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  • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    Fake News isn't made up by crazies in their mom's basement. It's right in front of you, every day. I submit most who read this are not swayed by Fake News either way. But as I stood in line yesterday, and chatted with my fellow citizens, I am quite certain that the Fake News carries a lot of weight. And to me at least, that is terrifying.
    Absolutely people are swayed by the news they read. That's just true. But calling that reporting "Fake News" is just bonkers. Look, that reporting probably isn't great. But the idea that many Democrats and moderate Republicans are "terrified" of Kobach's hard line ideals isn't objectively false. We can't go out and say look at Exhibits X, Y, and Z which show that's just undeniably false.

    Trump and Co., the biggest advocates of the Fake News terminology, frequently say things that are absolutely, without a doubt, untrue. And people on here say it's just "spin" that politicians do. Or words don't have meaning and we should only look at policies.

    You're without a doubt right that reporting has an affect. People who are watching Fox become more conservative. But I'm just dumbfounded that you find it "terrifying" that a newspaper would report in this way, and you have no problem with the lies we're told day after day after day from the white house. Just one of those should be terrifying. People can choose to get there news from whatever source they so desire. Free market principles, right? We've only got the one government.


    • C0|dB|00ded
      C0|dB|00ded commented
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      The media is the only party that can create Fake News because, well... they are the news.

      Trump does not have near the informational influence of the liberal media although he has tried to narrow the gap with his Twitter account. But Mr. or Mrs. Joe Citizen doesn't follow Trump's Twitter feed directly, they likely read the tweets via their chosen news source - which only prints the tweets that make Trump look bad. FAKE NEWS!



    • ShockingButTrue
      ShockingButTrue commented
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      Well put. Trump has Fox and that's it. The liberals have, well, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, Saturday Night Live, etc., etc.

      Becoming more conservative due to watching watching Fox? That's laughable.

  • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
    But calling that reporting "Fake News" is just bonkers. Look, that reporting probably isn't great. But the idea that many Democrats and moderate Republicans are "terrified" of Kobach's hard line ideals isn't objectively false. We can't go out and say look at Exhibits X, Y, and Z which show that's just undeniably false.
    That's such a jurist way to word things. You think there's one moderate Republican that's terrified (for which you and the Eagle provide zero evidence of the existence) and so the statement isn't false.

    What a crock of ****. It's opinion, not fact. And the bigger problem is that it's not balanced. Where's the right lean then? It's Fake News because it's opinion, not news. Want to run an opinion piece? I have no problem with that, but the NEWS should report the NEWS.

    Another thing about terrifying. That is an awfully negative descriptor. I do want a Democratic Governor. But I'm hardly terrified of one. And if you are actually terrified then you have some serious mental issues. You should be terrified if you were in Two World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 and noticed a low flying Boeing 757 headed in your general direction. That's a stupid description meant to attach awful ideas to one candidate. It's FAKE. And you jdshock who's opinion I respect as a thoughtful and engaged citizen, are wrong in defense of it. I can't believe you blindly defend their lies.
    Last edited by WuDrWu; August 8, 2018, 09:54 AM.


    • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

      That's such a jurist way to word things. You think there's one moderate Republican that's terrified (for which you and the Eagle provide zero evidence of the existence) and so the statement isn't false.

      What a crock of ****. It's opinion, not fact. And the bigger problem is that it's not balanced. Where's the right lean then? It's Fake News because it's opinion, not news. Want to run an opinion piece? I have no problem with that, but the NEWS should report the NEWS.
      Fine. Why don't lies from the White House terrify you?


      • WuDrWu
        WuDrWu commented
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        Because they annoy me, they don't terrify me, and they aren't in the business of reporting the news. And they are fighting an uphill battle. If all the positive things (at least positive to me) were given more light, the "lies" (your words not mine) would irritate me even more.

    • When was the last time a Democrat was referred to as 'extreme' or 'controversial' in a 'news article?'
      "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


      • ShockTalk
        ShockTalk commented
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        They don't because they're their opinion.

      • ShockerPrez
        ShockerPrez commented
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    • Some of the readers in this thread need to take the opportunity to truly educate themselves on the businessman that is Donald Trump. Your Fake News sources have betrayed you.

      Donald Trump is a classic New York City "Wheeler-Dealer" (take that how you will) and might be considered the original Kardashian. Yes he was born into a wealthy family but he expanded the company far beyond what he inherited. He also survived the 90's Savings and Loan crisis (no small feat) which sunk many other major NYC commercial developers.

      I'm definintely no Super Fan of Donald Trump the person, but I'm not going to sit here and listen to a liberal media created narrative that he is (was) this business failure either. It's simply not true.

      Republicans love Donald Trump for one thing and that is his fearless execution of the conservative agenda. Liberals hate him for that exact same reason. Interestingly, before his foray into politics and party "transformation", he was a NYC Liberal through and through. He is a puzzling fellow, but he's working for the good guys now so he's cool with me.

      Go Donald, Go Donald, GO!


      Last edited by C0|dB|00ded; August 8, 2018, 11:34 AM.


      • ShockingButTrue
        ShockingButTrue commented
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        Yep, but even when he was liberal it was still business first. Just about the same time as Obama was sneaking behind the school smoking weed. His foreign policy versus the current President illustrates that very thing. It's why he won the election. It pisses people off and makes them do stupid things.
        Last edited by ShockingButTrue; August 8, 2018, 11:06 AM.

      • wufan
        wufan commented
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        I think of Donald Trump as an NYC version of a blue dog democrat. It’s the movement of society to the left that has painted him anything like a conservative.

