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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • Originally posted by WuTheOne View Post

    These are fairly intelligent people who can do math and assess risk. The vaccines are not 100% effective. I believe it's around 88% effective against the Delta variant and 95% against the original strain. An unvaccinated person has 0% effective immunity against every variant. It's 8 to 20 times as likely that an unvaccinated person will carry the virus than a vaccinated person.

    Close contact with unvaccinated people (compared to close contact with vaccinated people) increases the risk of vaccinated people becoming infected. Being around unvaccinated people in a social setting is an unnecessary risk.
    Actually, a recent Israeli study puts the Pfizer vaccine at only 64% effective against the Delta strain.


    • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

      Does your group allow people with a prior COVID infection, but no vaccine to participate?
      The vaccine offers more protection than natural infection except in some of the most extreme cases. Repeat Covid infections are downright common nowadays. If you've been infected, particularly 6 mos. ago or longer, you absolutely want to take the vaccine.


      • Originally posted by WuTheOne View Post
        To answer the above two posts - No and no.

        These are mostly retired people. There are at least 3 PhD's in the group and I believe all are college grads, several with Masters degrees. All sides of the political spectrum are represented, and they all agree on the rules.

        It's my house. I make the rules. Anybody have a problem with that?
        I like you. I like your friends too!

        Thank you for being a responsible member of the community. I wish you and yours the utmost safety (and luck).


        • Originally posted by shoxlax View Post

          Or what about one shot and not two?
          Definitely get the 2nd shot. It's what really propels the immune response to something well beyond your "standard Covid" infection.

          Can't wait for the booster!


          • Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
            So naturally immunity doesn't count? Sounds logical...
            Everybody should get the vaccine... EVERYBODY.

            I know many healthcare workers who have gotten the alien virus and still ran to the vaccine booth the moment it was offered. There really is no downside for 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999% of the public.


            • Originally posted by WuTheOne View Post
              When my house rules are questioned, I will defend them. I can look at an immunization record. Does someone who's had covid get some type of certificate that's signed off by a health care provider that can be verified?

              In my experience, vaccinated people trust other vaccinated people, but do not want to be exposed to unvaccinated people if that can be avoided. To me that seems to be a remarkably easy decision to make.
              It's natural to be on defense in this thread. Many of the fine folks in here have been sold a bill of goods by the prior administration and they simply will not go back to ask for a refund. This issue should never have become political. I'm thankful for Biden's effort to do his level best to stick to the facts and the plan.


              • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post

                If the vaccine works, why are we worried though?
                The vaccine is working less and less after each successful "beneficial" mutation of consequence. Do you want to be the first fully vaccinated person to die from Covid? Ooops?! That just happened the other day. Still, the vaccines are helpful, and we need to get them distributed to as many people, as fast as we can. It is our only line of defense in this country.


                • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
                  Scratch that. They can’t do parties anymore.
                  I have been operating pre-pandemic for about 6 weeks now. No mask, anywhere unless required in a medical center. I'm unhappy with the current trends I see, but am not ready to mask up again. If we don't get the vaccines out and Delta starts really taking off, I will not hesitate to "re-don" the N95. I am making conservative, statistically calculated decisions on how I operate responsibly in this pandemic. My decisions are not borne out of fear, resentment, or... 'MERICA!!!11111 It's just science.

                  Interesting side note: I went on a date with a healthcare worker a while back. She let me know halfway through the date that she had tested positive for Covid 2 weeks prior.......... I was like, "Oh really!!??" I played it off. Her sense of smell/taste had not yet returned. She was vaccinated (Pfizer) back in January the moment they become available. I'm sure she had the Delta variant. She travels to a couple different states in her line of work. After 10 days 95% of infected will not be contagious. I'm thankful the numbers played out in my favor. Still happy to say that I am a Covid virgin!


                  • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                    The vaccine is working less and less after each successful "beneficial" mutation of consequence. Do you want to be the first fully vaccinated person to die from Covid? Ooops?! That just happened the other day. Still, the vaccines are helpful, and we need to get them distributed to as many people, as fast as we can. It is our only line of defense in this country.
                    Nope. Propaganda. The vaccine is as effective as ever. Tune out from the MSM cold. It will do you a world of good.

                    Btw, noticed you were nowhere to be found over the past several months. What gives?


                    • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                      I went on a date with a healthcare worker a while back. She let me know halfway through the date that she had tested positive for Covid 2 weeks prior.......... I was like, "Oh really!!??" I played it off. Her sense of smell/taste had not yet returned. She was vaccinated (Pfizer) back in January the moment they become available. I'm sure she had the Delta variant. Still happy to say that I am a virgin!
                      People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                      Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                      Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                      • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                        I have been operating pre-pandemic for about 6 weeks now. No mask, anywhere unless required in a medical center. I'm unhappy with the current trends I see, but am not ready to mask up again. If we don't get the vaccines out and Delta starts really taking off, I will not hesitate to "re-don" the N95. I am making conservative, statistically calculated decisions on how I operate responsibly in this pandemic. My decisions are not borne out of fear, resentment, or... 'MERICA!!!11111 It's just science.

                        Interesting side note: I went on a date with a healthcare worker a while back. She let me know halfway through the date that she had tested positive for Covid 2 weeks prior.......... I was like, "Oh really!!??" I played it off. Her sense of smell/taste had not yet returned. She was vaccinated (Pfizer) back in January the moment they become available. I'm sure she had the Delta variant. She travels to a couple different states in her line of work. After 10 days 95% of infected will not be contagious. I'm thankful the numbers played out in my favor. Still happy to say that I am a Covid virgin!
                        I was unknowingly around several people who had Covid at the time I was around them (both pre and post vaccination) and I never so much as had a sniffle or tested positive. Seems odd given the reported unfathomable spread and strength of the virus...


                        • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post

                          I was unknowingly around several people who had Covid at the time I was around them (both pre and post vaccination) and I never so much as had a sniffle or tested positive. Seems odd given the reported unfathomable spread and strength of the virus...
                          Google "Survivorship Bias".


                          • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post

                            Nope. Propaganda. The vaccine is as effective as ever. Tune out from the MSM cold. It will do you a world of good.

                            Btw, noticed you were nowhere to be found over the past several months. What gives?
                            "The vaccine is as effective as ever."

                            That's factually incorrect.

                            I've already state where I was the last couple months in the preceding posts.


                            • Originally posted by WuTheOne View Post
                              To answer the above two posts - No and no.

                              These are mostly retired people. There are at least 3 PhD's in the group and I believe all are college grads, several with Masters degrees. All sides of the political spectrum are represented, and they all agree on the rules.

                              It's my house. I make the rules. Anybody have a problem with that?
                              I don’t have a problem with you making the rules at your house. You just sound a little fearful and perhaps angry. I have seen nothing that points to vaccinated people having a serious illness so I’m not fearful, and I’m willing to allow my friends the freedom to make their own decision. That’s my perspective, and I feel sad for people living in fear. But we are all free to make our own decisions.


                              • Somebody just orgasmed about 15 posts in a row. Covid must be making the news again.

                                Fear mongering back ON.
                                Deuces Valley.
                                ... No really, deuces.
                                "Enjoy the ride."

                                - a smart man

