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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    Some serious awesomeness going on in Sedgwick County:

    1) The trend that started in mid-October and peaked pre-Thanksgiving has now tapered off ever since the peak and is now down to very low summer levels.
    2) Lots of excess Covid (and non-covid) beds.
    3) Only 13 Covid patients in ICU.
    4) The health community is vaxed.
    5) All elderly that want to be have at least the first vax.

    Now's not the time to relax. Push forward and destroy this alien monster, TRIPLE MASK FTW!


    • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post

      Now's not the time to relax. Push forward and destroy this alien monster, TRIPLE MASK FTW!
      I love it when you talk like this!

      Let's get the infections down under 10k per day and return to a semblance of normalcy.


      • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post

        I guess they can do wonders with blow up dolls these days. They can talk now?
        Ya'll should be thanking me that I don't post her picture. It would be like returning home to meatloaf for the rest of your lives. But I am tempted. She is so .

        A little too head-over-heels though at this point I think. Those hot flames tend to burn out quickly unfortunately.

        Where did we meet? Why on an elite online service for celebrities, professionals, and Internet legends.

        I will admit, I've been on a bit of a dry spell the last 6 mos. or so which makes me even more angry at the Deniers.
        I really haven't put up much of an effort though lately. Getting too close to vaccination time. But this little work of art kinda fell onto my lap......... (no pun intended).


        • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

          Ya'll should be thanking me that I don't post her picture. It would be like returning home to meatloaf for the rest of your lives. But I am tempted. She is so .

          A little too head-over-heels though at this point I think. Those hot flames tend to burn out quickly unfortunately.

          Where did we meet? Why on an elite online service for celebrities, professionals, and Internet legends.

          I will admit, I've been on a bit of a dry spell the last 6 mos. or so which makes me even more angry at the Deniers.
          I really haven't put up much of an effort though lately. Getting too close to vaccination time. But this little work of art kinda fell onto my lap......... (no pun intended).
          It is definitely the fault of orange man that you aren’t getting laid on the regular.
          Livin the dream


          • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

            Ya'll should be thanking me that I don't post her picture. It would be like returning home to meatloaf for the rest of your lives. But I am tempted. She is so .

            A little too head-over-heels though at this point I think. Those hot flames tend to burn out quickly unfortunately.

            Where did we meet? Why on an elite online service for celebrities, professionals, and Internet legends.

            I will admit, I've been on a bit of a dry spell the last 6 mos. or so which makes me even more angry at the Deniers.
            I really haven't put up much of an effort though lately. Getting too close to vaccination time. But this little work of art kinda fell onto my lap......... (no pun intended).
            I'm sure you are still welcome to the buck toothed woman with a pouchy stomach on Broadway for the right amount of money that you've relied on in the past. Diseases beware. However, I'm not surprised that impeccable ladies would keep their distance.


            • Originally posted by wufan View Post

              It is definitely the fault of orange man that you aren’t getting laid on the regular.
              I'm glad we see eye to eye on this issue. Tiny victories.

              When the pandemic began, I was in a steady relationship. But when it escalated, we agreed to suspend meeting for a month to see how things shook out. She was working around very vulnerable patients. After a period we hung out again and it wasn't quite the same. The relationship was revealed to have been a 'situationship'. But who knows, maybe we're still together had this pandemic never happened. We're still great friends to this day (as are many of my ex's) and converse regularly.

              Had a really nice long-distance relationship too for a while in the summer w/ a few pleasant weekend 'meetings'. But dating definitely shut down the last 6 mos. when the **** hit the fan due to the bungled, uncoordinated response and lack of steady leadership.


              • Texas Roadhouse CEO dies by suicide after experiencing ‘unbearable’ COVID symptoms
                Taylor’s family said in a statement to The Hill and CNN that the business executive “took his own life” after “a battle with post-Covid related symptoms, including severe tinnitus,” which is a ringing in the ears.

                “Kent battled and fought hard like the former track champion that he was, but the suffering that greatly intensified in recent days became unbearable,” the statement said.
                As I warned almost a year ago, Covid Syndrome will become a very big, expensive deal over the next couple years. Millions of people are not whole after "recovering" from their bout with 'the alien'. So unfortunate; so unnecessary. Most people truly are sheep and can be led straight off a cliff with little effort.

                P.S. Death... is not the only bad Covid outcome.


                • Just making sure I got the record straight. You receive sympathy when someone commits suicide due to covid issues but if any other random person decides to off themselves because they can’t handle lockdown or whatever, it’s not a big deal.

                  Just wanna know which deaths are important and which ones aren’t.
                  Deuces Valley.
                  ... No really, deuces.
                  "Enjoy the ride."

                  - a smart man


                  • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                    Just making sure I got the record straight. You receive sympathy when someone commits suicide due to covid issues but if any other random person decides to off themselves because they can’t handle lockdown or whatever, it’s not a big deal.

