Originally posted by Ted Lasso's Neighbor
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Dying man #163 in hospital who's just come to Jesus: "Listen to me America, the virus is REAL... take the vaccine. PLEASE!"
There are so many of these stories I stopped counting. And the prevailing attitude in this thread is a symptom of the disease they all suffer(ed) from. The cynicism, the need to challenge every single thing that is released from the doctors/scientists. It's conspiracy theory mentality and the conservative party is RIFE with it - promulgated by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, and Tucker. It's all a slight of hand trick for the purposes of gaining attention and capturing repeat listeners/viewers. Not entirely dissimilar to the methods of a troll.
I would hope for my Shocker brethren that they would wake up one day and see the Matrix for what it really is. But like the movie, some who do finally wake up wonder if they should have just remained asleep. This is a thought that haunts me more often than I'd like to admit.