed court case and win but chose not to go that route.

    And because of her actions, I'm quite certain nothing will change with the chief or his subordinate. Those officers also traumatized two kids in the process of violating the rights of those involved and pissing on their oath to the Constitution. I hate that lawsuits against police don't actually punish those involved or the department and instead just puts more on taxpayers, but until there's more accountability in policing, the distrust and disrespect will remain.

    And if police received half of the respect they give, things would be worse in many cases.
    And throwing things back you the other way…. Clearly you’ve had a personal experience that has now skewed you against every single member of law enforcement into one giant generalized mud puddle. Because of your personal experience (whatever it is, you can share if you want to) every cop is bad. That’s how you’re coming across.

    And you’ve still deflected the main points of the initial discussion. Hill is a loser who thinks he’s ABOVE the law and has MORE rights than others. No disparaging remarks about that saint? Didn’t think so.

    Of all people to get behind when they’re already wrong, and you pick a thuggish woman beater. Nice job.

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  • Shockm
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post

    I'd never get hired as I believe in Constitutional rights.

    It definitely doesn't pay more.

    I don't need a badge to make me feel big and important nor do I have a need to stroke my own ego at every opportunity.

    Cops don't get the respect you guys think they deserve because they have consistently hid behind the badge and protected really shitty cops from consequences. I've said many times that if they'd own up to having the bad apples and they fired and legally punished more of those bad cops relations would be a lot better and there's be more trust and respect.

    I know a number of cops who I have a great deal of respect for because I know they're good people and they actually uphold the rights of the people and have called out bad actors, even though they aren't in positions to have anything actually done. I know some cops who are complete shitheads and think because they have a badge they can do whatever the **** they want and piss on the Constitution any time it gets in the way of the power they think they hold over everyone simply because they have a badge. One of those cops I actually thought was a good guy until the actions he took last summer proved otherwise. And his Chief was right there supporting and encouraging his shitty actions. They're lucky that the person involved has been a back the blue supporter and didn't want to press charges and instead let the city they work for "handle it" internally. She was told by multiple organizations and lawyers that she had a guaranteed court case and win but chose not to go that route.

    And because of her actions, I'm quite certain nothing will change with the chief or his subordinate. Those officers also traumatized two kids in the process of violating the rights of those involved and pissing on their oath to the Constitution. I hate that lawsuits against police don't actually punish those involved or the department and instead just puts more on taxpayers, but until there's more accountability in policing, the distrust and disrespect will remain.

    And if police received half of the respect they give, things would be worse in many cases.
    It appears that you have a low opinion of most policemen, because most of them don't believe in Constitutional rights, and wear a badge to feel important and stoke their ego's. That may not have been what you meant, but it is what you said.

    I will agree that unions do a disservice to both police and teachers. Union leaders (that is who runs the unions), and a few more who are very political, sometimes make the good ones look bad. Most teachers and cops are service oriented, and non-political. In fact, the only cops I've known are nice, polite, understanding people, who think of themselves as servants. There have been a couple of times, where I thought that "speed traps" that were set up were not done well, but that isn't a knock on individual cops as much as it probably was leadership, and maybe they thought they had a good reason for them.

    Now, I will say that I met an OB-GYN once who was a real crude and unpolite person. I don't see how women put up with him, and exposed their most intimate details to him.

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  • SubGod22
    Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

    I think you should apply. Easy job and probably pays more than what you make now.
    I'd never get hired as I believe in Constitutional rights.

    It definitely doesn't pay more.

    I don't need a badge to make me feel big and important nor do I have a need to stroke my own ego at every opportunity.

    Cops don't get the respect you guys think they deserve because they have consistently hid behind the badge and protected really shitty cops from consequences. I've said many times that if they'd own up to having the bad apples and they fired and legally punished more of those bad cops relations would be a lot better and there's be more trust and respect.

    I know a number of cops who I have a great deal of respect for because I know they're good people and they actually uphold the rights of the people and have called out bad actors, even though they aren't in positions to have anything actually done. I know some cops who are complete shitheads and think because they have a badge they can do whatever the **** they want and piss on the Constitution any time it gets in the way of the power they think they hold over everyone simply because they have a badge. One of those cops I actually thought was a good guy until the actions he took last summer proved otherwise. And his Chief was right there supporting and encouraging his shitty actions. They're lucky that the person involved has been a back the blue supporter and didn't want to press charges and instead let the city they work for "handle it" internally. She was told by multiple organizations and lawyers that she had a guaranteed court case and win but chose not to go that route.

    And because of her actions, I'm quite certain nothing will change with the chief or his subordinate. Those officers also traumatized two kids in the process of violating the rights of those involved and pissing on their oath to the Constitution. I hate that lawsuits against police don't actually punish those involved or the department and instead just puts more on taxpayers, but until there's more accountability in policing, the distrust and disrespect will remain.

    And if police received half of the respect they give, things would be worse in many cases.

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  • WuDrWu
    Originally posted by ShockBand View Post

    If he wants to have any hope of a semi-healthy rest of life, yes. On that play last night, I have no idea why he went head first. He had the first down and should have slid in. I wonder if Hamlin had a little PTSD moment seeing Tua in a state of suffering like that.
    Good question, wouldn't surprise me one bit. Also, very clean hit from Demar and kudos to the secondary defensive guy for recognizing the situation (not necessarily the injury) and not delivering an additional hit. Tua's head snapped so hard, it almost seemed like his ability to take that kind of hit has been compromised over time.

