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Club BJ is leaving - Waaaaa... Waaaaa.... Waaaa....... SHUT THE F UP PLEASE!!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by TheYeti View Post
    Flashes of brilliance on this post! Well done!
    They definitely don't often happen for LuskingfG.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Rocky Mountain Shock View Post
      With or without McD, CU won't be as good next year as they had the potential of being this year (but never really lived up to), and that's why McD won't be there. Without Etchasketch (and especially without McD) they're just another unathletic Valley team that shoots a whole bunch of 3s--chuck and pray. When they're hot they'll be unstoppable, but on off nights they're gonna find it tough to beat a girl scout troop.
      BJ fans in STL. were pretty high on recruiting class. Not sure if you expected a undefeated season this year from them. I think they will be fine for quite some time. If they do move, the doors will open recruiting wise. I for one hope they don't get invited.


      • #33
        Originally posted by LuskingforGuttin View Post
        I'm calling my shot now: they will fire McDermott within the next four years and will be fighting for NIT berths most seasons with somebody like Dale Layer as their head coach. The CU people will pine for the good old days in St. Louis. Sundeckers, etc. They will be back in our conference someday.
        You called your shot on our board too and got laughed off of it. Why? Because this statement shows a profound lack of understanding of, well, everything, as it applies to leaving.

        Both CU and WSU have a real understanding of how hamstrung we are by the Valley. Both WSU and CU (as the Valley applies to us) are like two size 10 feet stuck wearing size 6 shoes. We might be able to fill the new, much larger shoes or we might not, but there is not a chance in hell we will be saying, 'hey, those size 6s are looking pretty good right now'. NONE.

        And if you can't even understand that then anything else you say has no value at all. So give it up.


        • #34
          Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
          That may be the only post in history that I'll ever "like" that you posted.

          I just don't think you fix a problem that isn't there. Sure, there's "opportunity", but it's not a magical fit to me. It sure hasn't hurt them from getting NCAA appearances over the last several years. They just don't win in the NCAA's which is their own chokish fault. It's gonna be a BIG time difference in competition levels. I think their time for shine is limited. They are geographical outlier in that conference. Their olympic sports are going to HATE it. I wonder what Ed Servais thinks about his baseball program entertaining the likes of Georgetown and Villanova for baseball (that's assuming those teams even have baseball programs, I have no clue). And how about those road swings? NIIIICE.

          And like others have stated, it's not gonna be a cheap, 6 hour drive to St. Louis anymore for postseason. It's gonna be an expensive flight to NYC with some expensive hotel stays. They'll probably be lucky to get 1,000 the first couple of years to the Garden before the newness factors wears off and the middle of the pack finishes settle in. Then, they're gonna be crying for St. Louis and their "Creighton Invitational".

          Even Coach McD seemed iffy at the postgame presser yesterday. Definitely hesitant on the move.

          It's not gonna be pretty. The grass may look greener on the other side through the stained glass windows, but when you actually go outside, it actually might be yellow and parched. Then you might be longing for what has elevated you so well.
          What part of this, other than the McD iffy thing, would not apply to Wichita if they were to somehow get into the Mountain West? Opportunity, not a magical fit, the tournament not driveable, distance for other sports. It's all the same. Yet you lot would absolutely sprint to the Mountain West if you were offered, and would have even if the c7 didn't break off and go its own way, opening the door for CU, and there would be few, if any, posts outlining your perceived downside.

          So I'm sorry if your prognostications ring hollow since I know that you'd be doing backflips if you were given something similar. We recognize the potential downside; you should recognize the potential upside as well.

          It just sounds like bile being vented.


          • #35
            New Mexico and Colorado destinations are driveable.

            If the MWC is in Vegas, there are cheap flights from Wichita.

            I understand what you are saying however. I really don't think many WSU fans fault CU at all for the move. It is one fraught with unknowns however. Think of the teams already in the Big East who don't fair so well. So the conference is no guarantee of glory.


            • #36
              This thread was supposed to be about the Shockers being masters of their own destiny with or without BJ in the Valley. We can make up the loss in RPI easily. And if the MVC replaces BJ with a couple top 100 type teams, it will actually dilute the effect that the bottom dwellers have on our RPI more than even when BJ was in the conference.

              It sounded like HCGM was more concerned the other night about replacing the automatically scheduled games he is going to lose from the cessation of the MWC Challenge and the Bracket Buster event. Those were guaranteed multiple free top-100 games each and every year.

              My first preference is for the MVC to become stronger with the addition of a couple great teams. I don't like the idea of our athletes losing more time in class and practice due to having to travel all over the western part of the United States. But if the MVC is doomed, we must get out regardless of the frequent flyer miles.




              • #37
                Originally posted by RandomJaysFan View Post
                What part of this, other than the McD iffy thing, would not apply to Wichita if they were to somehow get into the Mountain West? Opportunity, not a magical fit, the tournament not driveable, distance for other sports. It's all the same. Yet you lot would absolutely sprint to the Mountain West if you were offered, and would have even if the c7 didn't break off and go its own way, opening the door for CU, and there would be few, if any, posts outlining your perceived downside.

                So I'm sorry if your prognostications ring hollow since I know that you'd be doing backflips if you were given something similar. We recognize the potential downside; you should recognize the potential upside as well.

                It just sounds like bile being vented.
                Firstly, remember where you are. You don't have to be here reading the "venting bile".

