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Which Shockers should be 1st, or 2nd All-MVC

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Gary Gorilla View Post
    Jacobson for COY, kept hearing about the last 0-5 start to a winning record in the league was in the 20s, plus they'll beat the turds Saturday.
    If UNI beats Illinois State on Saturday I can live with that.

    Hopefully, the RPI ramificantions would not be too significant with a UNI win.


    • #32
      Muller will get COY. Because going 17-1 and not being at WSU is rare.
      "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


      • #33
        COY: Muller. Just like Lebron doesn't win PoY in the NBA every year, CoY in the Valley is usually going to go to the best non-Marshall coach.

        NCOY: Alize Johnson. He's averaging a near 15 PPG double-double, which puts him over Landry's 11/3/3.

        FOY: Landry Shamet. This should be fairly obvious I would think.

        6MOY: Rauno Nurger. Award will go to top of Wichita's bench.

        DPOY: Paris Lee. Acknowledgement of steals (Zach Brown deserves but will not get).

        1st Team:
        Paris Lee: Pivotal player on a shallow 17-1 team.
        Landry Shamet: Most consistent player on a 17-1 team.
        Jeremy Morgan: Most vital player in conference on a mediocre team.
        Deontae Hawkins: Averaging more PPG than McDuffie on a 17-1 team (thanks to a smaller bench)
        Alize Johnson: Double-Double.

        2nd Team:
        Milton Doyle: Probably more deserving than Johnson but would make too many guards on 1st team
        Conner Frankamp: For last half of of conference play
        McIntosh: 3rd player on 8-man 17-1 team
        Markis McDuffie: Odd man out of the 1st team.
        Sean O'Brien: SIU's odd man

        Mike Rodriguez
        Aundre Jackson
        Jaylon Brown
        Zach Brown
        Darryl Willis
        Shaq Morris


        • #34
          Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
          If UNI beats Illinois State on Saturday I can live with that.

          Hopefully, the RPI ramificantions would not be too significant with a UNI win.
          The RPI Wizard predicts 29 if ISUr wins out and 33 if they lose to UNI. We can live with that.
          Its a good landing if you can walk away, its a great landing if the plane can be reused the next day.


          • #35
            Originally posted by wufan View Post
            Just no for Jeremy Morgan as POY.
            I couldn't agree more. It needs to be Lee or Landry, no others really can compete imo


            • #36
              Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
              DPOY: Paris Lee. Acknowledgement of steals (Zach Brown deserves but will not get).
              I don't think you picked a POY. If Paris Lee wins the POY then the chances of him also winning the DPOY award diminsish greatly. Hopefully, Zach gets his just desserts.


              • #37
                Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                I don't think you picked a POY. If Paris Lee wins the POY then the chances of him also winning the DPOY award diminsish greatly. Hopefully, Zach gets his just desserts.
                I didn't pick a POY, because I wasn't certain on it. I think Wichita's best candidate would be McDuffie and Illinois State's best would be Lee but neither is a clear choice, especially as Landry has arguably been more consistent in conference than McDuffie. The only other choice in the conference is Morgan and I'd hate to see a player from mediocre team get the award with the huge gap between 1-2 and 3+.

                I could see Lee getting POY and Zach Brown getting DPOY. But I have a bad feeling that Lee, Shamet, and McDuffie will split votes and somehow Morgan will get the award. Neither Lee nor Shamet have dominate statlines that would lock it up, though I feel this should be a "best player on the best team" year that is difficult with two 17-1 teams.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
                  I didn't pick a POY, because I wasn't certain on it. I think Wichita's best candidate would be McDuffie and Illinois State's best would be Lee but neither is a clear choice, especially as Landry has arguably been more consistent in conference than McDuffie. The only other choice in the conference is Morgan and I'd hate to see a player from mediocre team get the award with the huge gap between 1-2 and 3+.

                  I could see Lee getting POY and Zach Brown getting DPOY. But I have a bad feeling that Lee, Shamet, and McDuffie will split votes and somehow Morgan will get the award. Neither Lee nor Shamet have dominate statlines that would lock it up, though I feel this should be a "best player on the best team" year that is difficult with two 17-1 teams.
                  I'm kind of in the same boat regarding a POY. I agree it should be the MVP from either WSU or ILS. IMHO that means either Paris Lee or Landry Shamet. If one team wins the championship outright then the MVP from that team should get it. If Landy Shamet wins that award then Paris Lee could get the DPOY as a consolation prize, although, like you, I think Zach Brown deserves that award.

                  If the Shocks and Redbirds end up in a 1st place tie I think Paris Lee will win the POY award primarily because he is a Senior and Landy is a Freshman. Shouldn't make any difference but typically it does. The younger guy will have his day. Could someone else, like Jeremy Morgan or Alize Johnson slip in an win the POY. Well, yes, it is the Valley after all.


                  • #39
                    PoY goes to a senior almost exclusively. Sometimes there's a Jr who clearly deserves it, but it goes to a Sr because the Jr can still get it the next year.

                    It takes a player like McDermott to challenge that, and there isn't one of those in the league this year.
                    The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                    We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                    • #40
                      Didn't want to start a new thread for this, but I was looking at True Shooting percentages (kenPom) and no Shocker qualifies for the top 100 spots because they are below 62.5% or have not played 24 minutes per game. But if you insert our Shockers conference game only percentages they would rank as follows:
                      #9 Shamet .697
                      #11 Keyser .691
                      #21 Nurger .666 (44th in all games)
                      #26 Frankamp ,661
                      #65 McDuffie .637
                      #69 Reaves .635 (18th in all games)

                      Fifteen teams have two on the list, Ark St; Creighton; Iowa St; Notre Dame; Ohio; St. Joseph's; South Carolina State; Texas Southern; UCLA; UNC Asheville; USC; UTArlington; Vermont; Wake Forest

                      One has three; Central Michigan.
                      "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
                      Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
                      "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

                      A physician called into a radio show and said:
                      "That's the definition of a stool sample."


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Aargh View Post
                        PoY goes to a senior almost exclusively. Sometimes there's a Jr who clearly deserves it, but it goes to a Sr because the Jr can still get it the next year.

                        It takes a player like McDermott to challenge that, and there isn't one of those in the league this year.
                        When you say a player like McDermott, do you just mean puts up loads of points? Or talent level?

                        Fred got it as a sophomore. While I'd take Fred with my first draft pick over Dougie every day of the week and twice on Sunday, I'm not sure his statline as a sophomore was significantly better than what Landry is putting up this year.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Aargh View Post
                          PoY goes to a senior almost exclusively. Sometimes there's a Jr who clearly deserves it, but it goes to a Sr because the Jr can still get it the next year.

                          It takes a player like McDermott or Van Vleet to challenge that, and there isn't one of those in the league this year.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Aargh View Post
                            PoY goes to a senior almost exclusively. Sometimes there's a Jr who clearly deserves it, but it goes to a Sr because the Jr can still get it the next year.

                            It takes a player like McDermott to challenge that, and there isn't one of those in the league this year.
                            Fred won it as a sophomore


                            • #44
                              They should rename it the "Senior of the Year" the way it goes in this conference. An underclassman has to be head and shoulders above the senior class to win POY.
                              Its a good landing if you can walk away, its a great landing if the plane can be reused the next day.


                              • #45
                                Marshall is hands down the best coach in the Valley. Jacobsen is second, Muller is third but only because he can recruit. He's not a great tactician.