    I get the desire to compete, and I freely admit I have no idea what's it's like to be that great at anything competitive, and ultimately, it's Tua's choice whether to continue playing or not. He just seems like a great young man and I don't think any of us want to see him hurt even worse or a vegetable at 40. Hope he's ok.

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  • WuDrWu
    Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

    Because this country and specifically this new generation of cropdusters have some sort of weird complex with law and order. They feel they can do whatever the **** they want and that somehow the world would be a better place if we lived in an anarchic society. We’ve already seen glimpses of this in the last 4 years and it doesn’t end well. The sense of entitlement and lack of respect displayed by people now is what’s leading to the mess we’re constantly dealing with now.

    And yes there are bad cops out there just like there are bad eggs in every single profession (hi tyreek wife-beating thug hill). But this was clearly a case of the citizen acting wrongly first and the cops reacted. It’s not hard to figure out.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    And IDGAF if it's -500 degrees, if the police tell you to roll the window back down, you ****ing roll the window back down, immediately. You don't get to discuss it. Why is that so hard for some people to understand? It's not a ****ing debate. JFC
    Because this country and specifically this new generation of cropdusters have some sort of weird complex with law and order. They feel they can do whatever the **** they want and that somehow the world would be a better place if we lived in an anarchic society. We’ve already seen glimpses of this in the last 4 years and it doesn’t end well. The sense of entitlement and lack of respect displayed by people now is what’s leading to the mess we’re constantly dealing with now.

    And yes there are bad cops out there just like there are bad eggs in every single profession (hi tyreek wife-beating thug hill). But this was clearly a case of the citizen acting wrongly first and the cops reacted. It’s not hard to figure out.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post


    It works both ways, but many ignore one side of it.
    Who went south first? I’m sure the tyrannical asshole wouldn’t have been a tyrannical asshole if the citizen would’ve just complied with what was asked of him first.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    Some of you have very low expectations for law enforcement. While there have been some instances of attacks on cops, the job isn't near as dangerous as some make it out to be. It's not one of the most dangerous jobs in the country. Very few cops, relatively speaking, are ever harmed or killed on duty. There are more instances of cops using excessive force and letting their ego dictate interactions than there are of cops being attacked.

    If a cop is afraid of every interaction with the public, they shouldn't be in law enforcement. Too many enforce their feelings over the law.

    Hill was an ass. That's not against the law. He gave his documentation to the cop who said he'd be back after he ran the data. There's no reason for Hill to have to keep his window down at that point other than the ego of another cop not actively involved with the stop. He's one of the bad cops that simply looks to show how big a man he is while wearing a badge. He is the type of cop that gives the vast majority a bad name and why so many don't trust law enforcement.

    Cops often times seem to be more like baseball umpires who seek confrontation when they need to be more like basketball officials who are trained to be diplomatic and not let things get personal.

    Police are supposed to be trained to deescalate situations but too often we see yahoos like this cop who are looking for reasons to go hands on when it's not actually necessary. These are the cops that shouldn't wear a badge. They're the reason there's hostility and distrust amongst many and law enforcement. And it doesn't matter you skin color to these bad apples, they just want to be the boss regardless of what the law or the Constitution say about a situation. I'm betting this guy has a number of complaints against him for unnecessarily going hands on and willingly violating the rights of others. He really had zero reason to get involved and should have remained a passive actor in the stop if he felt the need to be there to support the other officer.

    Again, it's not illegal to be an ass to a cop. But it's also not a good look when a cop goes out of his way to be an ass to a citizen and they should be held to higher standards as members of law enforcement. It's a shame that so many in this country are always willing to give them a pass because they buy into the propaganda that being a police officer is one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet. We hold our military to higher standards while in active war zones than we do our police officers dealing with ordinary American citizens. That's just shameful.
    I think you should apply. Easy job and probably pays more than what you make now.

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  • WuDrWu
    If the police got 1/2 of the respect from the general public that the police give and are expected to give the general public, we'd have about a million fewer problems.

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  • WuDrWu
    And IDGAF if it's -500 degrees, if the police tell you to roll the window back down, you ****ing roll the window back down, immediately. You don't get to discuss it. Why is that so hard for some people to understand? It's not a ****ing debate. JFC

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  • WuDrWu
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post


    It works both ways, but many ignore one side of it.

    Wrong. Follow directions. It's NOT Tyreek's, or anyone else's for that matter, choice how things unfold. The stop was lawful. The command was lawful. Obey the law and there is NO problem. Start exerting your own street lawyer **** and there's a problem. This isn't hard to understand.

    And by the way, Hill calling for this guy to be fired? I wish he would have had the concussion Thursday instead of Tua. Tua's a great dude. Hill is a total piece of **** making tens of millions. He broke the law. He initiated ALL the problems. He's beat his GF/wife. In a just world, he loses his job. ****tard.

    No one is saying all police are perfect, far from it. We should be constantly training and evaluating and moving people around that aren't in the correct jobs. That being said, there are a ton of really bad folks doing awful things out there. And a hot beverage, kind words and a pat on the back aren't going to stop them.

    The PROBLEM stems from bad people doing bad things. NOT the police trying to enforce the laws. Get out of your fantasy world of cupcakes and parties.

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  • ShockBand
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    Honest question. Does Tua need to retire? How many concussions has that man had in his short career?
    If he wants to have any hope of a semi-healthy rest of life, yes. On that play last night, I have no idea why he went head first. He had the first down and should have slid in. I wonder if Hamlin had a little PTSD moment seeing Tua in a state of suffering like that.

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  • SubGod22
    Honest question. Does Tua need to retire? How many concussions has that man had in his short career?

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