Originally posted by RoyalShock
I would also contend that the vast majority of minimum wage jobs are entry level/part time/little or no experience required jobs and not intended by the EMPLOYEE to be a living wage job.
I love this sentence by RS but I also think it can be expanded to include the vast majority of politicians that are so arrogant that they think they are the only ones capable of making decisions that affect all of us.
The power wielded by the folks in office forever (and as conservative as I am, Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd and Henry Waxman are not much more of a problem than Orin Hatch, Lindsey Graham and Todd Tiahrt) and the arrogance associated with that tenure and power is a BIG part of our political problem in my opinion.
We must have term limits for all of our federal elected officials if we ever want to truly change the status quo.