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2024 Wichita State Baseball Transfers

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  • #46
    Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post

    I think that's a pretty good number.

    As I said I hope we can keep the majority of the guys we want to keep.

    If not, and this continues for too many more years I probably won't really care.
    Bingo. I'd say college athletics has 2-3 more years to get it figured out in general before I go ahead and check all the way out and find other places to spend my time and money.


    • #47
      Last edited by wyatt; June 5, 2024, 05:34 PM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by wyatt View Post
        My daughter is a freshman at WSU and her friend are real close to several of the players. She told me that Livingston was gone until the AAC Tournament, but told her he is now coming back. She said as of now Camden Johnson is coming back. Several will enter the portal, she didn’t know who yet. One of her friends on the team said they have been told that their scholarships will not be renewed. I will get more names when she finds them out,
        Be careful about posting this info prior to announcements. It's important to let coaches work their magic. There are many reasons a coach doesn't want things out there.

        Example: Player A and B are close roomates but after an interview with A, coach wants and/or can only afford to retain B. You don't want B finding out A is being asked to move along without coaches talking to B first. If B finds out A was asked to move along before they could talk to B, it could make things more difficult in retaining him.

        There are an unlimited numbers of scenarios like that, that coaches have to manage in the portal era.

        IMO, too much information -- especially misinformation -- can cause doubt and confusion.

        Please tread thoughtfully when you are in the know.
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • #49
          Last edited by wyatt; June 5, 2024, 05:33 PM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by wyatt View Post
            I will quit posting.
            I would always ask if anything heard has already been posted on FB, Insta, etc. If so, it's 100% fair game because it's public.

            Other than that it would be better to feed that data to coaches so they can address things they aren't aware of and nip things in the bud.
            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


            • #51
              Not sure what is meant by “his guys” because he relied on and appreciated the players that stuck it out or honored their commitments. In other words they became his guys. His actions don’t match that statement.

              I think keeping the core 12-14 players would be ideal.
              Last edited by shoxlax; May 28, 2024, 04:04 PM.


              • #52

                Priority Keepers (in some sortof general prio order):


                If you don't keep LaPour, you'd better hope you hit the starting pitching jackpot this offseason or we are capital-S screwed next season.

                Rogers is graduating but still has a year of eligibility?
                Millan still has a year of eligibility?​

                IF you return the entire starting infield and LaPour, you finish 2nd at worst next year and might be a bubble team. It also allows you to recruit in ways where you get multiple chances to hit, cause you're really 'just' chasing outfielders and pitching. Not needing to go 1-for-1 on a SS and 1-for-1 on a 1B could REALLY help you with your odds of putting a good 9 on the field. You can take 3 cracks at OFs and really only need to hit on 1. Same sortof thing on pitching.

                I'm not sure there's an arm on the staff outside of LaPour and Hamilton where I'd feel like we really lost something if they walked. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be plenty happy to see several of them back, or that some of them might leave and do great next year. But honestly, is there anyone else that you think you don't have a 50/50 shot at doing better with the roster spot? I'd be more than happy to keep Dobbs. Could be a good midweek or middle relief innings eater. Holmes is certainly usable, but even as a lefty specialist he had a 4.54 ERA.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by wyatt View Post
                  My daughter is a freshman at WSU and her friend are real close to several of the players. She told me that Livingston was gone until the AAC Tournament, but told her he is now coming back. She said as of now Camden Johnson is coming back. Several will enter the portal, she didn’t know who yet. One of her friends on the team said they have been told that their scholarships will not be renewed. I will get more names when she finds them out,
                  who is your daughter if you don’t mind me asking


                  • #54
                    I'm an awfully happy fan if next year looks like:

                    LF Haworth
                    CF New person
                    RF New person
                    3B Camden Johnson
                    SS Kam Durnin
                    2B Jordan Rogers
                    1B Gannon Snyder
                    C Mauricio Millan
                    DH Livingston/Williams/Gustafson

                    RP LaPour
                    RP Hamilton

                    OP Dobbs, Geraghty, Mulhollon, Mount, Iverson, Arnett.

                    Stark & Birge


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                      I'm an awfully happy fan if next year looks like:

                      LF Haworth
                      CF New person
                      RF New person
                      3B Camden Johnson
                      SS Kam Durnin
                      2B Jordan Rogers
                      1B Gannon Snyder
                      C Mauricio Millan
                      DH Livingston/Williams/Gustafson

                      RP LaPour
                      RP Hamilton

                      OP Dobbs, Geraghty, Mulhollon, Mount, Iverson, Arnett.

                      Stark & Birge
                      That would be fantastic.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                        I'm an awfully happy fan if next year looks like:

                        LF Haworth
                        CF New person
                        RF New person
                        3B Camden Johnson
                        SS Kam Durnin
                        2B Jordan Rogers
                        1B Gannon Snyder
                        C Mauricio Millan
                        DH Livingston/Williams/Gustafson

                        RP LaPour
                        RP Hamilton

                        OP Dobbs, Geraghty, Mulhollon, Mount, Iverson, Arnett.

                        Stark & Birge
                        Yep. If you find ANYONE, that has a real chance to be a tourney team. Plus, that's so much continuity I'll be doing charting and game-planning and hallucinating and fan-ing and season ticket buying and many other things starting in friggin' September.

                        Not a chance in hell, but it's fun to dream about for the 7 hours here where we have a chance.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                          There are going to be transfers. No doubt about it. Some are going to want to play, some are going to want to get paid or think they should get paid.

                          I think it's pretty clear that if you aren't "all in" with HCBG then you probably shouldn't be here and even more likely, you probably won't be asked to return.

                          What do you think the over/under on portal entries should be?

                          I think I'd set it around 20.
                          Have you heard what bringing in a legit Friday night AAC arm would cost in NIL? What about to keep Tommy at WSU? I'm assuming we will never ever be able to match SEC type dollars, but surely we can match or beat the KU/KSU's of the world.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                            I'm an awfully happy fan if next year looks like:

                            LF Haworth
                            CF New person
                            RF New person
                            3B Camden Johnson
                            SS Kam Durnin
                            2B Jordan Rogers
                            1B Gannon Snyder
                            C Mauricio Millan
                            DH Livingston/Williams/Gustafson

                            RP LaPour
                            RP Hamilton

                            OP Dobbs, Geraghty, Mulhollon, Mount, Iverson, Arnett.

                            Stark & Birge
                            I want Holmes back pretty badly.
                            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

                              I want Holmes back pretty badly.
                              Agreed on the Holmes comment. Kid can pitch and has good command.
                              Really tough on lefties too!

                              That is all.
                              Above all, make the right call.


                              • #60
                                So has anyone announced other than the first 1-2 posted pre previously (pantier and fettinger).

