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2024 Wichita State Baseball Transfers

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  • Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
    Gimme guys that throw 88 and get outs. I'm interested in Wichita State winning baseball games, not solely serving as a place where talent can get scouted once a week.

    Now, you find some guys throwing 95 and getting people out, it's not like I'm not here for it, or realize that it creates a higher ceiling. I'm just a little less enamored with the radar gun and the launch angles than I am with consistent hitting and fielding and the ability to actually pitch. Not that I think we should be running ANYONE off at this point, but I get where there might be some difference of opinion on value, and if you have limited resources you might not be using them on guys with 'high upside' but a year of zero results.

    Edit: I should try to clarify my 'point,' such as it is. More than one thing can be true. It can be true that a guy like Geraghty with high upside thinks he is worth more (in whatever way we want to think) than the coaching staff does. And he can turn out to be right and go on to have a great career somewhere else. It can also be true that after spending a year working with the player and giving him many opportunities which proved utterly fruitless, the current coaching staff can in no way justify using what little resources they have on keeping said player.
    I will only add that they let Tommy work out problems early on. He was shelled first few outings but they stuck with him and showed confidence in him. LaPour turned that into a great year. Geraghty got 9 innings and never a start. He is STILL listed as a 3rd-4th round mlb pick in 2026. Absolutely you can win with 88-90 but looking at OK St, Virginia, etc. they didn't have one pitcher coming out throwing under 90. Just saying we could have had 2 elite arms starters developed for next 2-3 years.


    • Originally posted by Veritas View Post

      I can agree with that but it begs the question as to why you continued to support the Butler when he clearly was underperforming. Perhaps a personal relationship with the guy clouded your reasoning? Something was askew with your logic.
      I'm guessing (and that's all it is, a guess) that the all too rapid passage of time and your hatred for me is clouding reality a bit. My stance was always tilted more towards the discussion that the college baseball landscape is different today than 20-40 years ago and that "Gene type" expectations were unrealistic. I also argued (and still believe) that HCTB was an excellent evaluator of talent and a good person, two things at the time that he wasn't getting enough credit for (again, in my opinion).

      He was AWFUL at some parts of the job, mostly embracing HIS program and attempting to grow the product. That's part of his (and every coach's) job. Did I choose NOT to hammer him publicly, on this fine forum, as much as you or others would have liked? I'll wear that. I chose to support the program in a positive manner more than I chose to lambaste the leader of the program. Guilty as charged.

      And I don't think this comes as a surprise, but yeah, I did have a personal, albeit somewhat distant, relationship with HCTB, much as I've had with every baseball coach in the modern era of Shocker baseball. Each with it's own nuances. I have no problem admitting that I wanted Gene, Todd, Eric, Loren and now Brian to win at the highest level. I don't apologize for that. I don't apologize that it means more to me than it does to most (not all, but most) fans. Again, guilty as charged. That doesn't mean things I said about the program were wrong.

      If anything, my familiarity with the inner sanctum, whatever that is, gives me a perspective that many others cannot have....doesn't make me better or worse, just different. But it does give me a somewhat unique lens from which to view things. And I try to share what I can, through that lens, with the folks here. How I choose to do it, you are certainly free to disagree. There are things I simply won't share for reasons that only I can value. Sorry if that bothers you. And if I feel the need to manipulate, mislead or deflect in an attempt to make the program shine more brightly or for whatever reason, yes, I have done that and I will continue to do that as well.

      I'll give you an example that I haven't shared publicly until now. I visited with HCTB very late in his tenure at WSU, just weeks before he was let go. He told me directly that he had taken WSU as far as it was possible to take WSU. No one could do better. This was as good as it was ever going to get for WSU baseball. I was seething. I'm not sure I've ever shown that amount of restraint in my life. He was dead wrong. For crying out loud, we were 9-15 in conference and had to win the last game of the season to make the damned conference tournament. BUT, it's a great example of the charcoal world in which we exist. To SOME extent, his theory DID have merit. We were playing in a new conference where (outside of UCONN) we were the northern most team. We were 2 years removed from a conference where we were the southern most team. Those things MATTER in college baseball. The support for WSU baseball had dwindled, substantially. More programs, in our sphere of influence geographically, have been taking baseball seriously for some time now. Just (at that time) 10-15 seasons prior, WSU had the premier facilities in the 4-6 state area. We might be 3rd in just our own state now. That MATTERS. HCTB had NO support from the fan base or the athletic program in general. None. The AD gave him the keys and expected Gene results. It goes without saying, he was NOT Gene. He bankrupted the baseball funds to keep the program looking good. But he put forth precisely zero effort to replenish those funds. And the AD just let it happen. The mistakes and lack of leadership, on many levels, was borderline criminal. We'll pay for it long into the future, BUT it doesn't change the fact that we are trying to compete on a playing field that is tilted against us bigly now.