                    Just wanna know which deaths are important and which ones aren’t.
                    The ones that fit his agenda are obviously the only ones that matter
                    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                    RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                    Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                    ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                    Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                    Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                    • I don't know what the point is. COVID is bad. There is no need to make it worse than it is.


                      • Sedgwick County positivity rate down to 1.95%. I was told you can start resuming levels of normalcy when community spread is low. How low does it have to go to resume? 1%? 0.5%? ZERO%?
                        Deuces Valley.
                        ... No really, deuces.
                        "Enjoy the ride."

                        - a smart man


                        • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                          Sedgwick County positivity rate down to 1.95%. I was told you can start resuming levels of normalcy when community spread is low. How low does it have to go to resume? 1%? 0.5%? ZERO%?
                          Yes, but there are variants coming and death rates will rise. This is an insidious alien virus. Can't believe those people in Florida are having fun on spring break. We must wear four masks for at least another decade to slow the spread.


                          • CB's left arm is getting sore... you know what that means...

                            Watch out world! I'm makin' a comeback!


                            • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                              Just making sure I got the record straight. You receive sympathy when someone commits suicide due to covid issues but if any other random person decides to off themselves because they can’t handle lockdown or whatever, it’s not a big deal.

                              Just wanna know which deaths are important and which ones aren’t.
                              You've pretty much got it nailed!

                              A woman suffering from intense chronic back pain, a veteran that can't stop the nightmares, or the random civilian that contracted Covid and now suffers from Acute Covid Syndrome, are all cases deserving the utmost sympathy.

                              Britney losing her cell phone and hanging herself in the back yard in protest; or Hunter driving his car into a tree drunk because he wasn't allowed to attend football practice while under quarantine does not compare.

                              Much of the spread of this pandemic has been by entitled youth with little empathy and consideration for others. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a young person learning the valuable lesson of sacrifice and suffering for their fellow man. All those (including myself) who've sacrificed and suffered through this pandemic have a lot to be proud of. All of us have undoubtedly saved the life and health of many, many others. And that's saying nothing of our own.

                              There was a time when a young man kissed his mother and went off to war to never return. All we asked of our youth in 2020 was to do their homework online for a few months, play extra video games, and wear a mask every time they were out in public. Had I been a suicidal child and then found out I didn't have to get up for school the rest of the year, I think that alone would have snapped me right out of it.

                              DISCLAIMER: I am not making light of people with real depression stemming from psychological trauma or chemical imbalances. I AM making light of suicides for missing the prom - particularly when compared to people with REAL ****ING PROBLEMS.

                              That is all.


                              • Originally posted by ABC View Post
                                I don't know what the point is. COVID is bad. There is no need to make it worse than it is.
                                The goal is to beat it brother. Get those vaccines in arms and avoid a 4th wave. We're talking only a couple more months. We've all been in this **** for a year now, what's a couple more months of rapid vaccine distribution?

                                I'm tellin' you folks... people have NO IDEA what's around the corner w/ all these "Covid Survivors". It has a lasting impact on many people. Whenever I hear somebody say, "EVERYTHING NEEDS TO OPEN UP RIGHT NOW!!!111" I hear the mutterings of a madman... or the siren song of the troll...

                                This disease is absolutely NOTHING to **** with.

                                I'm gonna share something else right quick: This gal I bumped into online, she's in academia like I mentioned; she had some of the worst stories I had ever heard regarding Covid bad outcomes and teachers, students, etc. This girl was a hardcore Trumper, yet she was terrified of what she had seen in her VERY conservative Republican city. It was kind of funny to hear her contradict herself sometimes. On occasion she would utter some Covidiot propaganda (FOX), then seconds later would moan about her fears for herself or her son who had a serious risk factor. It's just sad the confusion the average citizen has about the pandemic due to the politicization of it. This is not a dumb girl but she sincerely asked me if the vaccine changes your DNA (FaceBook propaganda). She was genuinely afraid to get the 2nd shot. But back to her stories: she had several friends who had died of Covid, some quite young with zero health issues. One friend laughed it off after catching the bug and then stayed at home until severely ill with pneumonia and then never left the hospital alive. Should invite her on this forum. She a helluva lot more convincing Death Angel than I could ever be.

                                It's just so sad that people think allowing infections to persist is no big deal. They literally have no clue. Or worse... they do and they just don't care.

                                We need to get the daily infection rate under 10,000/day ASAP!

                                Uncle Joe needs to keep the dollars flowing towards programs that will increase the speed of inoculation or vaccine manufacture. I truly think we can be back to near-normal by the summer. But people have GOT to stop buggin' with the OPEN UP NOW B.S. WTF is 2 more months I'll say again... KEEP the GD masks on until we get like 50% of the population inoculated at least.

