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SIU @ WSU game thread

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  • Well maybe they should fly in the cat guy's act from Key West. Or perhaps the escape artist who faked his drowning and had rescue units searching for him in the harbor.
    In the fast lane


    • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
      Yes. It was very, very weird. It was trying to build up like something spectacular was going to happen and then ... nothing. And the dude kept saying he was "following his dream" to own a monkey some day, and you expected the routine to break into a funny comedy routine ... but it never did. At some point you had to take away that he was actually being serious. I just ... I'm ... so ... baffled.
      Has that guy really made a living doing that? If WSU paid for that then whatever amount they shelled out was too much. My wife said maybe he does that for free since he is just living his dream of owning a monkey.


      • Originally posted by Shoxfan11 View Post
        Did you have to listen to Bruce and Craig during halftime? Because, sadly, that was probably better than what we had to witness.
        No, went for a walk and smoke. Don't tell my woman about the last part.
        In the fast lane


        • Originally posted by tropicalshox View Post
          Was the half time show the monkeys on the dogs? They were on the the Cox's broadcast for a couple of seconds.
          Better the monkeys on the dogs' back than us lose and they be on our beloved Shoxs' backs.
          Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


          • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
            Blocked shots weren't officially kept as an NCAA record until 1985-86 season. Perhaps the record list he is using is following the NCAA standards?
            Could be, although Wiley's numbers are in the records published by the Shockers.


            • It was a very exciting game and we played a very pumped up team that couldn't miss. This was destined to be the kind of game where you have to outscore your opponent.. and thanks to Mr. NBA, we did just that.

              I love everything about this team.

              I want to have EO's children.




              • Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                As bad as the 1st half was the halftime show was even worse! Really bad.
                Maybe instead we could showcase our SN dream-team versus our JV team and make the fresh nacho's and the unsalted pretzels on the house?
                Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


                • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                  I want to have EO's children.


                  Tell us something we don't know.
                  You miss 100% of the shots you don't take....

                  .....but, statistically speaking, you miss 99% of the shots you do take.


                  • As bad as monkey man was, you had to give it up for the guy who partcipated in the Ashley Furniture challenge. After missing his 1st attempt from the chair he nailed 3 in a row, free throw from the chair, 3-pointer and half-courter for $1,400 worth of Ashley Furnture store credit.


                    • If this team continues to play the first half like they have against Bradley and SIU, you can bet your sweet ass we will be experiencing a three game losing streak, and I don't care if ISU red's second leading scorer just got suspended indefinitely. I don't give a damn if we are without CH, we're still better than ISU red and EU.


                      • Quick thoughts from a strangely odd and yet enjoyable evening at the Chuck:

                        I can't ever remember a game where the Shocks started faster than tonight. 1:29 into the game and we're up 7-0. Then a 10-0 run in 1:46 to start the 2nd half.

                        Cleanthony Early just announced his presence with authority in the Valley. He's all but unguardable in this league and at 22.5 ppg, don't etch SoW's name on the POY trophy just yet. At least wait until WSU gets beat.

                        Tekele Cotton, with all due respect to the great defenders in this league (DSE, Odum, Cy, Manigat etc) has to be the favorite for DPOY. He's lockdown, strong as hell and can D up a variety of positions.

                        I freaking love Barry Hinson. I really hope he does well at SIU. He is worth the price of admission just by himself. After the game, he's shaking hands and gets to Cle, smiles as wide as a kid at Christmas, kind of shoves Cle in the chest and says something to the effect of "seriously? You killed us out there!" and then grabbed Cle, hugged him, congratulated him and told him great, great game. The dude is awesome. He's great to watch, so animated, into the game, loves what he does and his mannerisms are classic. Love the foot stomp.

                        What Barry needed was not to burn that 2nd timeout right before half. It meant nothing and I told my friend attending for the first time in 5 seasons that was going to come back to haunt him. Lo and behold, Barry was out of TOs before the under 12 and they had to take all those to keep from getting obliterated in the second half.

                        Gregg was equally animated and fun to watch.

                        I don't know wtf the halftime show was about, but it made me uncomfortable for some reason. That just wasn't right. At all.

                        In my 47 years on this planet, this is the most athletic team I've ever seen at WSU. Not close.

                        Our A game wins the Valley again, end of discussion. I am not saying they will or won't, the games have to be played, but factually speaking, WSU's best beats everyone.

                        I would have loved to have seen the full 12 play all year. They could beat a lot of teams.

                        Desmar Jackson impressed me tonight, but I still don't think he was the 1st, 2nd or 3rd best player on the court. I could be wrong.

                        Kirstie Alley in the house, and the locker room after the game, is a good thing for WSU. Hope she was able to see around the big fella in the second half.

                        These are special times folks......hate to see these seats unused.

                        UNI is still alive for an at large.


                        • Originally posted by KC Shox View Post
                          If this team continues to play the first half like they have against Bradley and SIU, you can bet your sweet ass we will be experiencing a three game losing streak, and I don't care if ISU red's second leading scorer just got suspended indefinitely. I don't give a damn if we are without CH, we're still better than ISU red and EU.

                          15-1 go back to Kansas City, rah rah rah.


                          • And they say we don't have any stars on the Shocker team

                            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                            It was a very exciting game and we played a very pumped up team that couldn't miss. This was destined to be the kind of game where you have to outscore your opponent.. and thanks to Mr. NBA, we did just that.

                            I love everything about this team.

                            I want to have EO's children.

                            Dang, Cle scores 39 pts and Ehimen gets a double-double with kudos from a groupie! :couple_inlove: . I don't think that Withey was even as good as Ehimen before they got him to be more aggressive. EO was that tonite and maybe we will have a star in him as well . Hope so.They say that we don't have any stars on the Shocker team. Actually we have 2 of them Clea and the Beast. If Clea isn't NBA material then i'm Jimmy Hoffa. The BCS wont be able to deny it now!


                            • We got into foul trouble at Bradley and Illinois state was shooting lights out the first half. By the way,it's not how you start the game, it is how you finish it. Games don't consist of one half. Coach is very good at making halftime adjustments and his record proves it. I cannot tell if you are rooting for the Shockers or putting them down. Your comments seem kind of manic. By the way, You did mention CH, and these contested games without him will not be the same when we have him as well as Baker when the 2 of them return.


                              • My bad, I mean SIU, sorry.