      2 things can be true at the same time.


      • As if my disdain for Butler and Boatright couldn’t get any larger…
        Deuces Valley.
        ... No really, deuces.
        "Enjoy the ride."

        - a smart man


        • Originally posted by Shockersdad View Post

          I will only add that they let Tommy work out problems early on. He was shelled first few outings but they stuck with him and showed confidence in him. LaPour turned that into a great year. Geraghty got 9 innings and never a start. He is STILL listed as a 3rd-4th round mlb pick in 2026. Absolutely you can win with 88-90 but looking at OK St, Virginia, etc. they didn't have one pitcher coming out throwing under 90. Just saying we could have had 2 elite arms starters developed for next 2-3 years.
          Of course, I don't know the details whether Geraghty decided to leave on his own or he was asked to leave. And depending what that the real situation is will change ones perspective. If he was asked to transfer, and has elite arm potential, then it was short sighted by the coaching staff to cut ties because the greatest development in players occur between frosh to soph year, lesser to soph to junior (reference Boyds analyses on the subject). So it would have been wise to have given him another year.

          If it was Geraghty decision to leave on his own - well WSU needs guys who are bought in and want to win more than worry about what happening to their draft potential. If you are on a team that is winning and you play a role, then generally it all works itself out.

          WSU won with guys at 88-90 who could pitch. From Todd Butler era and on we have seen WSU bring in elite arms year after year, but they lack the skills to actually win. Doesn't really matter if you can throw 95 if you don't have an out pitch or can't throw it over the dish.


          • The coaching staff's primary goal is to win games. Player development contributes to winning, but shouldn't come at its expense.

            I don't know the circumstances of this transfer, but I won't blame the staff if they prioritized winning over Geraghty's playing time. I also won't blame Geraghty if he feels he wasn't given enough opportunity to earn his spot.

            HCBG's track record suggests he can get dudes, so I'm not too worried.


            • Some times a transfer is the best thing for a player, especially for one who has no doubt been told how great he is and simply can't get any traction. Geraghty must has some talent consider how highly touted he was. A new environment is probably the best thing for him if he hopes to unlock that perceived talent. If he does that, then good for him. If he doesn't he won't be the first or last guy to not live up to his press clippings and ratings.

              Keeping around a less than happy camper probably doesn't do either party any good. Particularly, for a coach like Brian Green who seems to be especially focused on team culture building.


              • Originally posted by Shockersdad View Post

                I will only add that they let Tommy work out problems early on. He was shelled first few outings but they stuck with him and showed confidence in him. LaPour turned that into a great year. Geraghty got 9 innings and never a start. He is STILL listed as a 3rd-4th round mlb pick in 2026. Absolutely you can win with 88-90 but looking at OK St, Virginia, etc. they didn't have one pitcher coming out throwing under 90. Just saying we could have had 2 elite arms starters developed for next 2-3 years.
                This conversation reminds me of Home Run Haines from the early 2000's. The guy could touch 99 mph but struggled with his location, hence his nickname.



                • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

                  I'm guessing (and that's all it is, a guess) that the all too rapid passage of time and your hatred for me is clouding reality a bit. My stance was always tilted more towards the discussion that the college baseball landscape is different today than 20-40 years ago and that "Gene type" expectations were unrealistic. I also argued (and still believe) that HCTB was an excellent evaluator of talent and a good person, two things at the time that he wasn't getting enough credit for (again, in my opinion).

                  He was AWFUL at some parts of the job, mostly embracing HIS program and attempting to grow the product. That's part of his (and every coach's) job. Did I choose NOT to hammer him publicly, on this fine forum, as much as you or others would have liked? I'll wear that. I chose to support the program in a positive manner more than I chose to lambaste the leader of the program. Guilty as charged.

