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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
    he said OG Corona, face hole, and twice said butt ton.
    Livin the dream


    • Originally posted by shock View Post
      I think the information presented is accurate. I do not believe that her conclusions are accurate.

      Myocarditis is a common symptom after infections and vaccination. I don’t think anyone lied about it though.

      Leaky vaccines do allow for virulent strains to become more dominant. That doesn’t mean that they were created by the vaccine or that the vaccine isn’t working.
      Livin the dream


      • Originally posted by wufan View Post

        I think the information presented is accurate. I do not believe that her conclusions are accurate.

        Myocarditis is a common symptom after infections and vaccination. I don’t think anyone lied about it though.

        Leaky vaccines do allow for virulent strains to become more dominant. That doesn’t mean that they were created by the vaccine or that the vaccine isn’t working.
        I found that certain aspects of the video would contribute to the conversation here.
        People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

        Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
        Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


        • Originally posted by Ted Lasso's Neighbor View Post
          Plenty of news stuff out there about a place called Barnstable County, Massachusetts, home to Cape Cod, due to a CDC report on it about a covid outbreak tied back to July 4th activities in a town called Provincetown. Some of the articles say it's the reason the CDC reversed their stance on masks for vaccinated people. Here's the link to the actual report - - and here's some stuff from it. The third paragraph below is the one the news articles mainly focus on. FYI - Janssen is a reference to the vaccine from Johnson and Johnson.:

          "During July 3–17, 2021, multiple summer events and large public gatherings were held in a town in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, that attracted thousands of tourists from across the United States. Beginning July 10, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MA DPH) received reports of an increase in COVID-19 cases among persons who reside in or recently visited Barnstable County, including in fully vaccinated persons. Persons with COVID-19 reported attending densely packed indoor and outdoor events at venues that included bars, restaurants, guest houses, and rental homes. On July 3, MA DPH had reported a 14-day average COVID-19 incidence of zero cases per 100,000 persons per day in residents of the town in Barnstable County; by July 17, the 14-day average incidence increased to 177 cases per 100,000 persons per day in residents of the town (2)."

          "By July 26, a total of 469 COVID-19 cases were identified among Massachusetts residents; dates of positive specimen collection ranged from July 6 through July 25 (Figure 1). Most cases occurred in males (85%); median age was 40 years (range = <1–76 years). Nearly one half (199; 42%) reported residence in the town in Barnstable County. Overall, 346 (74%) persons with COVID-19 reported symptoms consistent with COVID-19.** Five were hospitalized; as of July 27, no deaths were reported. One hospitalized patient (age range = 50–59 years) was not vaccinated and had multiple underlying medical conditions.†† Four additional, fully vaccinated patients§§ aged 20–70 years were also hospitalized, two of whom had underlying medical conditions. Initial genomic sequencing of specimens from 133 patients identified the Delta variant in 119 (89%) cases and the Delta AY.3 sublineage in one (1%) case; genomic sequencing was not successful for 13 (10%) specimens.

          Among the 469 cases in Massachusetts residents, 346 (74%) occurred in persons who were fully vaccinated; of these, 301 (87%) were male, with a median age of 42 years. Vaccine products received by persons experiencing breakthrough infections were Pfizer-BioNTech (159; 46%), Moderna (131; 38%), and Janssen (56; 16%); among fully vaccinated persons in the Massachusetts general population, 56% had received Pfizer-BioNTech, 38% had received Moderna, and 7% had received Janssen vaccine products. Among persons with breakthrough infection, 274 (79%) reported signs or symptoms, with the most common being cough, headache, sore throat, myalgia, and fever. Among fully vaccinated symptomatic persons, the median interval from completion of ≥14 days after the final vaccine dose to symptom onset was 86 days (range = 6–178 days). Among persons with breakthrough infection, four (1.2%) were hospitalized, and no deaths were reported. Real-time RT-PCR Ct values in specimens from 127 fully vaccinated patients (median = 22.77) were similar to those among 84 patients who were unvaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or whose vaccination status was unknown (median = 21.54) (Figure 2)."

