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Jeb Bush or Gov. Christie 2016?

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  • #16
    I am so sick and tired of hearing about Bridgegate and Bengahzi. Bridgegate seems way overblown and I really tune it out any more. I am not sure how I feel about Christie but I am not going to hold Bridgegate against him. On Bengahzi, The first US House investigation basically concluded that stuff like this happens in war zones. I am not sure what the point of another one is except to keep it in the news at election time. There are plenty of reasons to not vote for Hillary. Benghazi will not be the reason I don't vote for her.


    • #17
      Originally posted by shox1989 View Post
      I am so sick and tired of hearing about Bridgegate and Bengahzi. Bridgegate seems way overblown and I really tune it out any more. I am not sure how I feel about Christie but I am not going to hold Bridgegate against him. On Bengahzi, The first US House investigation basically concluded that stuff like this happens in war zones. I am not sure what the point of another one is except to keep it in the news at election time. There are plenty of reasons to not vote for Hillary. Benghazi will not be the reason I don't vote for her.
      The problem with Benghazi is not as much what happened in Libya but what happened in Washington.

      You have political campaign people making foreign policy decisions and then scrambling to concoct the "Big Lie" when it literally blows up in their face.

      When you lie to the government, you go to jail. When they lie to you, that's good politics.
      "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
      -John Wooden


      • #18
        Originally posted by wu_shizzle View Post
        The problem with Benghazi is not as much what happened in Libya but what happened in Washington.

        You have political campaign people making foreign policy decisions and then scrambling to concoct the "Big Lie" when it literally blows up in their face.

        When you lie to the government, you go to jail. When they lie to you, that's good politics.
        That is basically the same thing they are saying about Bridgegate too (lieing and cover up stuff). I am just sick of all of it. There have been like a dozen congressional investigations on Benghazi already. The reality is that bad things happen in war zones and all of these investigations aren't going to bring back the 4 people that died. After all of the investigations that have already been done it is time to move on. I know Bridgegate isn't as far along. It is a newer thing, but I am already tired of it too. Politicians make political decesions it is what they do. What is the old saying "to the victor goes the spoils." That is just the way politics works.


        • #19
          Originally posted by shox1989 View Post
          That is basically the same thing they are saying about Bridgegate too (lieing and cover up stuff). I am just sick of all of it.
          the investigation might end if the administration would come clean and hold people accountable for those who were lying - ever 3-6 month new emails, power point presentations, witnesses emerge with additional details.

          Politicians make political decesions it is what they do. What is the old saying "to the victor goes the spoils." That is just the way politics works.
          I guess if you want to except that, that is your prerogative. I'm more inclined to hold them accountable, at there very least I will hold them accountable at the ballot box.

          As far as Christy - won't vote for him.


          • #20
            Starting to think we should be watching out for Rick Perry. He was completely unprepared and looked like a goofball last go around, but this time I have a feeling he is taking it serious and will be prepared to run properly. I suspect we will see an entirely different candidate out of him than we did last time. I can't imagine he is as inept as we saw last time, because you can't be that way and win the Texas governorship. I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up strong. Of course I have been (very) wrong before.
            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


            • #21
              I'm surprised Paul/Rubio/Cruz aren't polling better in the primary surveys. Granted, it is still early, but primaries usually involve the most passionate and the most extreme wings of each party- you would think having the far right overrepresented in this data would benefit them. They trail Jeb Bush badly in the most recent South Carolina primary poll, with none checking in higher than 9% (Bush has 22% and Christie 10%). SC is one of the most conservative states in the country- the South and lower midwest needs to be their bread and butter if they are going to get the nomination. This one really surprised me.

              Iowa looks similarly crappy for the group- Huckabee has led in all of the 7 most recent primary polls there, with Paul (9.6%), Cruz (9.8%) and Rubio (5.2%) all trailing Huckabee, Bush and Ryan across the composite averages. Christie checks in at 9% in Iowa.

              Things of course do change and there will be lots of volatility as the field sorts itself out, but I really expected there to be more support for the tea party candidates at this point. Time will tell I suppose.


              • #22
                Cantor's loss in the Virginia GOP primary should be a wake up call for the others on Capitol Hill, regardless of party affiliation. Quit spewing rhetoric and do some real work.


                • #23
                  I smell another change coming. Cantor losing hopefully puts the GOP on full notice that they need to adjust their platform.

