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Vote for Gregg Marshall - Infiinty Challenge on ESPN.COM

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  • Originally posted by Shox21 View Post
    Only a little less than 11 minutes left in this round. Not sure when Round 3 starts.
    •Round 3 voting runs from 2/17 at 1:00PM ET - 3/2 at 11:59AM ET.


    • Originally posted by OTR Shockfan View Post
      You do realize your talkin about Ohio right ? The state that had voter turnout in the 110 to 125 % ranges in the last presidential election. Safe to say they know ALL the tricks LOL
      Lets be realisitic about the numbers. THE osu has 5 times the enrollment WSU has and at least that many alumni. A bunch of those guys are old and have lots of time on their hands so they vote as often as they can. I'm amazed we have been as close as we have but I don't understand how we stay at the per cent we do at the start and the end. Something just doesn't ring true here.


      • Turgeon and Boyle didn't make the top 16. It would be nice if they could get their fans to vote for Gregg Marshall.


        • Bump. Next round of voting starts at noon today, Central time. Let's see if we can beat Ohio State out of the gates.
          "If you strive for perfection, often times you can achieve excellence." --Gregg Marshall


          • I made my parents ESPN accounts yesterday to get on voting.


            • Originally posted by SumShocker View Post
              Bump. Next round of voting starts at noon today, Central time. Let's see if we can beat Ohio State out of the gates.
              I believe that we will need more than just shockernet to accomplish that.

              "Students of Wichita State, in order to gain access to blackboard or sit in class you must first vote for 3G in the Coaches Challenge. Thank you."

              --President Bardo
              “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
              -Sun Tzu, The Art of War


              • Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post
                Turgeon and Boyle didn't make the top 16. It would be nice if they could get their fans to vote for Gregg Marshall.
                If they were not interested enough to vote for their own coach, they are certainly not going to be motivated to vote for ours.


                • Originally posted by kochHead View Post
                  I believe that we will need more than just shockernet to accomplish that.

                  "Students of Wichita State, in order to gain access to blackboard or sit in class you must first vote for 3G in the Coaches Challenge. Thank you."

                  --President Bardo
                  I like this idea. Heck make all city and county employees do it as we'll. But I'm sure some lifeless student/gubmint employee would take issue. This really needs to be a city/regional/state initiative. But again I'm sure KU fans would rather spite WSU and GM over helping out the kids who need it most.


                  • Originally posted by BostonWu View Post
                    I like this idea. Heck make all city and county employees do it as we'll. But I'm sure some lifeless student/gubmint employee would take issue. This really needs to be a city/regional/state initiative. But again I'm sure KU fans would rather spite WSU and GM over helping out the kids who need it most.
                    Holy Dictator Batman. I'm glad you're not the gubmint. :banghead:
                    "Hank Iba decided he wouldn't play my team anymore. He told me that if he tried to get his team ready to play me, it would upset his team the rest of the season." Gene Johnson, WU Basketball coach, 1928-1933.


                    • 15 mins

                      "Valley-shaking, nation-waking 29-game win streak." - Paul Suellentrop, The Wichita Eagle


                      • and it didn't like my saved login I've been using for weeks but whatever. I tried to vote and it said it hadn't begun yet :(


                        • Originally posted by Rosewood View Post
                 and it didn't like my saved login I've been using for weeks but whatever. I tried to vote and it said it hadn't begun yet :(
                          yet the clock is counting down and it is 1:00 p.m. EST. Go figure.


                          • I have not been impressed with the way this site has performed,, seems a lil bush league considering the scope of the money award
                            From the road I listen (Tune In radio) at home I watch ( season Ticks )


                            • Originally posted by Rosewood View Post
                     and it didn't like my saved login I've been using for weeks but whatever. I tried to vote and it said it hadn't begun yet :(
                              Maybe that's how Ohio State gets so far out ahead. Maybe they can already vote.


                              • Originally posted by ripemupshocks View Post
                                Holy Dictator Batman. I'm glad you're not the gubmint. :banghead:
                                Sorry (actually I'm not) I just feel that strong about this cause which could be viewed as a savings (or at least) augment local taxes. I really hope this gets a lot more media and civic coverage in the final rounds.