                Secondly, I never said the MWC would be a perfect fit for WSU so don't be throwing what other people have said here as if it were something I said. Would a move to the MWC be justified? Absolutely. I personally think the MWC would be a huge step above what's going to be leftover with the Catholic 7 renegades, basketball-wise. There's risk and reward. I personally think Creighton is falling into the same line of thinking everybody else is these days. I hate all of the conference alignment bullshit. It effs everything up. That's why I can't stand college football anymore. Now that it's even got to the point where it's shaking up college basketball. All for the almighty dollar. I wish it wouldn't go to that. I personally liked everything much better about 10 years ago before everybody got so involved with how many television sets you could tap into became the most important thing that drove everything and anything. It's all dumb and will probably lead to college football's downfall eventually.

                I don't necessarily blame Creighton for doing the move but I think you're gonna be relegated to a mediocre middle dweller where you're gonna be struggling for NCAA bids for more than if you stuck around in the Valley, as the past has indicated. Oh well.
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                  I hate all of the conference alignment bullshit. It effs everything up. That's why I can't stand college football anymore. Now that it's even got to the point where it's shaking up college basketball.
                  I agree completely. The Big 12 was PERFECT the way it was. All the teams made geographic sense and the history was rich. Now the map of the conference is retarded. West Virginia? WTF??

                  That being said, I hate the Valley teams and would love to get rid of them, but I would want to replace them with Tulsa, St. Louis, Memphis, etc. etc. I would want everything to be regional so our fans can travel and we can have big rivalries. I know.. it's a pipe dream.




                  • #39
                    Spoke with my dog today. He was barking wildly, but I think he said, the "New Valley" conference would include WSU, ORU, SWOMO, ISUB, ISUR, St Louis, UTA, Belmont, Western Kentucky, Southern Illinois, and UALR.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                      I agree completely. The Big 12 was PERFECT the way it was. All the teams made geographic sense and the history was rich. Now the map of the conference is retarded. West Virginia? WTF??

                      That being said, I hate the Valley teams and would love to get rid of them, but I would want to replace them with Tulsa, St. Louis, Memphis, etc. etc. I would want everything to be regional so our fans can travel and we can have big rivalries. I know.. it's a pipe dream.



                      You are showing your age. Let me help breakdown things a little further as far a conference realignment goes.

                      Regionalism used to be the key to successful conferences. Missouri Valley, Big East, ACC, SEC, etc. The location made it viable for teams to travel cheap and fans to see the games. That is not the goal anymore. Every conference that is adding teams is adding based on one factor only. It's not directly Money. Money is indirect. The main reason is TV. How many fans are going to stay home and watch a game when they can drive across town and watch?

                      The goal is getting people to watch on their TV versus travel to the opposing gym. The big schools now make more money off of TV revenue than from putting butts in seats. They don't want their fans to travel, they want them increase ratings of their conference so they can get more money from ESPN, CBS, etc. As the conferences expand their footprint, the cost of travel goes up. But adding another market to watch the games makes them more money than the extra travel cost.

                      Every time your cable/satellite bill goes up, realize that this is one of two major reasons. ESPN currently costs EVERY subscriber over $5 per month. Whether they watch it or not. As NBC and CBS continue to bid for more contracts, their affiliates are wanting more money from the cable/satellite providers to rebroadcast these games, whether you watch them or not.

                      The key is in the end, the consumers are paying more each month for their TV service to cover the additional cost of traveling, and are coming way out on the better end in most cases. If you hate paying more for TV, then you can't be in favor of Conference expansion. That is where the money to pay for it is coming from.

                      Unfortunately not many people give a hoot about those fans that want to spend their hard earned money and travel from city to city to watch their team play.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                        I agree completely. The Big 12 was PERFECT the way it was. All the teams made geographic sense and the history was rich. Now the map of the conference is retarded. West Virginia? WTF??

                        That being said, I hate the Valley teams and would love to get rid of them, but I would want to replace them with Tulsa, St. Louis, Memphis, etc. etc. I would want everything to be regional so our fans can travel and we can have big rivalries. I know.. it's a pipe dream.


                        I believe I heard on a radio show today that West VA is crying poor, asking for travel subsidies.
                        "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                        • #42
                          How sweet are the taste of sour grapes?

                          WSU would have jumped the same as CU did had we been offered the chance.

                          If we are going to schedule CU for future games, which I think most of you are in favor of, do you really want them sucking the hind tit in their new conference or doing well. If we are going to have to schedule up in our OC games, which has been very difficult in the past, we need CU to stay competive.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by 60Shock View Post
                            How sweet are the taste of sour grapes?

                            WSU would have jumped the same as CU did had we been offered the chance.

                            If we are going to schedule CU for future games, which I think most of you are in favor of, do you really want them sucking the hind tit in their new conference or doing well. If we are going to have to schedule up in our OC games, which has been very difficult in the past, we need CU to stay competive.
                            CU won't be scheduling WSU any time soon if they leave the MVC, so it really a mute point.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                              CU won't be scheduling WSU any time soon if they leave the MVC, so it really a mute point.
                              No doubt.


                              • #45
                                Yes, they are so much better than us...they are BCS caliber now and need to act that way. I did a little reading on their board, and there are quite a few feeling that way. They wouldn't mind playing us, but it would have to be 2 in Omaha and maybe 1 in KC.

