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American Athletic Conference

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  • Honestly, I know the MWC is a pretty dang good conference, but I would much rather move east in conference affiliation than west. The media coverage is much, much better the farther east you are.


    • Originally posted by NattyMat View Post
      VCU fan here...and this is exactly the type of thing I've been trying to piece together since yesterday when I heard the top half of our conference was gone.

      It sounds extreme, but you almost model this after something like the NFL (or maybe MLB is a better example?). 32-team conference, four divisions of 8. Basically have your groups of 8 compete against each other in the non-revenue sports then go on to some playoff against the other divisions to crown the conference champ in those sports...but then for revenue generating sports (football and men's bball), you could maybe have some type of "interleague" type of play...or maybe not. Maybe you just have four teams from each division compete in that conference tournament (for hoops I mean)...which could potentially include a group of teams like UConn, Cincinnati, Temple, Memphis, VCU, Wichita State, Gonzaga, St. Mary's, St. Joseph's, UNLV, San Diego State etc etc. That could be a pretty hot tournament that would truly garner interest from coast to coast.
      That has to be the dumbest post I've seen on this board yet.

      What world is everyone living in?


      • Originally posted by RomeoCrennel's Belly View Post
        That has to be the dumbest post I've seen on this board yet.

        What world is everyone living in?
        What's dumb is continuing to think the same way these conferences outside of the BCS have been thinking. And I'll tell you what world we're living in...we're living in a world that will see the end of the NCAA before you know it. If you're lucky enough to be in a BCS league, great. But I recommend the majority of Presidents and conference commissioners who are on the outside looking in need to start thinking bigger than they currently are.

        Sometimes you have to throw out some initially "crazy" sounding ideas, then mold them into something that actually works.


        • Originally posted by RomeoCrennel's Belly View Post
          That has to be the dumbest post I've seen on this board yet.

          What world is everyone living in?
          The dumbest idea is sticking with the Valley as it spirals down into a league which we win every other year, finishing just ahead of media-darling Evansville and the one-hit wonder UNI Panthers of the Great White North Teachers College. How many season tickets are you going to sell when Evansville, UNI or Indiana State are your best home games of the entire season? What will that TV contract look like?


          • Originally posted by DJ06Shocker View Post
            I'm sorry but I'm still for keeping the valley name and making it stronger. I get that it sucks, but adding a few good teams (assuming that is possible) is more fun to me than leaving. Maybe I'm too hopeful.

            Hey if they big east is crumbling, you never know just how good of a school you might get, even if only temporary. Especially when the league has historically had several high end programs.

            I'm just gonna sit over here and foolishly hope we add everybody looking for a home... Louisville, Cincinnati, Pitt...just having fun over here... They can keep their football where ever they want it.

            Hehe it's probably too early to be drinking this much

            I mean the thread said 'best possible outcome' right?
            The only way to keep the Valley strong going forward is to get a good TV contract with one of the cable sports networks ( ESPN, FoxSports, NBCSports) that provides national coverage.


            • I haven't read through all 23 pages of this here thread or whatever but can somebody provide some background on this MWC stuff. Is there any proof? I mean I can connect the dots and it makes sense to an outsider such as myself but I was wondering if there was anything more than message board chatter.

              P.S. good luck tomorrow beating the deserters. I will wear a black undershirt tomorrow in solidarity.


              • Originally posted by LuskingforGuttin View Post
                I haven't read through all 23 pages of this here thread or whatever but can somebody provide some background on this MWC stuff. Is there any proof? I mean I can connect the dots and it makes sense to an outsider such as myself but I was wondering if there was anything more than message board chatter.
                I've seen it on a blog or two (by MWC writers) as a good idea but basically it's all message board chatter.


                • I know @RoyalShock: posted this in another thread, but I felt it needs to be included in this long running thread on realignment.

                  I think the "good" schools (Butler, Xavier, Dayton) are going to go one way or the other.

                  The MVC should pick off VCU, Richmond and St. Joes and put them with the Indiana schools plus SIU for an eastern division. WSU, MSU, UNI, DU, ISU-R and BU in the west. A nice 12-team league that just improved it's basketball profile.
                  I like your thinking, Royal. This makes much more sense than WSU going to the A-10. Royal, where does this leave St. Louis? Also, would going after Murray St and Belmont be a plus? 19 conference games would only be 1 more than we play now.


                  • Deleted.


                    • Has anyone thought about Memphis joining the Valley? Good proximity to St. Louis and would be better than creighton. Conf. USA is also a weaker conference.


                      • Originally posted by comexe35 View Post
                        Has anyone thought about Memphis joining the Valley? Good proximity to St. Louis and would be better than creighton. Conf. USA is also a weaker conference.
                        They're going to the Big East...err the Big East - C7, or the Old Big East With The New Name...whatever it's called...
                        "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


                        • Originally posted by comexe35 View Post
                          Has anyone thought about Memphis joining the Valley? Good proximity to St. Louis and would be better than creighton. Conf. USA is also a weaker conference.
                          No D-I FBS football school will be heading to a basketball conference. Besides, Memphis is part of the "new" Big East or whatever they end up calling themselves.


                          • i believe that there are at least 4 factors to consider.

                            1. Media Attention- WSU- Creighton this weekend is a game to watch on ESPN. No Creighton = less media attention.
                            Let's say i am sitting on the East Coast and I hear that Creighton is leaving the MVC.
                            Does that increse or decrease the amount of attention I pay to the MVC?

                            2.TV contract- Without Creighton is the MVC more or less valuable to TV?

                            3. Recruiting- Would you want to play in the MVC if Creighton isn't there?

                            4. HCGM and staff- Would they want to coach in the MVC if Creighton were not here?

                            Last thought, you think we are concerned, How do you think Doug Elgin would feel if he lost Creighton and WSU?


                            • Im not holding my breath that WSU is even considering a move. Is anyone else having that feeling? I dont think any conference is going to come to us. WSU is going to have to solicit themselves, and I would just think we would be hearing more rumors if that were the case.
                              "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                              • If all things come to pass and we are stuck in a weakened MVC, and presuming HCGM probably would not want to stick around in a one-bid conference, how many of the faithful might not renew season tickets, especially if said tickets were at the current price levels? I know I might be reluctant to spend what I currently spend for a lesser value. Thoughts?
                                Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss

