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Coronavirus 2019-nCov: Political Thread

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  • NBA Hall of Famer Sues Washington State Medical Board for Silencing Dissent During COVID-19 Pandemic

    NBA Hall of Famer John Stockton is hoping to score some points against those who used the COVID-19 pandemic to silence health professionals who expressed dissenting views about the coronavirus and the vaccines.

    Stockon, along with several doctors, has filed a lawsuit against the Washington State Office of Attorney General and the state’s medical commission. The legal action alleges that these agencies unlawfully stifled the free speech of medical professionals who refused to toe the government line on mask and vaccine mandates, as well as other topics related to the pandemic.

    “The only thing we’re interested in is the First Amendmet issue,” questioning the constitutionality of the medical board to sanction doctors for having different views on the virus.


    • If you want to take the time to listen to this report, you'll be astounded.

      The Covid Epidemic is still here, and is still effecting our bodies, whether you know it or not. One in Five people are being affected. We've all heard of Long Covid, but this report is mainly about Long Vax, and the fact that our Health system has collapsed, and failed us. Doctors are referring to this as a crisis, and are finding that the "spiked protein" is doing more to our bodies than has been reported. And morticians and embalmers are finding all kinds of mysterious winding fibrous materials and blood clots in the dead (when they prepare their bodies). However, when they report these findings to government health officials in the CDC, and elsewhere, they don't hear back and nothing is done.

      These doctors can reverse some or a lot of the things in our bodies from vaccines, etc. but many don't want the word to go out to tell people about these findings. Doctors are not being allowed to treat patients like they want to.

      Worth a listen.

      In recent days, Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert announced she had emergency surgery for a blood clot and was diagnosed with an iliac vein problem call...
      Last edited by Shockm; April 8, 2024, 10:48 AM.


      • The fact that Fauci even tried to lie to us about the coronavirus not coming from the labratory is just mind boggling beyond belief.
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
          The fact that Fauci even tried to lie to us about the coronavirus not coming from the labratory is just mind boggling beyond belief.
          He should be stood up against a wall.


          • "CIA now favors lab-leak theory, as critics of covid response take power​"

            If I ever meet Dr. Fauci, I'd be more inclined to give him a hug than a handshake. What a hero! Always following best practices. Like a beacon of truth!

            For every medal that Rush Limbaugh gets, Dr. Fauci should get 80. And in fact, he probably has.


            • Well, he'll be in hell, so it's up to you


              • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                Well, he'll be in hell, so it's up to you
                If I've gotta travel to hell to hug the good doc, where do you have to travel to give trump his pickle back?

                You can tell a lot by a man's family...

                Photo: Lisa Helfert How nurse-bioethicist Christine Grady (N’74, G’93) and her husband, new faculty member Anthony Fauci, live their commitment to public service, health, and each other In May 2023, […]

                A partnership for good

                How nurse-bioethicist Christine Grady (N’74, G’93) and her husband, new faculty member Anthony Fauci, live their commitment to public service, health, and each other

                ​Fauci, an immunologist, infectious disease researcher, and advisor to seven U.S. presidents, deeply values his education at Jesuit schools. Grady and Fauci were married in 1985 in Dahlgren Chapel, and they celebrated the births of their three children at Georgetown’s hospital.

                Grady, an accomplished scientist and nurse bioethicist, studied biology at the School of Nursing and earned her Ph.D. in bioethics at Georgetown. Known internationally for her thought leadership on ethical issues in clinical research and clinical care, she is a senior investigator at the NIH, where she serves as chief of their Clinical Center’s Department of Bioethics and head of the department’s Section on Human Subjects Research. From 2010–2017 she was a member of the President’s Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.

                Tony and Christine are just good people. They seem almost perfect, actually.

                In contrast:



                • He straight up lied in a cover up.
                  Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                  • BUT TRUMP
                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • The current administration/Trumpers penchant for undisciplined, conspiratorial thinking should give reasoned men pause.

                      Normally, folks that persist in trafficking in fictional/fantastical dialogue are eventually labeled a Kook and summarily ignored. Rand Paul immediately comes to mind here.

                      But what's weird - scary even now, is that those who the country relies on to be good stewards of.... reality (?), are in control of most of the messaging on reality.

                      The wet dream of one suffering from psychotic episodes, would be to have the power to bend reality to their own. This eliminates the discomfort of being called crazy, and ultimately becoming institutionalized.

                      Trump's new CIA director is doing exactly this.

                      But fear not Shocker friends! I will continue to be the unpaid voice of reason and unrevisionistic historian.

                      For the record, the scientific consensus is that the virus originated in the wild. This is not definitive, and the lab-leak theory is not 100% rejected, but the current consensus is zoonotic. I wanted it to be lab-leaked, but my duty is to the truth first, and the truth is what I just said.

                      P.S. The new CIA director immediately goes on CB's wackadoo list for propagandistic behavior. He is a dishonest man with no honor.


                      • But definitely Trump
                        Deuces Valley.
                        ... No really, deuces.
                        "Enjoy the ride."

                        - a smart man