          The Barnstable County health department has more data about the 469 cases including a daily breakdown showing when the cases were reported at https://www.barnstablecountyhealth.o...n-provincetown and it also mentions the confirmed number of cases is now over 900.
          Interesting correlation that isn’t being widely reported:

          This county hosted “Bear Week”, which is a festival similar to Pride Month. 85% of the confirmed positive cases from this “super spreader” event were adult men.

          Livin the dream


          • Originally posted by wufan View Post

            1. All the studies that I’ve seen that shows a reduction in cases is always, “an estimate” in the number of actual cases vs a worst case scenario that didn’t play out. It’s statistical modeling, just like above. The other studies that use real world data show that sometimes the rates went down and sometimes they went up. When contrasted with a control group (no mask mandate) you also see populations where some go up and some go down. The correlation is statistically zero.

            2. N95s won’t lose their efficacy. They are a physical barrier that filters out particles in the size range of C19. If it is stored and fit correctly, it will work.
            In the history of mankind, only Trumpers have debated the efficacy of masks. Only Trumpers...

            And yes, they work.

            Regarding my statement on N95's losing their effectiveness at some point due to ambient viral concentrations: I stand by it.

            Any mask is going to have some risk due to fitment, material breakdown (liquids/sweat), etc. The higher the viral concentration, the lower the failure point necessary to allow an infection. This is why you see healthcare workers in Covid wards wearing masks/shields/goggles and sealed plastic gowns.

            Speaking of plastic gowns...

            Doctors and nurses have criticized the Russian government for PPE shortages and shoddy equipment in their fight against the coronavirus.

            The woman reportedly wore the swimsuit beneath her plastic gown because she felt “hot” under the stifling material. She was working at the Tula Regional Clinical Hospital at the time, where health-care workers in the coronavirus ward are required to wear PPE throughout their long shifts.

            Look at that old man pumped full of steroids in the background..... *SCHWING!!!* I'm healed!!!


            • Originally posted by wufan View Post

              Per the article (and data I’ve seen) this is peak cases in Florida, and they are at the same place they were in January. The seven day rolling average on deaths is less than 1/3 of that at the peak of the pandemic. As long as that holds, then Florida is doing it right.
              Good call.

              Florida is becoming the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, and Just this week, cases jumped 50 percent, with more than 110,000 new cases reported.

              Florida Emerges As Epicenter Of COVID Outbreak: ‘Numbers Are Unbelievably Frightening’

              Florida is becoming the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, and just this week, cases jumped 50 percent, with more than 110,000 new cases reported.

              Case numbers are now back to where they were in January before the vaccine became available.
              “There is no higher risk area in the United States than we’re seeing here,” said Dr. Aileen Marty, FIU infectious disease expert.

              “The numbers that we’re seeing are unbelievable, just unbelievably frightening.”

              According to the Florida Health Department, the new positivity rate for all of Florida is at 18.1%. In Broward, it’s 14%, Miami-Dade is at 12.1%, and Monroe County is at 16.2%.

              And according to the Florida Hospital Association, COVID-19 hospitalizations are nearing last year’s peak.

              Florida now has more people hospitalized than any other state.

              Dr. Yvonne Johnson, Chief Medical Officer at Baptist South Miami Hospital, said the number of patients in her COVID ward has quadrupled in the past 3 weeks.

              “Eighty to eighty-five percent of those people who are hospitalized are unvaccinated. And 100 percent of the people in my IUC are unvaccinated. All those people are suffering unnecessarily.”
              Other hospitals like Memorial Health Care System say they are overwhelmed

              “This morning, we had over 420 patients with COVID. And 55 are in the ICU.”

              “In the ICU, 55 people are fighting for their lives and only one of them is vaccinated.”

