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OFFICIAL: #11 WSU vs #10 UNI Game Thread

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  • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    We'll discuss this for awhile but these kids were absolutely fantastic today.

    And UNI is great. Not good, great.
    It's a classic joy of victory, pain of defeat scenario:

    WSU, with a victory, continue solidify all that they have achieved the past few seasons. The train keeps on rollin'.

    UNI, in defeat, lost their one great chance to hang a championship banner during the WSU era. They lose a lot of talent after this season. (Also tough to go 16-2 and go home with nothing.)
    The Assman


    • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
      Nice to see Bush Wamukota come up big in this game. And I STILL think he's better than HUrt. But I bet that a lot more people agree with me today.
      In this game, bush owned hurt, hands down. I was hoping we'd play him more when uni went on their run. His time in the bench coincided. We were very good with him in there.


      • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
        And UNI is great. Not good, great.
        Agreed. I want to tip my hat to UNI. The last team that only lost 2 games and finished as runner-up on the Valley as Bradley in 1960 when they were 12-2. Of course, it may not be that long before the Shocks and Panthers go at it again.


        • Originally posted by shock-it-to-me View Post
          Wow, I thought the callers on the coaches radio show were bad, the callers on the locker room take it to a whole...nother...level

          Probably the reason they decided to discontinue a Shocker assistant fielding questions.


          • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
            @SethDavisHoops: Wichita Statement.
            Will we crack his Top 15 this week or are we "maxed out"?
            Deuces Valley.
            ... No really, deuces.
            "Enjoy the ride."

            - a smart man


            • I need a bit to simmer down but this day has been beyond words. That game beyond words. Just total awesome. All the way around.

              I'll be back later after I settle back down to earth again.
              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • Congrats to Evan for a great game. With Cotton graduating he will play in a position more naturally suited to his height next year and will excel in the future. I'm looking forward to his senior year!


                • UNI was doomed from the get go. I knew it, our team knew it and UNI knew it.

                  We had everything going for us today and we took SOLID advantage.

                  Way to bring it everyone.


                  • I have absolutely no problem if Tuttle wins MVC player of the year. He deserves it. Ron and Fred both are in the conversation, but Tuttle deserves it. The guy is amazing and was the best player in the conference this year. Great game between two great teams.


                    • Originally posted by Jhook89 View Post
                      I have absolutely no problem if Tuttle wins MVC player of the year. He deserves it. Ron and Fred both are in the conversation, but Tuttle deserves it. The guy is amazing and was the best player in the conference this year. Great game between two great teams.
                      Baker and VanVleet will split votes. Tuttle wil get it. I am okay with that... sort of...
                      Kansas is Flat. The Earth is Not!!


                      • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
                        Baker and VanVleet will split votes. Tuttle wil get it. I am okay with that... sort of...
                        Yep. Tuttle takes POY, Marshall takes COY, WSU puts three on the two all-conference teams, UNI with one, maybe two.
                        Originally posted by BleacherReport
                        Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


                        • POY should go to Cotton. He has had more appearances on Sports Center top ten than anyone in the conference.


                          • I have no problem giving it to Tuttle.


                            • Originally posted by jocoshock View Post
                              And the best part of his defense? ZERO fouls..
                              I agree with both Dan and Joco. Plus Tom Bush scored 4 points.

                              On post game show, I thought Coach Marshall was pretty faint in his praise for Tom Bush. I was pretty disappointed in Coach.

                              I thought Tom Bush pulled our bacon out of the fire or kept it out of the fire. #10 was completely baffled. He could not make a play.
                              "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                              --Niels Bohr


                              • I liked when Tuttle tried his patented hook move baseline on BWam. But Bush had set his base so wide that he just ran his elbow into his thigh and didn't go anywhere. Fantastic stuff.