                  And I don't think this comes as a surprise, but yeah, I did have a personal, albeit somewhat distant, relationship with HCTB, much as I've had with every baseball coach in the modern era of Shocker baseball. Each with it's own nuances. I have no problem admitting that I wanted Gene, Todd, Eric, Loren and now Brian to win at the highest level. I don't apologize for that. I don't apologize that it means more to me than it does to most (not all, but most) fans. Again, guilty as charged. That doesn't mean things I said about the program were wrong.

                  If anything, my familiarity with the inner sanctum, whatever that is, gives me a perspective that many others cannot have....doesn't make me better or worse, just different. But it does give me a somewhat unique lens from which to view things. And I try to share what I can, through that lens, with the folks here. How I choose to do it, you are certainly free to disagree. There are things I simply won't share for reasons that only I can value. Sorry if that bothers you. And if I feel the need to manipulate, mislead or deflect in an attempt to make the program shine more brightly or for whatever reason, yes, I have done that and I will continue to do that as well.

                  I'll give you an example that I haven't shared publicly until now. I visited with HCTB very late in his tenure at WSU, just weeks before he was let go. He told me directly that he had taken WSU as far as it was possible to take WSU. No one could do better. This was as good as it was ever going to get for WSU baseball. I was seething. I'm not sure I've ever shown that amount of restraint in my life. He was dead wrong. For crying out loud, we were 9-15 in conference and had to win the last game of the season to make the damned conference tournament. BUT, it's a great example of the charcoal world in which we exist. To SOME extent, his theory DID have merit. We were playing in a new conference where (outside of UCONN) we were the northern most team. We were 2 years removed from a conference where we were the southern most team. Those things MATTER in college baseball. The support for WSU baseball had dwindled, substantially. More programs, in our sphere of influence geographically, have been taking baseball seriously for some time now. Just (at that time) 10-15 seasons prior, WSU had the premier facilities in the 4-6 state area. We might be 3rd in just our own state now. That MATTERS. HCTB had NO support from the fan base or the athletic program in general. None. The AD gave him the keys and expected Gene results. It goes without saying, he was NOT Gene. He bankrupted the baseball funds to keep the program looking good. But he put forth precisely zero effort to replenish those funds. And the AD just let it happen. The mistakes and lack of leadership, on many levels, was borderline criminal. We'll pay for it long into the future, BUT it doesn't change the fact that we are trying to compete on a playing field that is tilted against us bigly now.

                  2 things can be true at the same time.
                  I don’t hate you. I don’t know you.
                  You tend to like to sit at the head of the table, I like to move you back to the kitchen when needed (Proverbs 25 6-7)

                  You provided a reasonable response finally after years of questioning your unreasonable support of Butler. I don’t recall that same support of fHCGS by you, and that’s ok. Just struck me as odd. You tend to hide within the cloak of inner connected secrecy yet take pride in sending out cryptic posts on the board with “IYKYK” or “check your DM.” to perhaps 5-6 ‘netters with whom you probably shared gym class together and remain friends.

                  You fooled me once on your “inside” knowledge of a huge football announcement that never was and then laughed at those of us who repeatedly asked you to provide details.

                  Unless you provide good feedback as you did to my last question, you are merely a hand on the planchette of an Ouija board providing feedback and speculation of little value.

                  Stop with the cryptic messaging / posts and the IYKYK crap. Otherwise, you are simply a dumpster diver, trash reader regardless of how much credibility you hope to bamboozle others into thinking you have. If you have some information and can’t share it, then don’t bring it up. If you can share it, then do so with enthusiasm and accuracy, Otherwise you risk being moved back to the kitchen. 30,000 posts at times can be cringe worthy. Be better….
                  Last edited by Veritas; May 31, 2024, 05:25 PM. Reason: Consummatum Est


                  • Originally posted by Veritas View Post
                    I don’t hate you. I don’t know you.
                    You tend to like to sit at the head of the table, I like to move you back to the kitchen when needed (Proverbs 25 6-7)

                    You provided a reasonable response finally after years of questioning your unreasonable support of Butler. I don’t recall that same support of fHCGS by you, and that’s ok. Just struck me as odd. You tend to hide within the cloak of inner connected secrecy yet take pride in sending out cryptic posts on the board with “IYKYK” or “check your DM.” to perhaps 5-6 ‘netters with whom you probably shared gym class together and remain friends.

                    You fooled me once on your “inside” knowledge of a huge football announcement that never was and then laughed at those of us who repeatedly asked you to provide details.

