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Fanbase NIL Contribution Poll

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  • BostonWu
    Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post
    I understand this will come off sounding defeatist, however would you contribute to an NIL fund if you knew WSU would never compete at the highest level (i.e. best WSU would do is maybe win a game or two in the NCAA tournament. Will never get to another F4 ,etc.)

    And I'm not suggesting this is the case...moreso, can WSU compete in an arms race? Or will there always be a ceiling for this program based on the players it can keep, given our NIL.
    I have to admit as I get older and far removed from graduation and in the twilight of my career my priorities have shifted. I'm not sold on the current leadership, specifically with NIL. I still remember the feeling I had with Jim Schaus as Captain of the ship. There was no doubt who was in charge and that my money would yield healthy returns. I also believed that his strength was organically fostering relationships with the whales. I just don't have those feelings anymore. That would need to change in order to open my wallet like I have in the past

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  • BostonWu
    Originally posted by Dan View Post
    It’s not the NIL that is the biggest problem, it’s unlimited transfers. Everyone becomes a free agent every year.
    It's a deadly combination of both. They're one in the same.

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  • Dan
    It’s not the NIL that is the biggest problem, it’s unlimited transfers. Everyone becomes a free agent every year.

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  • ShockerExpress
    Originally posted by Maizerunner08 View Post
    I understand this will come off sounding defeatist, however would you contribute to an NIL fund if you knew WSU would never compete at the highest level (i.e. best WSU would do is maybe win a game or two in the NCAA tournament. Will never get to another F4 ,etc.)

    And I'm not suggesting this is the case...moreso, can WSU compete in an arms race? Or will there always be a ceiling for this program based on the players it can keep, given our NIL.
    I think the hope is - considering what we’ve seen our fan base do and without football… we should be able to be competitive.

    But if everybody just bitches about how 3G shouldn’t have been fired and a bunch of fans won’t support it… yeah it’ll be hard to have sustained success.

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  • Maizerunner08
    I understand this will come off sounding defeatist, however would you contribute to an NIL fund if you knew WSU would never compete at the highest level (i.e. best WSU would do is maybe win a game or two in the NCAA tournament. Will never get to another F4 ,etc.)

    And I'm not suggesting this is the case...moreso, can WSU compete in an arms race? Or will there always be a ceiling for this program based on the players it can keep, given our NIL.

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  • Stickboy46
    Having coaches get paid 75 million dollars to not coach didn't help the process either. Hard to say you "dont' have the money" when you do stuff like that.

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  • Kung Wu
    Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post

    Video games never put the players names in the game. But they were essentially the players. You could find a way to download the names if you wanted to as someone would take the time to set it up for use.
    I used to love playing Jammer Howard, Andy Burns, and Tall Miller. They played for Wishitall.

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  • SubGod22
    Originally posted by Dan View Post
    It all started with video games putting college players and their names on their games and not paying the players. Add in colleges selling jerseys with players names on them and it kinda starts getting unfair. Now the pendulum has swung to the extreme the other way.
    Video games never put the players names in the game. But they were essentially the players. You could find a way to download the names if you wanted to as someone would take the time to set it up for use.

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  • shoxlax
    Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post

    That, and AAU, “handlers”, bad parenting, social media, a societal insistence on instant gratification, a selfish “gotta get mine” attitude, participation trophies for everyone, etc.
    The “participation trophies for everyone” warriors are a different group of people that are problematic to society who put zero value on competitiveness and individual value. Everything else you said fits the NIL profile.

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  • Dan
    It all started with video games putting college players and their names on their games and not paying the players. Add in colleges selling jerseys with players names on them and it kinda starts getting unfair. Now the pendulum has swung to the extreme the other way.

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  • MikeKennedyRulZ
    Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

    Jay Bilas
    That, and AAU, “handlers”, bad parenting, social media, a societal insistence on instant gratification, a selfish “gotta get mine” attitude, participation trophies for everyone, etc.

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  • ShockerFever
    Originally posted by LoneStar48 View Post

    I don't understand what caused this current group of athletes to change from those in the past; demanding money versus playing to earn the letter.
    Jay Bilas

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  • LoneStar48
    I sent some money to Armchair, not really knowing what I was expecting. I know that whatever it was, I'm not happy with the program so far. I'm not sending money again.

    I'm sick of the whole NIL game anyway. When I was in school, most athletes didn't get paid under the table, but some did. Most student/athletes were happy to have the opportunity to put on a college uniform, especially if it meant free schooling, books, room, and board. Where I live now, we had a QB that skipped his last year of high school and accepted I think a million dollars from Ohio State. He then transferred to Texas, getting millions more.

    I don't understand what caused this current group of athletes to change from those in the past; demanding money versus playing to earn the letter.

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  • WstateU
    Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post
    I'm curious others opinions. It seems our athletic department likes to use "Robo Calls" with recorded messages from either ADKS or HCPM (or HCIB in the past). I just got one today thanking for support this last year. I'm curious other peoples thoughts on them. I personally think its a nice thought but bad execution. Its more an annoyance to get a robocall than anything else. I'd rather see it in an email/mail format (which they do include that in the renewal forms).

    Do others think the robocalls are a good thing for them?
    Tend to agree... received one of those also. I'm getting to the point where I'll only answer my cell when I'm 99.999999999999% sure, it's someone I recognize.

    I'd prefer an email. I believe there was already a letter from coach Mills with the SASO renewal... and can't recall what came with the tickets. I do give them credit for reaching out again (I'm going to renew anyway, but I'm sure some are still on the fence).

    What I'd really like to hear is, "hey WstateU, we already have a handful of commitments that will 'knock your socks off', please renew today."

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  • Stickboy46
    I'm curious others opinions. It seems our athletic department likes to use "Robo Calls" with recorded messages from either ADKS or HCPM (or HCIB in the past). I just got one today thanking for support this last year. I'm curious other peoples thoughts on them. I personally think its a nice thought but bad execution. Its more an annoyance to get a robocall than anything else. I'd rather see it in an email/mail format (which they do include that in the renewal forms).

    Do others think the robocalls are a good thing for them?

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