              “Most of the patients are in their 30s and 40s and it is very sad to have someone die in the ICU by themselves without a touch of someone’s face of seeing loved ones,” said Juana Mejia, a COVID ICU nurse manager.

              If I made even one statement in this entire thread as patently wrong as what you just did, I would get eviscerated. Good thing I don't/haven't.

              Governor Ron DeathSantis is a Trump acolyte supreme. He's done everything in his power to thwart science and to make the anti-vaxxers feel okay about their decision. If either he or Trump runs for office, I'm voting for the other side of the ticket.


              • Originally posted by WuTheOne View Post
                When my house rules are questioned, I will defend them. I can look at an immunization record. Does someone who's had covid get some type of certificate that's signed off by a health care provider that can be verified?

                In my experience, vaccinated people trust other vaccinated people, but do not want to be exposed to unvaccinated people if that can be avoided. To me that seems to be a remarkably easy decision to make.

                Vaccinated residents die in COVID cluster at Kansas nursing home with low staff vaccination rate

                Three fully vaccinated residents of a Kansas adult care facility have died with COVID-19 amid an outbreak at the facility where staff vaccination rates are lower than the industry goal.

                The Riley County Health Department on Thursday reported the COVID-19 deaths at Via Christi Village in Manhattan.

                "We unfortunately reported four new deaths yesterday, three of which had been fully vaccinated and were residents at Via Christi Village," Riley County health director Julie Gibbs said during a Facebook Live on Thursday.

                Via Christi Village is just one of 28 active long-term care facility outbreaks in the state. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment reported a combined 248 cases, 18 hospitalizations and 17 deaths as of Wednesday at the nursing homes and other facilities.

                Apologize not my friend... your community's efforts have now been officially justified.

                In all my debates in this thread (if you want to call them debates), I've consistently addressed unbounded risk w/ a cautious approach. In every situation where I was originally attacked/ridiculed, the action plan I put forth has been proven correct. I really haven't had to break a sweat though because the vast majority of participants in here are intentionally or unintentionally rationally obtuse. It appears to me as if they all are going for a perfect losing record. So far so good (bad?).

                It's sad really. This thread is a microcosm of the political disaster this virus has become.



                  GOP lawmaker who once spurned masks urges people to take covid-19 seriously after eight-month illness

                  A Tennessee legislator who went from unmasked gatherings with fellow legislators to being placed on ventilator days later has emerged with a message for constituents after a harrowing eight-month experience with long-haul covid-19:

                  Take the coronavirus seriously.

                  “It is a disease that wants to kill us,” state Rep. David Byrd (R) said in a statement Friday. Byrd, 63, described an ordeal that included 55 days on a ventilator in which covid-19 ravaged his memory, his muscles and his organs — it led to him having a liver transplant in June; his condition was so grave that his family at least once began planning for his funeral. Stressing that covid-19 is real and “very dangerous,” Byrd encouraged people to get vaccinated.
                  “This is not an issue that should divide us,” he wrote.
                  In his statement Friday, Byrd said he was sharing his experience in hopes that it “helps others to act against an enemy that knows no skin color, economic status or political affiliation.”

                  He chronicled the terrifying “lightning speed” with which covid-19 overtook his lungs: a diagnosis a day before Thanksgiving. “Every breath was pure agony,” Byrd wrote of the period before his Dec. 5 hospitalization.

                  “Everything that can go wrong with Covid did,” he wrote. “Despite the excellent care I received, I got sicker. The virus invaded my lungs and organs and it wasn’t looking good for me. My wife and family prayed for a miracle while facing the very real prospect of planning my funeral.”

                  As he was placed under anesthesia before being intubated, Byrd said, he realized he might not wake up. When he came off a ventilator nearly two months later, he said, he faced a “brutal and lonely” recovery during which he was unable to walk or use his arms.

                  He repeatedly expressed gratitude for his family, which he said was traumatized by the experience, and for the health-care providers who looked after him.
                  But it's just the flu right?

