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Transfer Portal Discussion (outgoing player tracking)

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  • Here's my stunned face.


    • iā€™m wondering where the college part fits in these days? even if wichita state has one of the best collective nil programs, is anyone really interested in this $hit anymore?


      • I think Wong is going to find his worth is maximized at Miami where he is a known quantity. NIL will not be the same when you go somewhere most donā€™t know who you are. Be careful throwing out ultimatums. Having said that, Mr. Givenchy would do himself a favor by not stooping to this kids level and putting him on blast publicly.


        • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post
          I think Wong is going to find his worth is maximized at Miami where he is a known quantity. NIL will not be the same when you go somewhere most donā€™t know who you are. Be careful throwing out ultimatums. Having said that, Mr. Givenchy would do himself a favor by not stooping to this kids level and putting him on blast publicly.
          I think normally I'd agree with your assessment, but here, I kinda like ripping off the band-aid and watching the wound bleed and ooze puss for all to see. Let's publicize the ugly.

          At least that's how I see it.


          • Originally posted by abdullah_sharif View Post
            iā€™m wondering where the college part fits in these days? even if wichita state has one of the best collective nil programs, is anyone really interested in this $hit anymore?
            The conflict between athletic departments and NIL collectives over precious donor dollars could ultimately lead to some Title IX second order effects that make this unsustainable for the long term.


            • Originally posted by abdullah_sharif View Post
              iā€™m wondering where the college part fits in these days? even if wichita state has one of the best collective nil programs, is anyone really interested in this $hit anymore?
              a good question. This all appears so ridiculous.


              • A couple of tweets that help sum up where Iā€™m at with this whole thing.
                "In God we trust, all others must bring data." - W. Edwards Deming


                • This ends with:
                  1. Texas A&M or whatever mega donor school is willing to pump the most money into their programs becomes king of the castle
                  2. NCAA does something to put a salary cap in place to stop this madness (lol)
                  3. The teams break off into differently alignments based on funding levels
                  Last edited by ventichai; April 29, 2022, 06:58 AM.


                  • Originally posted by ventichai View Post
                    This ends with:
                    1. Texas A&M or whatever mega donor school is willing to pump the most money into their programs
                    2. NCAA doing something to put a salary cap in place to stop this madness (lol)
                    3. The teams breaking off into differently alignments based on funding levels
                    I'll take #3 for one million Alex


                    • Itā€™s not sustainable. There will always be certain players that command big dollars and can simply state their price. 90% of the players are gonna have to actually work for their money. Like show up at a car dealer (who has given you a loaner) and sign autographs over the weekend for $500. I get the feeling that the majority of these players think they can just get paid and not have to actually work. Sorta like how they all think theyā€™re going to the NBA. Delusional.


                      • Take me as one who doesn't care. Let these players implode on themselves. They want to see what everyone else in the world has to do (do work, get paid) and pay taxes and be bound by contracts... you got it. Now its burning itself down.


                        • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

                          I think normally I'd agree with your assessment, but here, I kinda like ripping off the band-aid and watching the wound bleed and ooze puss for all to see. Let's publicize the ugly.

                          At least that's how I see it.
                          I agree. If the ugly head of this doesn't come out at the beginning, it could get alot worse. This series of tweets is showing exactly what everyone feared would happen. Players are bought and put under contract. I wonder how long his contract says he has to stay at the U?

                          And what could this company possibly be getting for what they are paying? At least 2 Live Crew got a helluva lot more popular using the U football players back in the 80s.


                          • Originally posted by rrshock View Post

                            I agree. If the ugly head of this doesn't come out at the beginning, it could get alot worse. This series of tweets is showing exactly what everyone feared would happen. Players are bought and put under contract. I wonder how long his contract says he has to stay at the U?

                            And what could this company possibly be getting for what they are paying? At least 2 Live Crew got a helluva lot more popular using the U football players back in the 80s.
                            That's the interesting part .. if the NIL says he has to stay at the U .. it's no longer within NIL rules and the player is no longer eligible per NCAA standards ... The contracts have to be attendance/performance agnostic. So there might be a scenario here where Wong has to attend whatever media events this guy wants in Miami .. no matter where he's going to school ... or be in breach of contract. Or it could be worded so poorly that Wong will be required to be paid no matter where he goes ..


                            • Did the agent forget to tell Wong that contracts have obligations that go both ways? Even if he sucked last year, he was going to get paid. Would he have taken less for this coming season if he had had a bad year?


                              • Nevermind.

