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Rev Al To Minneapolis (what could go wrong?)

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  • Originally posted by Shocked2tears
    I have so much white privlidge the county held me in a holding cell for three weeks and denied needed medical care while in custody when i was a fresh age of 18 because of a quarter ounce of marijuana.

    90 percent of black deaths are from other black people. Go check the stats, but since they dont fit the narrative they must be false.

    George Floyd wasn't a rare occurance. People die from police brutality no matter the skin color.

    Funny how this happens after WPD officers got SHOT tuesday night on 21st by "protesters"
    why didn't the news report such behavior? Probably because it would have turned into the national spotlight story (much like denying Ivanka Trump to give her speech) thats a national story now

    Good look WSU. enjoy your "law abiding citizens" what a joke.

    Funny how QT picked up and left the community that looted them, at least some company gets it.
    Bye again!!!


    • Originally posted by Shocked2tears
      If you wanna support burning innocent businesses, burning civilian homes with children inside and shooting cops be my guest. But when they're in your hood, dont cry to law enforcement.

      im sure the shockers will be there with you in spirit when you watch your children burn alive because the firetrucks were blocked from getting to your house
      Bye a third time!!


      • Originally posted by Shocked2tears
        Do you have anything of value to contribute? Or are you just stuck on repeat?

        maybe im just not informed enough to understand, so please stickboy, i needs somes edjumacations
        Bye Mr brand new account to just rant!


        • Originally posted by Shocked2tears
          Maybe i have a new account because ive never felt the need to express my opinions.

          When something i loved so dearly makes a uneducated biased political move like this, i feel as someone needs to say something.

          Are you saying i dont get to enjoy the first amendment like the rest?

          sure sounds like you subscribe to the ideology of what you're fighting against.

          Sorry i do other things with my time than make 5000 posts on a college basketball forum, i must not be entitled to an opinion.
          I thought you were done with the shockers... Move on. The players exercised their first amendment right. You say their opinion is wrong. So why are you here still?

          This was a positive post that you have decided to turn negative. Congrats!!


          • Originally posted by wufan View Post
            One other thing...there are hundreds of thousands of protestors and tens of thousands of cops. They are interacting daily, and most of them aren’t causing harm. I read some pretty vile things on social media. Some of these posters I know personally. I’m not having or seeing the negative interactions in person that one would think Would be the case. Most folks are good people.
            According to Biden only 15% of people are bad.


            • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post

              According to Biden only 15% of people are bad.
              What 15% of the population is that?
              Livin the dream


              • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                This is a really bad look for Buffalo officers in light of 57 of them resigning from the ERT due to the two officers getting suspended.

                There’s video now of the old man saying we was out for fun and was going to taunt the police. If you watch the video, he has a cell phone in his hand he’s waving over cop 1 and cop 2s torso. Don’t know what that’s about.
                Livin the dream


                • The protests were much more peaceful this weekend. That’s good for the country!
                  Livin the dream


                  • Originally posted by wufan View Post

                    What 15% of the population is that?
                    For a definitive answer, you might want to ask Biden for clarification, but I suspect his answer would be the part of the population that fit in the "deplorable" segment.


                    • If this whole "defund the police" business is so that some private militia can police "their own" neighborhoods, the world is in BIG, BIG trouble. And I mean the WORLD, not just the USA.

                      If we see or hear ANYTHING published about replacing the police forces with private militias, this is a very, very serious situation for every man, woman and child in this country -- and ultimately the world if it's allowed to happen.

                      Allowing an extreme left or extreme right wing organization to have military class weapons all over the country, legally, with the pretense that they are just policing their own districts --- I mean that is 1920's Germany all over again. That would literally be a paramilitary organization -- one that you cannot "vote out" -- rising to power right in front of our eyes.

                      Every conservative, moderate, and liberal in their right mind should be fighting any effort to defund our local police departments. In fact, we should be stepping all over ourselves to make sure they are funded MORE now than ever.

                      My gosh.

                      Yes, get the dirt bag racists out of the police department -- but please, please, please support the 95% our cops that are good men and women working on our behalf and protecting us.
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                        If this whole "defund the police" business is so that some private militia can police "their own" neighborhoods, the world is in BIG, BIG trouble. And I mean the WORLD, not just the USA.

                        If we see or hear ANYTHING published about replacing the police forces with private militias, this is a very, very serious situation for every man, woman and child in this country -- and ultimately the world if it's allowed to happen.

