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Tell me about the dark days

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  • #76
    Originally posted by HockeyShock View Post
    The big one during the 'dark days' was Maurice Evans. KU recruited the hell out of him, and Roy thought they had him locked up. Then he turned around and committed to WSU. Roy figured that there was no way that a kid born in Wichita, raised in Wichita, went to Wichita State games as a kid, would have ever chosen Wichita State over KU, so he called the NCAA and, with no evidence other than the fact that Evans signed with us rather than them, the NCAA opened an investigation on our recruiting. It took most of two years if I remember correctly, and we were cleared of any wrongdoing, by Maurice had had enough of Smithson by that point and transfered to Texas anyway. So not only did we not get to keep the best player, and the first big locally-produced player to come down the pipe in a long time, but we had the stigma of the NCAA investigation during all that time, which put a damper on our other recruiting efforts.

    That's why I hate Roy Williams and hope that UNC loses every game that they play. I hope his private hell is having to play Wichita State at Koch Arena and getting blown out by 50+ every night for eternity.
    I seem to recall violations for "practice time" starting two weeks early, or something like that...


    • #77
      Memories of the dark era...

      Prior to being a student there:
      - Going to my Aunts house since she had the Shocker Sports Channel. Trying not to cuss in her presence despite my frustrations with what I was watching.
      - John Smith never being coached out of his habit of lowering the ball to the floor before going up for a shot in the low post. Geez, I remember being taught that in Biddy Ball.
      - That bizarre Alabama game where Mike Cohen broke his leg or something, someone broke the backboard, and we actually won (Bama was ranked at the time).

      While I was a student:
      - The awkward senior night recognizing Jamie Arnold - who wasn't on the team anymore.
      - Playing Tulsa during the Randy Smithson Era. Shae Seals was their star player. A student brought a sign that said "Shae Who?" which was apparently deemed too offensive. They took the sign away. I wanted to punch whatever prude found that too offensive.
      - Kevin Gwaltney
      - Rollie Massimino brought his thin skin and his Cleveland State team in. He threw a fit because he didn't like the students yelling "you suck" to him. I mean it REALLY pissed him off. So much so he complained to the refs.
      - Coach Smithson thought that he could coach the triangle offense to perfection after taking a crash course from Tex Winter (probably more of a dinner conversation than a clinic). There was no reason to experiment with that, especially with the talent we had on that particular team. He wasted the entire non-conference season loosing while both he and the team tried to learn the Triangle. He finally scrapped it during conference play. Low and behold - we finished 3rd place in the league but still were only 1 game over .500.
      - one good thing about the era. If you ordered a large drink, you got a plastic cup you got to take home. I used to have stacks of those plastic MTXE2 souvenir cups.

      Man. This is great therapy!


      • #78
        Mid-90s. My experience began with Cohen. I was optomistic for Thompson. Was excited when he got fired.
        Was excited for Smithson. I had attended his camps and games at BuCO. Those were some great teams that out-toughed the competition. Too bad that only marginally translated into DI. James Bunch.

        Three rows of students in the student section. Urinals as mentioned.
        Best memory was that 99 OSU game. First time I really got to experience the Roundhouse for what it could be.
        Even with the "poor" attendance we still outdrew many BCS conference schools.

        Having to go to games at the Kansas Colisuem, but knowing what we had coming.


        • #79
          Originally posted by H8KU View Post
          Memories of the dark era...

          Prior to being a student there:
          - Going to my Aunts house since she had the Shocker Sports Channel. Trying not to cuss in her presence despite my frustrations with what I was watching.
          - John Smith never being coached out of his habit of lowering the ball to the floor before going up for a shot in the low post. Geez, I remember being taught that in Biddy Ball.
          - That bizarre Alabama game where Mike Cohen broke his leg or something, someone broke the backboard, and we actually won (Bama was ranked at the time).

          While I was a student:
          - The awkward senior night recognizing Jamie Arnold - who wasn't on the team anymore.
          - Playing Tulsa during the Randy Smithson Era. Shae Seals was their star player. A student brought a sign that said "Shae Who?" which was apparently deemed too offensive. They took the sign away. I wanted to punch whatever prude found that too offensive.
          - Kevin Gwaltney
          - Rollie Massimino brought his thin skin and his Cleveland State team in. He threw a fit because he didn't like the students yelling "you suck" to him. I mean it REALLY pissed him off. So much so he complained to the refs.
          - Coach Smithson thought that he could coach the triangle offense to perfection after taking a crash course from Tex Winter (probably more of a dinner conversation than a clinic). There was no reason to experiment with that, especially with the talent we had on that particular team. He wasted the entire non-conference season loosing while both he and the team tried to learn the Triangle. He finally scrapped it during conference play. Low and behold - we finished 3rd place in the league but still were only 1 game over .500.
          - one good thing about the era. If you ordered a large drink, you got a plastic cup you got to take home. I used to have stacks of those plastic MTXE2 souvenir cups.

          Man. This is great therapy!
          "YOU SHUT YOUR ASS!"

          -- Rollie Massamino to a WSU student.

          Good times.
          "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


          • #80
            Anyone remember those two games against Utah when Rick Majerus first got there? I think he agreed to a home and home with Eddie less than a week before he left thinking we'd be good resume fodder for the Utes at-large aspirations. Zing!

            They thumped us by about 50 at their place and then held us to 35 or something ridiculous at Levitt. KC Hunt just could not stop turning it over.


            • #81
              My memories go all the way back to the Gary Thompson era. As I moved to the east coast shortly after the Gene Smithson glory years, I don't really have memories of the dark years. The internet, was we know it, really didn't exist and we were lucky even to get a one-line game score in the newspaper so I lost touch over the years. Yes, the trough urinals were downright intimidating and the popcorn was stale. Also remember that every time a game was televised, the ushers would hang these thick dark curtains over the entrances from the concourse into the arena - and then watch people like a hawk entering and exiting so as not to interfere with the lighting for TV.

              I had a few classes with Randy Smithson. Seemed like he had a little bit of "class clown" in him back then. I'm sure we never got to see the full act because, after all, it was college not high school and he was naturally pretty high profile. I waited tables at Crestview Country Club and served Gene Smithson as he would come in and dine with his buddies from time to time.

              Regarding the probation, word around town was that a certain doctor in Wichita was tight with a few older players still on the roster but who were pre-Smithson recruits. As Smithson started bringing in his own guys (and their roles diminished), they developed some unsatisfied grievances. Story was the good doctor intervened and ultimately was instrumental in "turning in" WSU. But, there were other versions too - like it was Ted Owens and KU, etc. So, who knows? But, it did hurt the program as Cliff Levingston left the next year and Greg Dreiling transferred to KU.


              • #82
                The probation was for violations at the end of Harry Miller's tenure (1976-78)- not for anything that occurred on Gene's watch. Here is the 1982 AP article detailing it.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
                  The probation was for violations at the end of Harry Miller's tenure (1976-78)- not for anything that occurred on Gene's watch. Here is the 1982 AP article detailing it.
                  Agreed. Gene was "clean" (his nickname at the time), but I still believe personally KU started the inquiry after G. Dreiling's recruitment. (NCAA in KC then and KU had them in their back pocket. I used to spit at the NCAA bldg on my daily drive past it when I lived in KC.) Also, our reputation with the NCAA was less than stellar (I think we were one of the most penalized schools at the time) and Gene had to go to show we were "cleaning up our act" not unlike Sampson at Indiana, Pearl at Tenn, Tark at UNLV, etc.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by ciaomichael View Post

                    I had a few classes with Randy Smithson. Seemed like he had a little bit of "class clown" in him back then. I'm sure we never got to see the full act because, after all, it was college not high school and he was naturally pretty high profile. I waited tables at Crestview Country Club and served Gene Smithson as he would come in and dine with his buddies from time to time.

                    I knew Randy when I lived in AC and he and Jay Jackson, etc. played for Cowley Co; he was definitely a partier, high energy, low self control guy. Or, as we in the 70's called it, normal!


                    • #85
                      I was a child during this time period, so thankfully I don't have too many vivid memories. Interesting perspective from those of you who were old enough.

                      I do remember going to a few games with my dad, and remember the likes of Jason Perez and Maurice Evans. I remember the arena being far from full, but not empty either. And I cannot get the image of those old restrooms out of my mind.

                      As much fun and personal enjoyment as the Final Four was for me individually last year, I was probably equally as happy for folks like my father, and many of you on here who sat through those dreadful times. He deserved it, and all of you did as well for your support at a time that had to be difficult to care so much. People like you are a large part of the success we are experiencing now. Thank you.


                      • #86
                        I remember Bart Westgeest being such a bad free throw shooter that some team (UNI maybe?) started intentionally fouling him when they were ahead so that we couldn't come back.

                        So many players just disappeared halfway through the season--I was too young to know if it was academics, arrests, general unhappiness, or what, but it seemed like the team was never the same at the end of the season as it was at the beginning.

                        We lost to Athletes First in an exhibition. I think this may have happened more than once but I can't find records of exhibition games. Regardless, Athletes First isn't supposed to win--they would stay on the court at halftime and tell you to find Jesus, as I recall.

                        KC Hunt would be wide open and not shoot the ball, and I don't think he had a red light--I think he was just confused. I just remember everyone screaming at him to shoot.

                        After John Cooper got hurt someone called in to the next pregame show and said things like "oh he was so good and I'll miss him so much" in this really somber tone and Mike Kennedy had to point out that Cooper was not actually dead. But it sure felt that way.

