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Boatright Stealth Extended?

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  • Obligatory bump
    The Assman


    • Only been to one HCIB games and the way boatright is running things currently you couldn’t pay me to go. I’ll watch from home. Pray we get better but right now with them being stealthy it’s not right. WSU is a public university! Someone go hire some hookers and send em to boatright so he can get canned. I have a feeling the next year or two is going to be rough with our current AD. Also I miss having a coach like that Tennessee women’s coach. Now I’d pay to see IB do that! Tell the guys their manhood is in check and that WSU will never be out hustled. Really I’d pay top dollar to see IB do that! Love that in a coach!
      Shocker Alumni
      Shocker Club Soccer alumni
      Jayhawk fan but the Shockers come first


      • I’m starting to wonder if those exaggerated reports of 3G body slamming a player in practice are true after today.. This game just looks like the players are showing up to practice and IB is telling them “Look I don’t even want to be here, I’m just here cause they don’t want any outsiders around here for a long, long time. The season is beyond over”


        • Great job to our leadership. Just amazing job. Give yourself a big fat raise while you’re at it.


          • If this university gave any ounce of damn at all, Boatright would be fired immediately.
            Last edited by ShockerFever; February 27, 2022, 02:47 PM.
            Deuces Valley.
            ... No really, deuces.
            "Enjoy the ride."

            - a smart man


            • Remember all those P5 (or any other college) interviewing Boat to be their AD?…

              said no one ever.


              • Really, $275k doesn’t seem that much for an AD salary, except in our case, it’s about $250k too much.


                • Do you think Putin might be interested in overthrowing our leadership?
                  Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                  RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                  Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                  ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                  Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                  Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                  • FIRE HIM.

                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • AD, IB, most of the coaching staff, and half the roster need to go
                      starting with TE. He is not a team player.


                      • Incompetence hiring incompetence

                        Just brilliant


                        • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                          FIRE HIM.

                          Again, mens basketball and the gross overpayment of IB is just part of it, although a big share. No upgrades in weight room despite basketball’s success, zero strategic plan for Cessna Stadium to include fundraising, women’s basketball underperformance relative to HC salary, hiring Butler (which he denies now), and not being a very personable guy, are on the list as well.


                          • Originally posted by shoxlax View Post

                            Again, mens basketball and the gross overpayment of IB is just part of it, although a big share. No upgrades in weight room despite basketball’s success, zero strategic plan for Cessna Stadium to include fundraising, women’s basketball underperformance relative to HC salary, hiring Butler (which he denies now), and not being a very personable guy, are on the list as well.
                            Sounds like a guy that should get a raise
                            The Assman


                            • When's the last time DB made a public record statement on anything?


                              • Originally posted by BostonWu View Post
                                When's the last time DB made a public record statement on anything?
                                Probably when he talked about how great the new conference members (duds) were.

