Originally posted by wufan
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I believe most issues that separate the Left from the Right are not even their own. I believe most Americans sitting in a room (with alcohol) could come to an agreement on most things, compromising freely, with nary a shot fired. I believe that the chaos we see in Washington, the media, and the streets is nearly completely contrived.
I'm tempted to start a grassroots revolution. Think of it like the hippie movement, but with much less drugs and STD's. People of all walks of life and backgrounds need to meet, face to face. No picket lines, no police. Just a bonfire. We will talk, we will dance, we will laugh. But most of all, we will learn how we are all more alike then we are different. Then we will change this country making it again a nation OF the people, not warring tribal factions.
I'll will sit the Atheist, next to the Christian, next to the Muslim. I will explain to them why they should celebrate living in a land where they can express their beliefs freely. I will also remind them to respect the others' beliefs because it is that same respect returned, that makes the whole thing work.
I will sit the AR-toting redneck next to the pacifist homosexual interior decorator and have them look into each other's eyes while shaking hands. I will remind them that it is a respect for the other's lifestyle that affords each the liberty to be whoever they want to be. And the moment either begins to judge, they simultaneously put their own liberty in peril.
All we need is a little common sense, a neutral environment, and human beings in close proximity to one another WITHOUT their puppeteers.
I will call it C0|dSt0ck and no media will be invited.