                        The Smithson teams could have been so much better...a starting 5 of Jason Perez, Maurice Evans, Darrin Williams, Terry Hankton, and, well...hmm...I guess Roosevelt Overstreet? 4 out of 5 ain't bad. But we still sucked so much.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by H8KU View Post
                          Memories of the dark era...

                          Prior to being a student there:
                          - Going to my Aunts house since she had the Shocker Sports Channel. Trying not to cuss in her presence despite my frustrations with what I was watching.
                          - John Smith never being coached out of his habit of lowering the ball to the floor before going up for a shot in the low post. Geez, I remember being taught that in Biddy Ball.
                          - That bizarre Alabama game where Mike Cohen broke his leg or something, someone broke the backboard, and we actually won (Bama was ranked at the time).

                          While I was a student:
                          - The awkward senior night recognizing Jamie Arnold - who wasn't on the team anymore.
                          - Playing Tulsa during the Randy Smithson Era. Shae Seals was their star player. A student brought a sign that said "Shae Who?" which was apparently deemed too offensive. They took the sign away. I wanted to punch whatever prude found that too offensive.
                          - Kevin Gwaltney
                          - Rollie Massimino brought his thin skin and his Cleveland State team in. He threw a fit because he didn't like the students yelling "you suck" to him. I mean it REALLY pissed him off. So much so he complained to the refs.
                          - Coach Smithson thought that he could coach the triangle offense to perfection after taking a crash course from Tex Winter (probably more of a dinner conversation than a clinic). There was no reason to experiment with that, especially with the talent we had on that particular team. He wasted the entire non-conference season loosing while both he and the team tried to learn the Triangle. He finally scrapped it during conference play. Low and behold - we finished 3rd place in the league but still were only 1 game over .500.
                          - one good thing about the era. If you ordered a large drink, you got a plastic cup you got to take home. I used to have stacks of those plastic MTXE2 souvenir cups.

                          Man. This is great therapy!
                          Gawd, I forgot all about the triangle. I imagine that Coach Winter lhfao.
                          "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

                          --Niels Bohr


                          • #88
                            Man, starting this reminiscing has really opened some suppressed memories! Paul Wight as center...Valvano as a possible HC...seems I recall Valvano mentioning somewhere he had some back pain on his initial visit to WSU, but thought little of it. Great guy, but glad we didn't hire him. Jason Perez was/is a true superstar... could've been a household name had he played in a different scenario. I still admire him for sticking to his WSU commitment. If you think we FANS had it tough, those few really great players deserve ALL our respect and admiration!


                            • #89
                              Here's to the pee troughs! Society's great equalizer. For at the trough, there are no rich men, there are no poor men, there are just men.

                              A couple of memories: Vs Tulsa - Antoine on a breakaway driving down the right side of the court toward the tunnel end. 6'10" Herb Johnson is back on D for TU. AC throws three or four shoulder fakes at Herb trying to shake him. Then, from just outside the block, Carr takes off and delivers a thunderous one-handed posterizing slam right in Johnson's face. I was standing on the floor at the other end of the court and HLA was so loud it felt like my head would pop off and the vibration in the floor left my feet buzzing.

                              Another game I viewed from that same spot - this was in the SW corner behind the stairs that go to the court. I believe this might be where the couch is now. Anyway, I would stand there for games behind a security guard with friends. One of those friends was Big Rick of Big Rick's BBQ Sauce fame. In those days, if we scored 100 pts we got a free burger from Wendy's. One game, as we neared the magic number, the crowd was cheering for 100 pts, it was super noisy, and now Rick is really really into it. So much so that he is literally on the black part of the court, out of his mind and screaming at the top of his lungs, "BURGERS! BURGERS!"

                              Finally, as bad as Scott Thompson's teams were, I'll never forget Larry Callis. The guy was a hero in my mind, played 100% all the time, worked his tail off, never complained, got the most out of his limited ability and showed how to be a true leader in the midst of a bad situation.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
                                Also I know this goes against groupthink but Eddie didn't really leave the cupboard that bare. We were picked 2nd in the MVC in Cohen's first two years, and we lost a ton of transfers during that time (including future NBA player Gaylon Nickerson). Coop broke his leg in Cohen's second year in a W over Tennessee in Hawaii when he got undercut on a dirty play and things went from gradually unraveling to Wile E Coyote freefall off a cliff.
                                No kidding. Paul Guffrovich and John Cooper for starters. Guff was outstanding....a poor man's FVV. Great shooter. Smart, floor general. Not the leader Fred is.....held back by poor coaching. Cooper was a stud, pure and simple. Better than PJ. A lot better, and that's saying something.

                                Eddie's problem was he recruited 2 bigs in the mold of Carolina bigs, and neither one developed 1 iota. Mendelson (I blame Phil) and Duggar (I blame Eddie for choosing him in the first place) were 6'10" post players we were needing, missed terribly and then never replaced until Paul Miller?

                                Wait, I'm forgetting Kevin Gwaltney, Rashon Mickens and Luke Utting.