                        Allowing an extreme left or extreme right wing organization to have military class weapons all over the country, legally, with the pretense that they are just policing their own districts --- I mean that is 1920's Germany all over again. That would literally be a paramilitary organization -- one that you cannot "vote out" -- rising to power right in front of our eyes.

                        Every conservative, moderate, and liberal in their right mind should be fighting any effort to defund our local police departments. In fact, we should be stepping all over ourselves to make sure they are funded MORE now than ever.

                        My gosh.

                        Yes, get the dirt bag racists out of the police department -- but please, please, please support the 95% our cops that are good men and women working on our behalf and protecting us.
                        The police unions are going to have to "get real" when it comes protecting the brotherhood or there won't be a brotherhood. I have no idea how serious or small the 17 or so infractions that Chauvin had over the years, but it sounds like an awful lot. Perhaps the DA offices need to get tougher on cops as well. I feel real sorry for 2 of the 4 cops as they were only on their 4th day of active service and I understand that one even tried to convince Chauvin to do something different but got "put in his place".


                        • We are a nation of laws, and these laws must be enforced, equally.

                          That being said, let me say that I am more than a little troubled by the arrest of the other police at the scene. I understand that it might be conspiracy, but that seems like an immediate stretch and more like vigilante justice on the part of the DA. It seems a little like A Few Good Men and the last episode of Seinfeld. If we're going to criminalize inaction against wrong, then we have jumped down an extremely slippery slope. Lose their job? Yes. (which has happened). Pay a criminal price? ............

                          We already have one sided social vigilante justice. One group of people will have their livelihood taken away if they simply utter a word that is completely accepted by a different group of people. Free speech for one group is not free speech for another. Now we have a strength coach at Iowa who may have his ability to do what he does taken away because he may have used the word ghetto. That kind of scrutiny does not go both ways.

                          A very slippery slope, in my opinion.

                          We all need to listen, and we all need to get better. I believe that kind of success begins with looking inward, taking personal responsibility, and trying to be and do better ourselves. When we all can do that, we'll be better. ALL of us. But not just groups of us and certainly not when the plurality of the talking is blaming others. The responsibility is within all of us.


                          • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                            We are a nation of laws, and these laws must be enforced, equally.

                            That being said, let me say that I am more than a little troubled by the arrest of the other police at the scene. I understand that it might be conspiracy, but that seems like an immediate stretch and more like vigilante justice on the part of the DA. It seems a little like A Few Good Men and the last episode of Seinfeld. If we're going to criminalize inaction against wrong, then we have jumped down an extremely slippery slope. Lose their job? Yes. (which has happened). Pay a criminal price? ............

                            We already have one sided social vigilante justice. One group of people will have their livelihood taken away if they simply utter a word that is completely accepted by a different group of people. Free speech for one group is not free speech for another. Now we have a strength coach at Iowa who may have his ability to do what he does taken away because he may have used the word ghetto. That kind of scrutiny does not go both ways.

                            A very slippery slope, in my opinion.

                            We all need to listen, and we all need to get better. I believe that kind of success begins with looking inward, taking personal responsibility, and trying to be and do better ourselves. When we all can do that, we'll be better. ALL of us. But not just groups of us and certainly not when the plurality of the talking is blaming others. The responsibility is within all of us.
                            I agree. We need personal responsibility and personal accountability across the board. Don’t support these crazed factions that have popped up, or you will sign up for more than you bargained for. Act in good faith as an individual and it will work out well for the collective.
                            Livin the dream


                            • Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post

                              The police unions are going to have to "get real" when it comes protecting the brotherhood or there won't be a brotherhood. I have no idea how serious or small the 17 or so infractions that Chauvin had over the years, but it sounds like an awful lot. Perhaps the DA offices need to get tougher on cops as well. I feel real sorry for 2 of the 4 cops as they were only on their 4th day of active service and I understand that one even tried to convince Chauvin to do something different but got "put in his place".

                              If they can't turn on their body cams as evidence in "fast moving situations" they should be suspended for a certain amount of days, without pay. That would be a good first step. Next would be to ban all choke holds.


                              • Originally posted by wufan View Post

                                I agree. We need personal responsibility and personal accountability across the board. Don’t support these crazed factions that have popped up, or you will sign up for more than you bargained for. Act in good faith as an individual and it will work out well for the collective.

                                As for the influence of crazed factions, how can anyone "self police" in neighborhoods that support "snitches gettin' stitches?"

