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Trump Got The 'Rona

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  • #91
    Senate on hiatus until 10/19/20.

    Vacant supreme court hearing will proceed as originally planned for 10/12/20. With the crazies having the TDS virus like they do it's vital to get that seat filled. It's gon' happen! The smart voters knew what they were doing 16'.

    If this guy (Tillis) was wearing a mask in the Rose Garden (which he was) why would he have the Bat Flu? Shouldn't a mask have protected him? Or is social distancing the standard? And if so, for how many minutes is one safe within 6'? The Ghoul fauci was never really clear on that, predictably.

    Last edited by ShockingButTrue; October 4, 2020, 12:02 PM.


    • #92
      Originally posted by wufan View Post

      I’m not anybody’s doctor. That’s why I’ve never posted it before. Nobody calls me doctor, I’m not licensed to practice medicine because I don’t practice medicine. I went to work for big pharma after Medical school rather than attending a residency. My medical degree is really unimportant to my life, but you can’t stand that. You are just projecting your inferiorities on attempting to call me out (and failing), then you go to claim I’m harming people and lying despite your own ignorance. Then you talk about how much money I make??? You have no idea, obviously. You just can’t stand the fact that you’re wrong.
      Okay, okay... we get it! No need for more of the curriculum vitae. You're a shade tree pharmacist with a wasted medical education who knows D.I.C. about acute SARS-CoV-2 complications. You don't have to convince me brother... you had me at hello.

      I kid! I kid!

      It's time to dial down all the hijinks and ballyhoo folks. Things are starting to get personal. People are getting doxed left and right. I've been outed as a fry cook and now we have wufan stuffing pill bottles on 3rd shift. This is getting out of hand!

      I want to be the first to extend an olive branch to the cantankerous little fellow, who from now on will be affectionately known as, PillDoc, Esq. (using the traditional Esquire definition: a young nobleman who, in training for knighthood, acted as an attendant to a knight.)


      • #93
        Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post
        If this guy (Tillis) was wearing a mask in the Rose Garden (which he was) why would he have the Bat Flu? Shouldn't a mask have protected him? Or is social distancing the standard? And if so, for how many minutes is one safe within 6'? The Ghoul fauci was never really clear on that, predictably.
        You cannot have an IQ beyond 16.

        Whoops! There goes any gesture of goodwill. How long did that last, 15 seconds?

        Then again, my freshly minted peace accord was with PillDoc, Esq. only.

        But in all seriousness, I really believe you to be a crazy person. I'm gonna give you permission to not wear a mask. In fact, I'm gonna encourage you not to. Okay?


        • #94
          I thought you were taking a break?

          Your posts are iron-clad here.
          Deuces Valley.
          ... No really, deuces.
          "Enjoy the ride."

          - a smart man


          • #95
            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
            Okay, okay... we get it! No need for more of the curriculum vitae. You're a shade tree pharmacist with a wasted medical education who knows D.I.C. about acute SARS-CoV-2 complications.

            I want to be the first to extend an olive branch to the cantankerous little fellow, who from now on will be affectionately known as, PillDoc, Esq. (using the traditional Esquire definition: a young nobleman who, in training for knighthood, acted as an attendant to a knight.)
            You still don't know what he does for a living do ya?

            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


            • #96
              Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

              You still don't know what he does for a living do ya?
              Time to flush the turd
              People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

              Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
              Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


              • #97
                Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                I thought you were taking a break?

                Your posts are iron-clad here.
                That's the old Coldblooded, unfiltered. Can't do that schtick too often and expect to last around here. What a .


                • #98

                  just had to share this someplace


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

                    You still don't know what he does for a living do ya?
                    Not only do I know what he does for a living, I know the company he works for.

                    And he's grossly uninformed on many issues.


                    • In other news: Trump is being treated with dexamethasone, a steroid usually reserved for more serious Covid cases. It comes with a host of side-effects, namely, immune suppression. It's likely he has pneumonia at this point. His oxy saturation levels did plummet a couple times on Friday and Saturday and he was complaining of shortness of breath. In the "old days" plummeting oxy levels would be the harbinger of mechanical ventilation. Thankfully for Trump, he is not experiencing this back in March. I feel no sympathy. To me he's akin to a crying child who stuck his finger in the electrical outlet after being warned not to. Take your medicine kid...


                      • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                        In other news: Trump is being treated with dexamethasone, a steroid usually reserved for more serious Covid cases. It comes with a host of side-effects, namely, immune suppression. It's likely he has pneumonia at this point. His oxy saturation levels did plummet a couple times on Friday and Saturday and he was complaining of shortness of breath. In the "old days" plummeting oxy levels would be the harbinger of mechanical ventilation. Thankfully for Trump, he is not experiencing this back in March. I feel no sympathy. To me he's akin to a crying child who stuck his finger in the electrical outlet after being warned not to. Take your medicine kid...
                        **** YOU YOU ****ING ASSHOLE


                        • How do I block this ****ing asshole?


                          • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                            In other news: Trump is being treated with dexamethasone, a steroid usually reserved for more serious Covid cases. It comes with a host of side-effects, namely, immune suppression. It's likely he has pneumonia at this point. His oxy saturation levels did plummet a couple times on Friday and Saturday and he was complaining of shortness of breath. In the "old days" plummeting oxy levels would be the harbinger of mechanical ventilation. Thankfully for Trump, he is not experiencing this back in March. I feel no sympathy. To me he's akin to a crying child who stuck his finger in the electrical outlet after being warned not to. Take your medicine kid...
                            “I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous. ' And God granted it.” -Voltaire
                            Livin the dream


                            • Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

                              You forgot to mention wufan also has a little professor complex. But that's OK, I did it for you. Kind of like the people who get degrees in math but can't pass actuarial exams (or all of them), law degrees but can't pass the bar and so forth. The kind of person who feels insecure because they weren't quite smart enough to get past that final step that ensures a whole lot of $$$ and respect from society because of your title and profession.

                              But I never had to worry about that. I mailed it in in school, majored in a topic that would enable to make the highest level of income that I could make without being an engineer, got my designations and leveraged them into a relatively successful career.

                              In other words, I don't have any regrets.

                              Get "personal" often? Carnac the Magnificent has spoken. The only complex shown here is: $$$ = Success and smarts, $ = Failure and stupidity. Nothing else counts. Scrooge says "Hi".


                              • Originally posted by wufan View Post

                                “I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous. ' And God granted it.” -Voltaire
                                We are not enemies sir! You are currently the beneficiary of a unilateral peace agreement.

                                Kung needs to organize the first annual Shockernet picnic. I will bring a tall one for pinstripers. No masks required. (I'll be seated upwind though)

                                Let's do it November, 3rd. I plan to be shitfaced on that day anyway.

