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Coronavirus 2019-nCov: Political Thread

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  • NBA Hall of Famer Sues Washington State Medical Board for Silencing Dissent During COVID-19 Pandemic

    NBA Hall of Famer John Stockton is hoping to score some points against those who used the COVID-19 pandemic to silence health professionals who expressed dissenting views about the coronavirus and the vaccines.

    Stockon, along with several doctors, has filed a lawsuit against the Washington State Office of Attorney General and the state’s medical commission. The legal action alleges that these agencies unlawfully stifled the free speech of medical professionals who refused to toe the government line on mask and vaccine mandates, as well as other topics related to the pandemic.

    “The only thing we’re interested in is the First Amendmet issue,” questioning the constitutionality of the medical board to sanction doctors for having different views on the virus.


    • If you want to take the time to listen to this report, you'll be astounded.

      The Covid Epidemic is still here, and is still effecting our bodies, whether you know it or not. One in Five people are being affected. We've all heard of Long Covid, but this report is mainly about Long Vax, and the fact that our Health system has collapsed, and failed us. Doctors are referring to this as a crisis, and are finding that the "spiked protein" is doing more to our bodies than has been reported. And morticians and embalmers are finding all kinds of mysterious winding fibrous materials and blood clots in the dead (when they prepare their bodies). However, when they report these findings to government health officials in the CDC, and elsewhere, they don't hear back and nothing is done.

      These doctors can reverse some or a lot of the things in our bodies from vaccines, etc. but many don't want the word to go out to tell people about these findings. Doctors are not being allowed to treat patients like they want to.

      Worth a listen.

      In recent days, Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert announced she had emergency surgery for a blood clot and was diagnosed with an iliac vein problem call...
      Last edited by Shockm; April 8, 2024, 09:48 AM.

