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  • #31
    Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

    As a fan who lived around 1300 miles away for a period of time, I found it SO INCREDIBLY frustrating to pay for a product that delivered so little. I'm sure many would even pay more just to get what they demand.. a quality service that puts out a product that is easy flowing and understandable and doesn't make you wanna throw your computer out the window. That was the longest 15 months of my life. And that was 3 years ago. And in that 3 years, apparently nothing has changed. That's downright unacceptable. And if the AD doesn't care, it's best to just hit them in the pocket book. Cancel the crap until they deliver and listen to the online radio broadcasts. It sucks but that may be the only way to hit them.
    I don't think they care... at all.

    One think I left out of my original rant is that ALL of the other schools that offer games online provide a better product than Shockervision. Every single one of them. A couple of them weren't by much, but most of them were substantially better. And these better products are being put out by schools that we generally scoff at in regards to budget, facilities, etc., but they can at least get an online broadcast right.


    • #32
      Originally posted by proshox View Post
      I tried to sign-up for one game only when I was in Europe.... It only took three cancellations and multiple emails to stop getting billed. The product is as bad as everyone has previously stated; therefore, I am very excited to not be on the road for work this year....
      I think it was Indiana State... that had a free feed, but it was just a stationary camera zoomed out all the way out to show the full court. That was awful, but free, and when synced with the radio, actually was okay..ish. It pains me to hear how bad Shockervison is, because I don't live in Wichita, and the only thing keeping me from subscribing is that fact that everyone agrees it is terrible. I may even suscribe this season anyway... It is like we are crack addicts.

      It is really awful if no one in the athletic department can figure this out. Because WSU should be able to have some form of this available for out of town folk.
      Goo Shockers


      • #33
        I paid 80 bucks and feels like I've just been robbed.Who can I talk to.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Bigshotmaker View Post
          I paid 80 bucks and feels like I've just been robbed.Who can I talk to.
          Your credit card company to do a charge-back.
          The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.


          • #35
            Originally posted by ShoxFan45 View Post
            I think it was Indiana State... that had a free feed, but it was just a stationary camera zoomed out all the way out to show the full court. That was awful, but free, and when synced with the radio, actually was okay..ish. It pains me to hear how bad Shockervison is, because I don't live in Wichita, and the only thing keeping me from subscribing is that fact that everyone agrees it is terrible. I may even suscribe this season anyway... It is like we are crack addicts.

            It is really awful if no one in the athletic department can figure this out. Because WSU should be able to have some form of this available for out of town folk.
            I would call the athletic department and demand to speak with Dr. Sexton or the next person on the staff directory. This is simply embarrassing and inexcusable. Seriously, bombard the athletic department with phone calls and follow-up emails. Do it today!

            "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


            • #36
              Got a response from Boatright today...

              "...very important service....always working to improve...out of
              state fans very important...go f### yourself..."

              Kind of paraphrasing, but thats the takeaway. No specifics or answers to any of my questions.
              Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Big Ol' Badass Balla View Post
                Got a response from Boatright today...

                "...very important service....always working to improve...out of
                state fans very important...go f### yourself..."
                "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Big Ol' Badass Balla View Post
                  Got a response from Boatright today...

                  "...very important service....always working to improve...out of
                  state fans very important...go f### yourself..."

                  Kind of paraphrasing, but thats the takeaway. No specifics or answers to any of my questions.
                  We have a great athletic department.
                  Deuces Valley.
                  ... No really, deuces.
                  "Enjoy the ride."

                  - a smart man


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Big Ol' Badass Balla View Post
                    Got a response from Boatright today...

                    "...very important service....always working to improve...out of
                    state fans very important...go f### yourself..."

                    Kind of paraphrasing, but thats the takeaway. No specifics or answers to any of my questions.

                    BOBB, is that for real? I am struggling to believe that's the email Darron sent out.


                    • #40
                      Shortly after the game ended Tuesday I sent a request "ticket" on goshockers to to the billing area asking for the immediate termination of my shockervision account and a refund for the one month service I purchasesd I checked my credit card today and saw that I was both charged and refunded on 11/9/2011. Hope others will have the same success.


                      • #41
                        Help me understand something: What specifically is it about Shockervision that sucks? Not being online at the start of the game was an issue this go around (did it even come on at all?). But when it is broadcasting is it a quality issue that sucks? Is it just a video feed with no sound? I assume the camera never moves so it's zoomed way back? How does it work, when it is working?
                        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                        • #42
                          Kung Wu, no the game never came up at all. I recieved an email just before the end of the game saying the game would not be streamed. Had I known how many felt about the service earlier I probably wouldn't have registered. I wanted a look at the players will red-shirt, since this would be my only chance this year. Comments from past users made it seem as though there have been problems in the past with the system being down, and having a poor feed overall.


                          • #43
                            When it works, it's a rebroadcast of the video board (which includes all the animations)
                            Under normal circumstances, it's late to start, stuttering, and occasionally just drops out.

                            ironically, the illegal rebroadcast feed of a couple years ago was more stable.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                              Help me understand something: What specifically is it about Shockervision that sucks? Not being online at the start of the game was an issue this go around (did it even come on at all?). But when it is broadcasting is it a quality issue that sucks? Is it just a video feed with no sound? I assume the camera never moves so it's zoomed way back? How does it work, when it is working?
                              I assume nothing has changed since I had it 3 years ago. When I had it, it was simply the videoboard piped in to a stream. There were cameras following the action as they do at Koch, but along with that action, you get the various images of "Defense" and "Go Shocks" that are piped on the board throughout the game. So, you miss a decent amount of gametime and sometimes critical plays watching these videoboard images.

                              This occurs assuming you actually get a feed for the game. Most of the time it was choppy, freezing up numerous times during a game. Sometimes the screen would simply be black. Most of the time, it was just the continuous still images of a frozen stream that controlled the feed. You were lucky if you had 5-10 consecutive minutes of uninterrupted video. It's GARBAGE. As others have mentioned, the Horizon League has FREE webcasts that offer a billion times the quality of Shockervision, no freezing, and actual in-house commentary of the game.. for FREE.

                              Now, you do get Mike Kennedy and company synced in, which is a plus most of the time. In fact, one of the best things Shockervision had to offer was a live mic during commercial breaks of the radio broadcast, where Kennedy talked off the air, complaining about the previous play, seemingly unaware that anything he said could be heard by Shockervision viewers. Most of the time he was absolutely laying down the hammer with the studio, who managed to always do something wrong *surprise*, whether it was an inadvertent commercial ad that ran during gameplay, coming back on air in the middle of action, or having the wrong highlight clips running during postgame.

                              That's it in a nutshell.

                              It's a service that's not even worth providing in its current form and is not worth one red cent of your hard-earned money.

                              The worst part of all is that the question service offered to ask questions and report problems during the productions never were answered or responded to, at least for me. The fact that the Athletic Department has not addressed this or just simply doesn't care enough to deal with it after collecting your money makes it that much worse.
                              Deuces Valley.
                              ... No really, deuces.
                              "Enjoy the ride."

                              - a smart man


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                                I assume nothing has changed since I had it 3 years ago. When I had it, it was simply the videoboard piped in to a stream. There were cameras following the action as they do at Koch, but along with that action, you get the various images of "Defense" and "Go Shocks" that are piped on the board throughout the game. So, you miss a decent amount of gametime and sometimes critical plays watching these videoboard images.

                                This occurs assuming you actually get a feed for the game. Most of the time it was choppy, freezing up numerous times during a game. Sometimes the screen would simply be black. Most of the time, it was just the continuous still images of a frozen stream that controlled the feed. You were lucky if you had 5-10 consecutive minutes of uninterrupted video. It's GARBAGE. As others have mentioned, the Horizon League has FREE webcasts that offer a billion times the quality of Shockervision, no freezing, and actual in-house commentary of the game.. for FREE.

                                Now, you do get Mike Kennedy and company synced in, which is a plus most of the time. In fact, one of the best things Shockervision had to offer was a live mic during commercial breaks of the radio broadcast, where Kennedy talked off the air, complaining about the previous play, seemingly unaware that anything he said could be heard by Shockervision viewers. Most of the time he was absolutely laying down the hammer with the studio, who managed to always do something wrong *surprise*, whether it was an inadvertent commercial ad that ran during gameplay, coming back on air in the middle of action, or having the wrong highlight clips running during postgame.

                                That's it in a nutshell.

                                It's a service that's not even worth providing in its current form and is not worth one red cent of your hard-earned money.

                                The worst part of all is that the question service offered to ask questions and report problems during the productions never were answered or responded to, at least for me. The fact that the Athletic Department has not addressed this or just simply doesn't care enough to deal with it after collecting your money makes it that much worse.
                                Not much has changed. They did drastically cut back on or eliminate the animations cutting into game play. However, they do feel the need to show a 15-20 second replay of EVERY Shocker basket, no matter how mundane. It is not uncommon during a fast paced game to actually miss the next basket while watching the replay of the previous one. It is absolutely ridiculous.

                                The last sentence of Fever's post is the most important, IMO. I don't remember how many times I've emailed the athletic department about this. It honestly has not been that many times, but at least twice during the Schaus era and once or twice since Sexton took over. They both like to say how important it is and they'll do what they can to make sure things are better going forward, but nothing ever happens. Look, I realize that this is not very important to the athletic department. It is not ever going to be much of a money maker. But if you're going to offer the service, make it a product that the university can be proud of. Otherwise, just pull the plug and save the embarrassment. They've already proven over the last however many years that the non-donor out-of-state fan means nothing to them.

