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The Rise & Fall of the Valley

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  • #76
    So, does anyone else remember that time WSU to the AAC was merely a possibility, but even then, there were articles and leaks coming out for days, weeks and even months?

    I noticed there were ZERO leaks about the MVC and mid-major conference realignment... No buzz. Just a big assumption that universities are meeting and talking. I'd say, plan on UMKC or Chicago State at this point. I keep checking, and there is just nothing on the internet other than that UMKC and UNO stuff. I have a feeling another swing and miss is coming.

    On the other hand, I did see some interesting stuff about the Group of 5 (FBS non-power 5's). It basically said Conference USA and the Sun Belt may like to restructure into better geographic footprints. Both are sprawling conferences that compete at a similar level. It's possible that the bigger story in conference realignment this offseason will come from what happens to the Group of 5 and then whatever trickle down happens after that. I found it while looking at New Mexico State and seeing how NMSU and Idaho are in a terrible state after being left out by most of FBS. They may have to go FCS just to stay viable. Maybe NMSU would be a good candidate to join both the MVC and MVFC...


    • #77

      I feel like this guy may be reading my posts.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post

        I feel like this guy may be reading my posts.
        So, the plan was to get into the Chicago market with Loyola, and now possibly get into the KC market with UMKC. What could possibly be wrong with those plans?
        The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
        We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Aargh View Post
          So, the plan was to get into the Chicago market with Loyola, and now possibly get into the KC market with UMKC. What could possibly be wrong with those plans?
          Might as well go after Dallas Baptist as a full member as I'm sure they control the Dallas TV market


          • #80
            [QUOTE=Dave Stalwart;728340]So, does anyone else remember that time WSU to the AAC was merely a possibility, but even then, there were articles and leaks coming out for days, weeks and even months?

            I noticed there were ZERO leaks about the MVC and mid-major conference realignment... No buzz. Just a big assumption that universities are meeting and talking. I'd say, plan on UMKC or Chicago State at this point. I keep checking, and there is just nothing on the internet other than that UMKC and UNO stuff. I have a feeling another swing and miss is coming.

            On the other hand, I did see some interesting stuff about the Group of 5 (FBS non-power 5's). It basically said Conference USA and the Sun Belt may like to restructure into better geographic footprints. Both are sprawling conferences that compete at a similar level. It's possible that the bigger story in conference realignment this offseason will come from what happens to the Group of 5 and then whatever trickle down happens after that. I found it while looking at New Mexico State and seeing how NMSU and Idaho are in a terrible state after being left out by most of FBS. They may have to go FCS just to stay viable. Maybe NMSU would be a good candidate to join both the MVC and MVFC...[/QUOT

            No leaks? Maybe the MVC isn't like the White House!


            • #81
              Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post

              "UMKC was one of four schools considered by the Missouri Valley in 2013, along with Valparaiso, University of Illinois-Chicago and Loyola (Chicago) and when Creighton left for the Big East. Valley officials visited each school, and Loyola was the choice."

              I did not know that those were the four schools considered to replace Creighton at the time. Surely, there were others, but this article makes it sound like those were the only four and that UMKC was actually contacted back in 2013. If this is true, then you can see why the MVC is falling apart...
              Do the school presidents not get a say in this process? Just wondering what WSU officials had as far as input in that decision.
              "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


              • #82
                Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
                Do the school presidents not get a say in this process? Just wondering what WSU officials had as far as input in that decision.
                The final decision is by the university presidents. Pretty much just like with us on our move to the AAC.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                  The final decision is by the university presidents. Pretty much just like with us on our move to the AAC.
                  Thats what I figured. Just cant remember if the vote was unanimous. Probably was just to put a good face on things even if it wasnt.
                  "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post

                    "UMKC was one of four schools considered by the Missouri Valley in 2013, along with Valparaiso, University of Illinois-Chicago and Loyola (Chicago) and when Creighton left for the Big East. Valley officials visited each school, and Loyola was the choice."

                    I did not know that those were the four schools considered to replace Creighton at the time. Surely, there were others, but this article makes it sound like those were the only four and that UMKC was actually contacted back in 2013. If this is true, then you can see why the MVC is falling apart...
                    I think the MVC had no interest in adding UMKC or moving the tourney to KC. It was just a dog and pony show from the mvc to try and give WSU a sense that we were important to them. When in reality we were just their sugar momma....
                    Marge: The plant called and said that if you don't come in tomorrow, don't bother coming in Monday.
                    Homer: WOOHOO! Four day weekend.


                    • #85
                      The vote to add Loyola was unanimous. Such things almost always are. However, just like I understand there were some misgivings from certain AAC--sorry, American--members about us, I'm sure WSU was not in support of Loyola.
                      "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Rocky Mountain Shock View Post
                        The vote to add Loyola was unanimous. Such things almost always are. However, just like I understand there were some misgivings from certain AAC--sorry, American--members about us, I'm sure WSU was not in support of Loyola.
                        Rocky you're gonna get in some serious trouble if you keep using the 3 letter acronym. There are spies everywhere.


                        • #87
                          [QUOTE No leaks? Maybe the MVC isn't like the White House![/QUOTE]



                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
                            So, does anyone else remember that time WSU to the AAC was merely a possibility, but even then, there were articles and leaks coming out for days, weeks and even months?

                            I noticed there were ZERO leaks about the MVC and mid-major conference realignment... No buzz. Just a big assumption that universities are meeting and talking. I'd say, plan on UMKC or Chicago State at this point. I keep checking, and there is just nothing on the internet other than that UMKC and UNO stuff. I have a feeling another swing and miss is coming.

                            On the other hand, I did see some interesting stuff about the Group of 5 (FBS non-power 5's). It basically said Conference USA and the Sun Belt may like to restructure into better geographic footprints. Both are sprawling conferences that compete at a similar level. It's possible that the bigger story in conference realignment this offseason will come from what happens to the Group of 5 and then whatever trickle down happens after that. I found it while looking at New Mexico State and seeing how NMSU and Idaho are in a terrible state after being left out by most of FBS. They may have to go FCS just to stay viable. Maybe NMSU would be a good candidate to join both the MVC and MVFC...[/QUOT

                            No leaks? Maybe the MVC isn't like the White House!
                            Maybe they tried and no one was interested


                            • #89
                              Today's installment. Still not much to see, but this one has UMKC as the #1 target as well. It's just a speculative article. Not worth the read unless you are interested in following what happens.

                              Wichita State officially announced that they will be leaving the MVC basketball league. Here are five teams the league should add to take their place.


                              • #90
                                I'm really going to miss Evansville.

                                Just kidding!