    • Originally posted by jdshock View Post

      Absolutely people are swayed by the news they read. That's just true. But calling that reporting "Fake News" is just bonkers. Look, that reporting probably isn't great. But the idea that many Democrats and moderate Republicans are "terrified" of Kobach's hard line ideals isn't objectively false. We can't go out and say look at Exhibits X, Y, and Z which show that's just undeniably false.

      Trump and Co., the biggest advocates of the Fake News terminology, frequently say things that are absolutely, without a doubt, untrue. And people on here say it's just "spin" that politicians do. Or words don't have meaning and we should only look at policies.

      You're without a doubt right that reporting has an affect. People who are watching Fox become more conservative. But I'm just dumbfounded that you find it "terrifying" that a newspaper would report in this way, and you have no problem with the lies we're told day after day after day from the white house. Just one of those should be terrifying. People can choose to get there news from whatever source they so desire. Free market principles, right? We've only got the one government.
      Now that was a substantive and objective take. You're right.


      That's the fake news that they're referring to at Trump rallies in Ohio.
      Last edited by ShockingButTrue; August 8, 2018, 10:59 AM.


      • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
        He is a puzzling fellow...


        Arguably the understatement of the century...

        "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


        • jdshock
          jdshock commented
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          I'm not gonna fault him for eating the pizza backwards, but that slice should be floppy and about twice as big. He's from New York, c'mon!

      • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
        If I were to put the U.S. on the scale of where we are on the socialistic pool, we are up to about our ankles.
        At least our knees.

        36% of the US on medicare and/or medicaid. 14% of the US on food stamps during Obama's reign. 26% of future retirees believe "they can live comfortably in retirement on Social Security alone".

        Possibly mid-thigh.
        Last edited by Kung Wu; August 8, 2018, 11:27 AM.
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • ShockerPrez
          ShockerPrez commented
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          I am not going to ***** about seniors sold on SS their whole life being able to live comfortably. If that puts us to to our knees, ok.

          My clothes aren't getting soaked yet, so we aren't yet drowning in socialism.

          But we are standing close to the steep shelf where the water gets deeper fast.

      • My definition of Fake News: Opinion pieces where the author leads the reader/viewer to believe it is not an opinion piece.
        Livin the dream


        • C0|dB|00ded
          C0|dB|00ded commented
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          Another definition: Leading with a subjective (and negatively spun) headline that has little relation to the article's contents.

          Example: TRUMP HATES MEXICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 Contained in the article are Trump's detailed plans to overhaul immigration including doing away with sanctuary states, deporting illegals with a criminal record, and pushing for a border wall.

          I have witnessed countless times where an article's headline proclaims that Trump is losing at something only to find out after reading the contents that the facts indicate he is winning. This happens constantly.

          These people are not professionals; they are deranged individuals with a pen.



      • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

        At least our knees.

        36% of the US on medicare and/or medicaid. 14% of the US on food stamps during Obama's reign. 26% of future retirees believe "they can live comfortably in retirement on Social Security alone".

        Possibly mid-thigh.

        And who do we have to thank for that? Claude_Pepper.jpg

        Are they in for a surprise.


        • Trump ain't worried about "fake news." He rather enjoys exploiting it. It's an awesome political weapon at his disposal.

          Moving along, his concern now, along with tarrifs, is that his strategists follow his (get it?) concepts of how to run effective campaigns for November. It's a whole new paradigm guys. Take notes all you legislators, and aspiring legislators.
          Last edited by ShockingButTrue; August 8, 2018, 01:56 PM.


          • I'd change it to read 75%.

            Trump Nation is rockin' and rollin' baby!

            Libby heads are exploding on every street corner.

            In the meantime, employers can't find enough employees...

            It's a great day to be an American (again).




            • The President seems to be blessed with an instinct for shrewd business deals. Streamlined and efficient even:


              • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post
                The President seems to be blessed with an instinct for shrewd business deals. Streamlined and efficient even:

                They just removed it from the list they were going to impose. Not exactly a win.
                Livin the dream


                • ShockingButTrue
                  ShockingButTrue commented
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                  It's just one pawn on the board, yes. The strategy is evolving with a purpose. Keep in mind the President was mapping trading tendencies when obama was still smoking weed behind the school with his hommies in the 6th grade.

                  Please refer to Pillar II:

                  To keep up, the leftists/socialists better hope obama is out there eating his wheaties and cuttin' down on the smokes heading into November. The President gets up early...
                  Last edited by ShockingButTrue; August 12, 2018, 10:35 AM.

              • China's power may have been overrated and the U.S. economy is "firing on all cylinders," meaning U.S. President Donald Trump has an advantage in the trade war, according to one expert.

                First, heat up the economy to record levels (stockpile ammunition); next, go to war.

                It's nice to have a business warrior in the White House who actually has a pair. When's the last time we had a president that actually did anything of substance in a competitive environment before being elected? Don't mention GW or I'll laugh. His dad qualifies. Reagan was a beast but... an actor *gags*. Clinton, Bum, GW... all clowns.

                Chin told CNBC he "totally" disagreed with the view that the White House's policies are backfiring. The Milken expert, who was also U.S. ambassador to the Asian Development Bank, said Trump has made it clear he's been elected as "president of Americans, not of the world."

                "Right now we're seeing record employment in the U.S., not just unemployment down, but people getting back into the economy, that people think they can find a job if they start looking again. I think that's a positive message," he said.

                Chin also suggested that, going by the rhetoric in Chinese state media, Beijing has not been as aggressive toward Trump as expected. The second-largest economy is still figuring out its game plan, he said.
                Why has China held back? Because Trump's "Crazy Man" negotiation position is firmly solidified. China is scared shitless of what pissing Trump off could mean.




