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  • #76
    Originally posted by mattdalt View Post
    Worked like as charm for me, except for the missing audio feed.
    Originally posted by Ricardo del Rio View Post
    I had audio, but not video.
    You two should get together. :) - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


    • #77
      Howdy folks UNLV fan here I was looking at the shockervision schedule and did not see the UNLV vs WSU game on it anyone know if it will be streamed. Thanks...


      • #78
        Originally posted by Godzoox View Post
        Howdy folks UNLV fan here I was looking at the shockervision schedule and did not see the UNLV vs WSU game on it anyone know if it will be streamed. Thanks...
        The answer to your question = uncertainty*unknown raised to the power of infinity.

        No, this is not a smart @ss answer. Anyone's guess is not any better than anyone else's guess.

        I advise to keep checking back and don't invest too much money.
        "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future."

        --Niels Bohr


        • #79
          Originally posted by Godzoox View Post
          Howdy folks UNLV fan here I was looking at the shockervision schedule and did not see the UNLV vs WSU game on it anyone know if it will be streamed. Thanks...
          I've been told it will not be available because it is on Kansas 22. This obviously doesn't help the out of state viewers.


          • #80
            Originally posted by martymoose View Post
            I've been told it will not be available because it is on Kansas 22. This obviously doesn't help the out of state viewers.
            That's pretty damn lame and makes no sense at all whatsoever. I'm also pretty sure there have been numerous games in the past that have been both on Kansas 22 and shockervision at the same time.
            Deuces Valley.
            ... No really, deuces.
            "Enjoy the ride."

            - a smart man


            • #81
              this is the first home game i can recall that wasn't shown on shockervision. Dumb idea, whosever it was.


              • #82
                Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                That's pretty damn lame and makes no sense at all whatsoever. I'm also pretty sure there have been numerous games in the past that have been both on Kansas 22 and shockervision at the same time.
                Agreed! I responded with: "Is there an option for out of state viewers?"

                No reply yet.


                • #83
                  They posted on the Wichita State facebook page that it would be broadcast on radio, and as well as ShockerVision and didn't mention anything about Kansas22. So I'm not sure who is right, and who is wrong about this.

                  Here is the fb post about it.
         - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                    They posted on the Wichita State facebook page that it would be broadcast on radio, and as well as ShockerVision and didn't mention anything about Kansas22. So I'm not sure who is right, and who is wrong about this.

                    Here is the fb post about it.
                    They are talking about the UNLV game on Sunday and you are talking about the Fullerton state game tonight.


                    • #85
                      Wish someone would stream Cox 22 on for us non-Cox folks. :)


                      • #86
                        This game will be streamed on Shockervision
                        Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


                        • #87
                          someone on the UNLV board said it will be shown on


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Dan View Post
                            someone on the UNLV board said it will be shown on
                            Correction, it's (not .com). I see they have "Live TV" but I wonder if the UNLV folks know for sure if it will be streamed over the net or only carried on cable.


                            • #89
                              will it work today?


                              • #90
                                Or is it ESPN3 only?