                  I still don't see how we can't develop a new platform that takes fiscal conservitism with some social liberalism. Without getting too deep into the religion side, why shouldn't any two adults be able to be married? If they find a person that will marry them, they should have that right just like we all have the right to own houses, guns, etc. "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" should apply to all persons.

                  So should the notion that you have to work to earn a check. We have a crumbling infastructure and are losing millions of manufacturing jobs yearly, but instead of investing in these, we are spending trillions to support people that are capable of work but don't.

                  I am a big fan of less government spending, but no budget has ever gone down year over year. So lets spend the same amount of money, smarter. Teach people to do the jobs, require them to be there to get paid. If they don't show, they don't get it. Then use the money we save as they start earning to pay for the infastruture work we need. Yes it is still government spending, but it is putting people to work and giving us something to show for it.

                  I might be alone here, but I feel the solid line drawn between the two parties is not as pronounced as people see, and that we can find ways to accomplish what we want as a country and make ourselves stronger. People have beliefs on both sides of the line, and many have to choose between which one they feel hits MORE of their beliefs.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Downtown Shocker Brown View Post
                    I smell another change coming. Cantor losing hopefully puts the GOP on full notice that they need to adjust their platform.

                    I still don't see how we can't develop a new platform that takes fiscal conservitism with some social liberalism. Without getting too deep into the religion side, why shouldn't any two adults be able to be married? If they find a person that will marry them, they should have that right just like we all have the right to own houses, guns, etc. "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" should apply to all persons.

                    So should the notion that you have to work to earn a check. We have a crumbling infastructure and are losing millions of manufacturing jobs yearly, but instead of investing in these, we are spending trillions to support people that are capable of work but don't.

                    I am a big fan of less government spending, but no budget has ever gone down year over year. So lets spend the same amount of money, smarter. Teach people to do the jobs, require them to be there to get paid. If they don't show, they don't get it. Then use the money we save as they start earning to pay for the infastruture work we need. Yes it is still government spending, but it is putting people to work and giving us something to show for it.

                    I might be alone here, but I feel the solid line drawn between the two parties is not as pronounced as people see, and that we can find ways to accomplish what we want as a country and make ourselves stronger. People have beliefs on both sides of the line, and many have to choose between which one they feel hits MORE of their beliefs.
                    You're not alone.


                    • #25
                      Gary Johnson.
             - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                      • #26

                        Hillary's health


                        • #27
                          Hmm is old Mitt Romney making a comeback?
                          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                          • #28
                            I wouldn't discount Rick Perry as a front runner. Illegal immigration is the #1 concern of Americans and no one else understands this issue better. He is now doing the work that the federal government refuses to do at the border with the activation of the National Guard.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by shoxplode View Post
                              I wouldn't discount Rick Perry as a front runner. Illegal immigration is the #1 concern of Americans and no one else understands this issue better. He is now doing the work that the federal government refuses to do at the border with the activation of the National Guard.
                              Yeah, that's what I was saying earlier in this thread. I think most people discount him because he jumped in completely unprepared last time. I don't see that happening this time.
                              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                              • #30
                                Rick Perry is a fraud and a crook. If it weren't for the oil boom he would not have a shot at the national stage. He rates about the Brownback level in terms of competency. He deregulated tuition. It tripled in two years. He passed a bill to 'cut' property taxes, but anyone living in Dallas and Houston noticed. He's cut education to the point where our overall rating makes the Kansas students look like geniuses. Texas leads the US in job creation, but the problem is that a large percentage of jobs created outside the oil industry (and overall as well) are minimum-wage jobs.

                                Sometimes frauds and crooks get it right though and I am happy the guard is at the border. My perspective on this is more based on the fact that we should not be rewarding Mexican cartels for smuggling those people in here. Not only that, there are two additional aspects, one being that some of the jovens/jovencitas are MS-13 gang members (remember the Mariel boatlift) and the smugglers are moving humans and drugs in the same caravans, so if one gets caught, the other gets away. Myself, I would strongly consider turning joven/jovencita away with a tat that might be gang-related (MS-13 likes to tat themselves up to show their street cred and to let people know what 'organization' they belong to.

                                I also hate the fact that this illegal influx has tied up courts and resources to the point where legal immigration has stalled. I think people who are trying to follow the rules should not be penalized.

                                Voting for Perry would be akin to voting from Brownback for president. From what I've seen, Brownback will have an uphill battle trying to get elected in a state where a yellow dog could get elected (if it were a republican). I'm sure there are people who would like to see Brownback run for president, but I'd bet more people would rather not see him run for anything except maybe governor of Kansas.