                  Another Covidiot getting a very hard lesson. I wonder if he's still on the Trump train?


                  • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                    In the history of mankind, only Trumpers have debated the efficacy of masks. Only Trumpers...

                    And yes, they work.

                    Regarding my statement on N95's losing their effectiveness at some point due to ambient viral concentrations: I stand by it.

                    Any mask is going to have some risk due to fitment, material breakdown (liquids/sweat), etc. The higher the viral concentration, the lower the failure point necessary to allow an infection. This is why you see healthcare workers in Covid wards wearing masks/shields/goggles and sealed plastic gowns.

                    Speaking of plastic gowns...

                    Doctors and nurses have criticized the Russian government for PPE shortages and shoddy equipment in their fight against the coronavirus.

                    Look at that old man pumped full of steroids in the background..... *SCHWING!!!* I'm healed!!!
                    This is a ridiculous response.
                    Livin the dream


                    • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                      Good call.

                      Florida is becoming the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, and Just this week, cases jumped 50 percent, with more than 110,000 new cases reported.

                      Florida Emerges As Epicenter Of COVID Outbreak: ‘Numbers Are Unbelievably Frightening’

                      If I made even one statement in this entire thread as patently wrong as what you just did, I would get eviscerated. Good thing I don't/haven't.

                      Governor Ron DeathSantis is a Trump acolyte supreme. He's done everything in his power to thwart science and to make the anti-vaxxers feel okay about their decision. If either he or Trump runs for office, I'm voting for the other side of the ticket.
                      You obviously don’t want to try and comprehend what I said. Nothing you posted is contradictory to what I stated.
                      Livin the dream


                      • Originally posted by wufan View Post

                        You obviously don’t want to try and comprehend what I said. Nothing you posted is contradictory to what I stated.
                        He can’t comprehend most of what he reads. That’s why all of his responses are copy/paste.
                        People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                        Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                        Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                        • And the echo chamber of delusion and ignorance fires up with nary a hitch.

                          Predictably sad.


                          • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post


                            Vaccinated residents die in COVID cluster at Kansas nursing home with low staff vaccination rate

                            Apologize not my friend... your community's efforts have now been officially justified.

                            In all my debates in this thread (if you want to call them debates), I've consistently addressed unbounded risk w/ a cautious approach. In every situation where I was originally attacked/ridiculed, the action plan I put forth has been proven correct. I really haven't had to break a sweat though because the vast majority of participants in here are intentionally or unintentionally rationally obtuse. It appears to me as if they all are going for a perfect losing record. So far so good (bad?).

                            It's sad really. This thread is a microcosm of the political disaster this virus has become.
                            Three adults died WITH Covid. They didn't even die OF Covid. Let's hear the details.

                            Have you been to an adult facility in the last 5 years? They are comfortable death camps. If they got the FLU they likely would have died.

                            You and the media and so many others continue to push lies. Tell the truth. You can do it. Stop pushing lies.

                            Yes, I'm vaxxed. Yes, like basically everyone I know that's a member of the GOP. We're all vaxxed. I think everyone should get the shot, but I believe it's up to them.

                            And I'm a ticking time bomb and I stay at home almost exclusively. Chronic lung condition, compromised immune system, multiple co-morbidities. That's on me. I'm not about to tell or expect others to do what I think they should. Like every single one of the right leaning people I know.


                            • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

                              Three adults died WITH Covid. They didn't even die OF Covid. Let's hear the details.

                              You and the media and so many others continue to push lies. Tell the truth. You can do it. Stop pushing lies.
                              Yes, CJonline, the Riley County Health Department, and Via Christi Village, are all in collusion w/ Joe Biden to imprison us in our homes under the guise of the Chineeze Flu in order to protect the SeKreTs of the SToLeN ElecTiOn.


                              • And just like that, anything of substance disappears. Cold is not capable of any original thought. All of his arguing “prowess” depends on copy/paste. Sad, really. He used to be really good at it.
                                People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                                Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                                Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.