                    Unless you provide good feedback as you did to my last question, you are merely a hand on the planchette of an Ouija board providing feedback and speculation of little value.

                    Stop with the cryptic messaging / posts and the IYKYK crap. Otherwise, you are simply a dumpster diver, trash reader regardless of how much credibility you hope to bamboozle others into thinking you have. If you have some information and can’t share it, then don’t bring it up. If you can share it, then do so with enthusiasm and accuracy, Otherwise you risk being moved back to the kitchen. 30,000 posts at times can be cringe worthy. Be better….
                    I have been firmly put in my place.


                    • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

                      I have been firmly put in my place.
                      Check DMs, IYKYK.


                      • Originally posted by Onegreatracer View Post

                        Check DMs, IYKYK.
                        That made me spit out my drink.


                        • Originally posted by Veritas View Post
                          I don’t hate you. I don’t know you.
                          You tend to like to sit at the head of the table, I like to move you back to the kitchen when needed (Proverbs 25 6-7)

                          You provided a reasonable response finally after years of questioning your unreasonable support of Butler. I don’t recall that same support of fHCGS by you, and that’s ok. Just struck me as odd. You tend to hide within the cloak of inner connected secrecy yet take pride in sending out cryptic posts on the board with “IYKYK” or “check your DM.” to perhaps 5-6 ‘netters with whom you probably shared gym class together and remain friends.

                          You fooled me once on your “inside” knowledge of a huge football announcement that never was and then laughed at those of us who repeatedly asked you to provide details.

                          Unless you provide good feedback as you did to my last question, you are merely a hand on the planchette of an Ouija board providing feedback and speculation of little value.

                          Stop with the cryptic messaging / posts and the IYKYK crap. Otherwise, you are simply a dumpster diver, trash reader regardless of how much credibility you hope to bamboozle others into thinking you have. If you have some information and can’t share it, then don’t bring it up. If you can share it, then do so with enthusiasm and accuracy, Otherwise you risk being moved back to the kitchen. 30,000 posts at times can be cringe worthy. Be better….
                          Dang that was a 2x4 to a legend. Cage match?


                          • Originally posted by shoxlax View Post

                            That made me spit out my drink.
                            Couldn't resist, but it's true, the good Dr. is a legend and I'd bet at least half his 30,000 posts have some value... I'm batting about 100 for 2100


                            • Originally posted by Veritas View Post
                              I don’t hate you. I don’t know you.
                              You tend to like to sit at the head of the table, I like to move you back to the kitchen when needed (Proverbs 25 6-7)

                              You provided a reasonable response finally after years of questioning your unreasonable support of Butler. I don’t recall that same support of fHCGS by you, and that’s ok. Just struck me as odd. You tend to hide within the cloak of inner connected secrecy yet take pride in sending out cryptic posts on the board with “IYKYK” or “check your DM.” to perhaps 5-6 ‘netters with whom you probably shared gym class together and remain friends.

                              You fooled me once on your “inside” knowledge of a huge football announcement that never was and then laughed at those of us who repeatedly asked you to provide details.

                              Unless you provide good feedback as you did to my last question, you are merely a hand on the planchette of an Ouija board providing feedback and speculation of little value.

                              Stop with the cryptic messaging / posts and the IYKYK crap. Otherwise, you are simply a dumpster diver, trash reader regardless of how much credibility you hope to bamboozle others into thinking you have. If you have some information and can’t share it, then don’t bring it up. If you can share it, then do so with enthusiasm and accuracy, Otherwise you risk being moved back to the kitchen. 30,000 posts at times can be cringe worthy. Be better….
                              All hail, Mighty Veritas. One day you will discover you are the worst kind of narcissist. The world doesn’t revolve around you, and no one really cares about your feelings.


                              • Originally posted by Veritas View Post
                                You tend to like to sit at the head of the table, I like to move you back to the kitchen when needed (Proverbs 25 6-7)
                                You are trying to impose humility by claiming to have the authority of a king? That reminds me of one of my favorite Weird Al lines: "I'm a thousand times more humble than thou art."

                                I have always got a great laugh out of your Nostradamus posts, and I like your other stuff too.

                                But believe me, Proverbs 25:7 definitely speaks to a guy like WuDrWu who has indeed been invited to join the kings (coaches) and his men (players) over the years. He doesn't post to elevate himself, he posts to share what he can using his excellent descretion to not make public more than he should.
                                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

