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  • #31
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
    Rebound like crazy.
    Move the ball effectively.
    D up hellaciously.
    Don't force stupid ass shots from deep (DW/MA)
    Attack the damn basket.
    Feed the post.
    Feed the post.
    Feed the post.
    Feed the post.
    Feed the post.
    More Baker and FVV.
    Feed the post.
    Feed the post.
    Feed the post.
    Yeah; what do you have against passing the ball to the post?


    • #32
      Originally posted by DJ06Shocker View Post
      What does the sweep of ill st in the regular season lead one to believe
      Not good things if you believe the old cliche that it's tough to beat a team three times in a year.


      • #33
        My guess is ISUr comes out amped up just like they did last night, only their legs will give out a little quicker today. In my opinion, keep the game close and weather their early flurry and the Shox will wear them down in the 2nd half. All of their main guys played at least 26 minutes with their guards play 30+. For comparison only Malcolm and Carl had 31 mins, no one else had more than 21. Don't send them to the FT line 29 times and half way guard the 3 pt line and I think WSU wins by 6-8.
        -Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind-

        GO SHOX!


        • #34
          I'm really surprised with how close you guys are predicting this game to be.
          NO I DON'T THINK THAT WE WILL KILL THEM. But only winning by 3? Listen. This game comes down to coaching and players, and match ups
          Everyone is drooling over Baker's points...Did you watch him on the other side of the court? He NEVER lost his man.Put him in when they start trying to speed it up to get jackie chan the ball for a 3.

          We have the best coach in the MVC. He will out-coach the birds and take advantage of jake, EO, and Hall down low

          Halftime Shox 34-Birds-32 End Of Reg Shox 75-65
          **FEAR THE WHEAT**


          • #35
            Speaking of legs it will be interesting to see how Ron's legs will feel and hold up for a 2nd consecutive game.

            In any case, we clearly need Mal, Cle and D-Will to play better tonight than they did against MSU. Carl and Jake will have a much tougher challenge dealling with ILS frontcourt of Carmichael and Wilkins then they did with the undersized MSU frontcourt.

            How well we do controlling Tyler Brown may go a long way in determining the outcome of this game. Brown had a monster game agaisnt UNI with 28 points on 10-17 FG (6-8 treys) and 9 rebounds. I assume this will be the job of Tekele, D-Will and Ron.

            Should be a real battle.


            • #36
              Don't try and win the game in 1 possession (unless it's the last possession). It's a 40 minute game.

              Play solid straight up defense.

              Press them, hard at times. Hill is not a great ballhandler.

              Play to win, don't play not to lose.

              Keep playing hard for 40 minutes. Go hard and when you get tired, get out.

              Believe in your teammates.

              Shoot with confidence.

              Have FUN! It's a game.

              If we play like a team that thought they needed 1 win to get into the NCAAs, we're toast.

              If we play like a team hungry for a title that we should be working on a fourpeat....we win.

              Good Luck Shocks!!!!!


              • #37
                honestly, for a long time I had no qualms with IllSt. I thought Jankovich was a nice guy. I thought there fans were decently respectful from meeting them in st. lou. But after the last games and the comments posted and written both on message boards and in the newspaper. I have lost all my respect for jackie chan and his gang of thugs. Their coach lacks experience and they lack the MTXE edge. Their fans are a joke, including one on espn who after i posted a picture of jackies foot kicking tekele in the face, claimed that I photoshopped it. Down with IllSt. I hope we rub their faces in it. I hope we have one of those nights like we had against detroit where we just cant miss a shot and blow them out.

                GoodGuys - 89
                THUGS - 62
                "Coach Marshall,We will be at Creighton at least 15 hours in advance!"
                CGM--->"Hell yea, and we'll beat their ass."


                • #38
                  Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post
                  Just remember to feed the Beast. Bad things can happen when you don't feed the Beast.
                  The Beast reminds me of X-MAN when it comes to this. If you shant feed the beast, he goeth to the glass all the mo and gets his own grub. Not feeding the "long arm of the Hall" reminds me of walkin a plank at the top of the Grand Canyon with blinders on. You might have a free-fallin experience that could result in A. half way down you exclaim "so far so good", but B.the final destination is the same, even if you yell HELP"

                  The moral of the story is "don't force it but feed the Beast the stinkin rock." Then when they pack it in, then and only then, drain the 3's and do so without measure.

                  Armstead did distribute some nice assists last night and D'd up even though his shot was off. News Bulletin====tonight his stroke will titillate the twine which is grooovy gravy for us.

                  I love it when FVV penetrates and shovels a nice pass to our bigs inside in awesome spots. When rivals lay back, he strokes a 3 to give our foes a glimpse of future nightmares they will be force-fed to receive.
                  Last edited by forevershockerfan; March 9, 2013, 12:00 PM.
                  Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


                  • #39
                    Illinois State fans have gone from some of the best out there to the absolute worst in about a year's time. I don't know what happened, but they all got dumber, less intelligent, and downright cocky. Funny, coming from the Valley's longest NCAA drought team.

                    I hope our guys remember last year. The thuggery that happened then with the French Fry and Stutz and also how a guy shoved a leg into a player's chest only to be ended with coins being tossed on them after they broke their hearts in Not Normal.

                    I would love nothing more than to send Jackie and their fanbase packing. We need to act like we want to own them. We need to act like we haven't forgotten last year's exit. We need to act like we WANT to WIN this WHOLE DAMN thing.

                    Let's do it boys.
                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • #40
                      Oooh the ISUr fans are pissy this morning. Of course I told one "Just don't kick me in the face bro."


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                        Not good things if you believe the old cliche that it's tough to beat a team three times in a year.
                        Well they did beat us once even though the score didn't look that way at the end. :)

                        Also we just beat the Bears for a third time. Hey technically they were only one spot behind the birds in the standings somehow.
                        Last edited by Dave Stalwart; March 9, 2013, 12:32 PM.


                        • #42


                          • #43
                            I hope I'm wrong, and I hate to disagree with everyone, but I think the Shocks lose this game. It's hard to beat the same team 3 times in a season, but I hope Baker can be the difference again.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by TheYeti View Post
                              "Just don't kick me in the face bro."
                              That's some funny shat right there!
                              Basketball Season Tix since '77-78 . . . . . . Baseball Season Tix since '88


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Shocker85 View Post
                                That's some funny shat right there!
                                The red-clad walrus I said it to didn't think so...hehehe

