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  • Jackson Lahmeyer @JacksonLahmeyer

    Under President Donald J Trump, middle-class family income increased by nearly $6,000. Under Joe Biden, inflation has canceled out all wage gains.


    • Let's think about why Biden nominated a Marxist to the Treasury Department

      The comptroller of the currency is not another one of those do-nothing Washington jobs.  The person filling this critical role controls all federally licensed banks, credit unions, and foreign banks operating in the United States and simila...

      The comptroller of the currency is not another one of those do-nothing Washington jobs. The person filling this critical role controls all federally licensed banks, credit unions, and foreign banks operating in the United States and similar institutions. Normally, you would think receiving your postgraduate education at the University of Moscow (in the USSR) and writing your doctoral dissertation on the advantages of Marxism over free economy capitalism might be a disqualifier for this all-powerful position.

      As noted yesterday, some conservatives digging into Omarova's recent past may have found the wooden stake to drive through the heart of her nomination. In a newly unearthed video clip, this woman who Biden wants to control all our nation's finances told her audience, "In order to prevent climate change, we have to bankrupt all the coal, oil, and gas companies."

      That she probably won't get confirmed isn't the most important part of the story. There is absolutely no doubt the Biden cabal knew about her history and ideology before they nominated Comrade Omarova to run the nation's financial future. This feeds into the question so many of us are asking.

      How could it be possible that Biden and Harris and their policies are such complete and total failures in absolutely every area? It simply is not conceivable that all their failures, the universal disasters that have hurt the country and its people so badly could have been accidents. No one is that bad "accidentally."

      What does that mean to us now and in the near future?

      In looking at Omarova's nomination and everything else this administration has done, from the border to Kabul to the supported terrorists, including Iranians, receiving de facto permission to build their atomic bomb, I believe we are forced into one inescapable conclusion: the Biden/Harris administration's actions are not the result of ineptitude. They are a carefully thought out, well planned, and almost flawlessly executed plan to ensure the destruction of the United States as we know her. It is being viciously implemented by Obama acolytes such as Susan Rice and hundreds of others who are the people really running our country under the Biden administration.

      Is that an overstatement? I certainly hope so.

      After Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, Admiral Yamamoto presciently said, "I fear all we have done is awaken the sleeping tiger." Certainly, the election in Virginia suggests that Americans are becoming roused. But that may not necessarily save us.

      The new question we almost dare not ask is this: do the radical Democrats now realize they will lose their rubberstamp governing power in Washington after next year's midterm elections? With that in mind, will they simply accelerate what they're doing to destroy the country so that they can accomplish their goal before Republicans almost certainly take over Congress in fifteen months?

      I certainly have no crystal ball to predict the results of such an attempt by the radical left, but Omarova's nomination leaves little doubt as to their intentions.


      • Jeff Jacoby @Jeff_Jacoby

        Spending trillions of dollars the government doesn't have will "ease inflationary pressures" — Biden's words — the way dumping a bucket of water on your head will ease wetness.


        • "I’ve adopted the attitude of the great negro at the time, pitcher of the Negro leagues, who went on to become a great pitcher in the pros — in Major League Baseball — after Jackie Robinson. His name was Satchel Paige," -------------- Joe Biden recalled.


          • On Biden’s Facebook today-

            Jobs are up, wages are up, home values are up, personal debt is down, and unemployment is down.

            We have more work to do, but there is no question that the economy continues to recover and is in much better shape today than it was a year ago.
            People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
            Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


            • Originally posted by shock View Post
              On Biden’s Facebook today-

              Jobs are up, wages are up, home values are up, personal debt is down, and unemployment is down.

              We have more work to do, but there is no question that the economy continues to recover and is in much better shape today than it was a year ago.
              How about using pre-COVID economy data creepy Joe? What a maroon.


              • Originally posted by shock View Post
                On Biden’s Facebook today-

                Jobs are up, wages are up, home values are up, personal debt is down, and unemployment is down.

                We have more work to do, but there is no question that the economy continues to recover and is in much better shape today than it was a year ago.

                Anybody that thinks this lying Clown Show is better than Trump is just hopeless beyond hopeless. Thankfully the Democratic Party is on the downward turn.
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post


                  Anybody that thinks this lying Clown Show is better than Trump is just hopeless beyond hopeless. Thankfully the Democratic Party is on the downward turn.
                  "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                  • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                    • Trip Gabriel @tripgabriel

                      "The WH has begun bracing lawmakers for a disappointing estimate from the CBO, which is likely to find that the cost of the BBB will not be fully paid for with new tax revenue over the coming decade."


                      • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                        Trip Gabriel @tripgabriel

                        "The WH has begun bracing lawmakers for a disappointing estimate from the CBO, which is likely to find that the cost of the BBB will not be fully paid for with new tax revenue over the coming decade."
                        Livin the dream


                        • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                          Trip Gabriel @tripgabriel

                          "The WH has begun bracing lawmakers for a disappointing estimate from the CBO, which is likely to find that the cost of the BBB will not be fully paid for with new tax revenue over the coming decade."
                          I am so shocked!! I thought the cost was $0? You mean that wasn't accurate?


                          • Absolutely hilarious!!

                            A private pilot flew their plane near Phoenix, Arizona to create a giant “FJB,” or **** Joe Biden, in the sky.

                            Spotted on the flight-tracking website Flight Aware, the pilot drew out “FJB” alongside a middle finger before landing.

                            OAN anchor Stephanie Hamill posted the comedic stunt on Twitter.


                            • Catalina Lauf @CatalinaLauf

                              The Biden Administration estimates the infrastructure package will create 2 million jobs. The bill cost taxpayers $1.2 trillion. That's $600,000 for each job created.


                              • The Attorney General lied to Congress that they were investigating parents who were just protesting against their School Boards. When the FBI uses anti-terrorism tools to track parents who protest, what does this mean? Do they track finances? Do they use the IRS or other federal agencies? Are they using meta-data CIA intelligence bugging tools to find out what parents are doing in their personal lives?

                                I'd like to hear from parents who may be concerned about what their kids are learning in school.

                                "A whistleblower at the Department of Justice furnished an email to the House Judiciary Committee that confirms the agency is using anti-terrorism surveillance tools to identify and track parents who protest education policies at local school board meetings. The October 20 email, sent on behalf of the assistant director of the FBI’s counterterrorism division and assistant director of the FBI’s criminal investigative division, under the subject line, “Guidance: Threat to Violence against School Administrators,” advised the head of each FBI field office to use a “threat tag” and apply the tag to “investigations and threats specifically directed against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.”

                                FBI agents were asked to determine any “federal nexus” or “federal violations” related to potential threats, a clear indication the Justice Department would criminally prosecute school board threats under its counterterrorism authority. This is the same approach the Justice Department is using against hundreds of Americans charged with various offenses, including misdemeanors, related to the Capitol protest on January 6.

                                The email appears to contradict Attorney General Merrick Garland’s sworn testimony to the House Judiciary Committee last month; Garland denied that his department considers parents angrily protesting at school board meetings “domestic terrorists” and hedged on whether the National Security Division, the Justice Department office responsible for handling federal terrorist threats, would be involved in an effort to monitor and flag parents accused of threatening conduct toward educators."

                                Last edited by Shockm; November 17, 2021, 09:24 AM.

